I never trusted trump's. Millitary
I will tell you what happened, a bunch of nigger POGs got busted with coke and hookers and now they are looking at drug and trafficking offenses.
They weren't black
Guaranteed hispanics and niggers. They always act like they're back on the block when on libo.
The false idea that American "Military" guys are "heroes" is total bullshit. They're the most generate fucking scum in the world. The entire Afghan War is all about protecting Opium production there. Anyone who went to Afghanistan is just a two-bit drug dealer.
Fuck US military members and their 'I served' shit talk. I don't give a fuck if you "served". Hey, thanks for spreading global homo-sex, and opium.
Fuck you
>Southern California
Spics being spics and helping their homies.
>Southern California
Largest base in the country. Yep, you're an idiot.
"I, served."
>we served
Face it the army has been homosexing for a long ass time, they were just not gay. Kinda like jail.
Yeah Trump ordered them to do this..... KYS
... for israel, opium and homo sex
uh oh uber patriots?
>muh trump
gtfo here faggot
Prove it then
That’s what you get for hiring ex mexicans
MS-13 sends their boys to join the military for firearms training. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the same thing.
You're the faggot posting all the gay shit.
marines and army is full of criminally minded people.
It's most likely British-Americans. They have a long history of being in the military, since that is where the homosexuals are.
you're a british-american homosexual
POG shit. Outside of the 03XX series, Marines aren't held to the same standards, generally speaking. I am sure it's the same in the Army.
As if those kinds of problem arrived with Trump. Every military has criminals in it, you git.
yeah sure whatever faggot... hows the opium trade in afghanistan going? when this goes down you wont have as many friends as you thought you did
>16 US Marines
>1. Master sergeant Rico Hernandez
>2. Gunnery sergeant Jorge Mendez
>3. Staff sergeant Juan Gonzales
>4. Sergeant Santi Garcia
>5. Sergeant Roberto Alvarez
>6. Corporal Jorge Rodriguez
>7. Corporal Raul Sanchez
>8. Corporal Javier Vasquez
>9. Lance Corporal Hugo Perez
>10. Lance Corporal Jesus Pillar
>11. Lance Corporal Fernando Ferreira
>12. PFC Pablo Nunez
>13. PFC Oscar Espinoza
>14. PFC Rafael Cruz
>15. Private Mauricio Delgado
>16. Private Daniel Mendoza
The British and Mexico have been allies against America for a long time.
Behind every Mexican there's a Brit.
Puerto rican marines doing what they do best
Morpheus you are the dumbest faggot on the board and considering the people that come here that's saying a lot.
Merica, fuck yeah
Apparently you forget the camp porno/horno scandal in the mid to late 90s
What battalion were they? I bet it was air wing.
nobody here is named Morpheus you stupid shizo anglo-turk faggot.