Race mixing between white people

>be me.
>be spaniard chad, 19 years of age.
>meet rumanian qt3.14 10/10
>blue eyes
>huge boobs
>she's also orthodox christian
>we have a good relationship and she has been into my house a couple times.

Is it wrong to have offspring knowing she is rumanian and i'm spaniard?
pic related is her.

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-190456.png (930x1412, 1002K)

youre good do it
also post bobs

At leat she will bleach your offspring

Nice story user

Attached: keep-calm-because-te-voy-hacer-picadillo.png (600x700, 416K)

No. It confuses identity and interferes with harmonious family life.

this. don't do it.

>between white people



you got me with the Orthodox Christian part
marry her user please and make babies

>Saudi Arabia
You are the meme here holy shit

Anything that is not europe/usa is a fucking meme flag.

Why didn't you tag the Brazilian then?

Didn't even noticed that post

>looks 40

Yep, seems about right

race mixing is only bad when you and your significant other are not prepared for parenthood. most hapas for example turn into kike shilling nut jobs because they usually have a self-hating mother and a beta father. beta fathers will always father beta sons. mixed race kids (WMAF, AMWF, different types of white) have the potential to be extremely smart and good looking so long as they have good parents and a strong sense of self identity. In the end, they can choose which ethnicity they want to procreate with when the time comes for them to have a family of their own.

>also orthodox christian
I hope you Romanized her, Spaniard. For the glory of Rome.

Go for it - the rest of these tards just jerk off to traps for fuck's sake

Sorry, romanians are not white

Hahaha idk about Jow Forums but this is definitely true for /b/

I know this is b8 because there is no way you would go about posting your gf on Jow Forums.

Anyhow, if true the only issue with race mixing (or in this case, ethnic mixing) is that your children may have identity crisis' and nothing else. If your wife has connections to Spain or vice versa you will likely have children that don't look ethnically mixed and will thus be fine.

Is this burger education?

Spaniards are mutts already unless you are Basque so it literally doesn't matter at all. She seems sexy with nice velvet white skin. Have at it brooo

Since when were Euro-spicks white?
Since when were Romanians not proto-kikes?
Sounds like a fine match, go for it.

Southron subhumans are not White or European

All medshits and some Balkanites are racemixed vermin

Attached: southronorcs.jpg (1000x1000, 227K)

>be me.
>be spaniard chad, 19 years of age.

Spaniard Chads look white.

Yes do it. Be happy.

you posted her picture on Jow Forums... she deserves better than you