Would you rather be Amerimutt or Slav?

Would you rather be Amerimutt or Slav?

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Fuck off

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It's the same thing.

pic related

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Well im already an Amerimutt so I guess my choice has already been made

God why are Poles such subhumans.

Hoenslty tho, these are just worst racial types, you can find that for littelary all ethnicities

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Skinheads from East Germany? Still looks better than Poleshits.

Always meme flags posting shit like this.


of course slav. Being amerimutt means being at least 10% German

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Slav but not a r*ssian subhuman

Bitch, I already am Slav. Feels like a lottery winner lately.

Master race German of course, nothing compares to the beauty of the Aryan race who in no way resemble Slavs in any way what so ever.

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These fine young men are the ultimate Ubermensch, the image of the Norse gods themselves.

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That's rich coming from the ultimate mutt.

Look at those Polish filthy, akin to nigger. Not like the master race Germanic race.

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i choose dinarid

Whatever do you mean my friend, i am here praising the Germans for the beauty of their race

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Are you sure? I bet you just wish you were born a masterrace German just like these fellows.

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I'm sure given the option you would prefer German over the other two.

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This but unironically

At least my dick is not mutilated.