Spain will have elections again since Sanchez couldn't get support from Podemos. Is this our second chance...

Spain will have elections again since Sanchez couldn't get support from Podemos. Is this our second chance? Will we be able to stop the left in the next ones?

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I doubt it. Spain and Europe as a whole has been flooded with left voting immigrants.
Didn't Spain just agree to a massive new influx?

Can't wait to vote Front Nacional de Catalunya

we did because of the president we currently have. He's from the socialist party

But was this their only chance os forming goverment? And we will only win if Errejon makes his party, and pp and cs should join like they did in Navarra, that there worked.

Today was the last chance

No, they have until September

You need a strong monarchy.

That's easy to say.

Post more vox-chan

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There won't be new elections fren. I wish. I must admit, despite the fact Vox is a zionist nest, it's the only thing we have now to darle la vuelta a la tortilla...

why is our meme an ugly feminist-looking bitch

It's also easy to do, if you have the will to make it happen.

How will Vox do

why is she holding an octopus arm

Shes cute

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>short hair
>retard face

I respect your insistence on demanding that your women have long hair.

...and I do agree with this.
Short hair is not a deal breaker for me.

Sorry manolo but there's no second chance in your country, Spain is cucked beyond salvation just like Sweden.

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Well she is called 'Vox'

Spain is the mediterranean version of Sweden