Хpиcтoc вocкpec

Why is Jow Forums so overwhelmingly Christian?

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The same reason as so many people on here want to believe in Q. They want to feel safe knowing that someone more powerful than them will make it all okay.

>t. gaslighting demon

With the difference that here we don't want to feel better about ourselves but instead carry the will of God even if it means our death

Easter is an entire year away, op

My mother is orthodox and i wouldve been baptized orthodox if it werent for my dad's mother bitching about it

shut the fuck up nigger. do you believe in ghosts too?

Shut it fedora

Because Christ is the truth, and following Him is the only way our civilization can survive

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Imagine having a chance of being saved and then some old bitch starts to yap her protty mouth baka

Incorrect, it will change, not die

because its the truth. No matter how you see it.
If you see the Bible as just a book with metaphores and stories to have the people learn from these then you are correct.
If you see the Bible as a historical record you are correct too.
If you see it as a metaphysical description of the workings of the world then you still are correct.
If you see it as the direct revelation of God to you, you are correct.
If you see Jesus Christ as some dude giving you advice on how to live the best life and be a decent person you still are correct.
If you see Jesus Christ as God incarnated into the flesh you are correct.

Also God claimed this board as his own on multiple occasions

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Because it is pure and right

It's not desu

>Хpиcтoc вocкpec

Хpиcтoc вocкpece and youre weeks to late faggot

What makes you say the system of "Be a Christian go to Heaven, don't be one go to Hell" is even real?

What criteria do you use to determine what is "Pure and right?"

Boиcтинy Bocкpec.
Because its a counter culture board, and unlike Russia, the West has being godless as mainstream

The word of an omniscient being

I just like the phrase

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shoo glownigger

t. baby angel believer

no problem fren, as long as you mean it and use it respectfully

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why did Christian force my ancestors to convert or die

you're getting paid too much for this

>Why is Jow Forums so overwhelmingly Christian?
it's not.
they are just really noisy.
like the blacks.

they think Jow Forums is a xtian board desu
but is not

>everyone who doesn't believe in my religion and think's people who believe in supernatural beings like angels and demons is a shill

Because God and Christ are the Truth.

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most people here hate that filthy kike. its just that the few christcucks that are here sperg the most so they are more visible

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Name those ancestors of yours.

Literally not how it happened.

also this

christ niggers raus raus raus

why did pagans murder every christian they could find for 200 years?

There are a bunch of Satanists here.

I like "Christ is among us" more. Do you use that one? Хpиcтoc јe мeђy нaмa

y u lie¿?

dont project one's character onto others

because all the first christcucks were kikes

How do you know it's the word of an omniscient being and not the word of ancient primitives? Especially since archaeology suggests their vision of the world was a flat-disk covered like a dome with a "firmament," their medical technology consisted of killing birds to cure leprosy, that painting stripes on cow-parents will make their calves have stripes etc? Not to mention their belief in numerology & Kabbalah

i can't say i'm surprised.
you really are a gaslighting glownigger

Are you a nihilist by any chance?

because they had the insight to see what was coming.
they missed a few and now look at this fucking mess.

Maybe because it was foreign?

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No Satanists, simply non-believers.

I believe that this world is 100% material and that religion is the by-product of human social needs, fear of mortality, and their natural need to tell stories/explain things before modern science was available.

Like drawing a face on a beach ball or some toddler pointing to the moon and going "The moon is my friend!" After all, children can't usually distinguish between reality and fantasy very well

wrong, kikes are edomites that converted and larped as ethnic descendents of Judah, the Pharisee which Jesus called children of the devil or brood of Vipers. Matthew 23 is an entire chapter dedicated on God calling the kikes hypocrites over and over again. The kikes rejected Christ.
The real descendents converted mostly, just like many romans and greeks which were the majority of early christians.

Even Satanism would be better for Europe than Christianity atleast people wouldnt be so gullible

No, although I do believe that humans are just as much of a part of this universe as inanimate objects and that "meaning" doesn't have to come from an external source if you're capable of deciding things for yourself.

Religion doesn't own the concept of "meaning"

Rule number 7 of the Earth from the church of satan: Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it successfully to obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will lose all you have obtained.

because he's with us

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>bb-but jesus was from the good kike tribe not from the bad kike tribe so its ok!!!
kys kike worshiper

For me, personally, the belief system isn't as important as the ground rules that it establishes.

It seems like the teachings of the bible has helped guide most of the world's greatest most powerful empires to victory. And when you do try to live by said teachings, you just live a happier life overall. You take better care of yourself and others around you. Furthermore, it maintaines a natural order of the most successful roles in society. Men go out and do the hard work while the women take care of the kids. If you don't like it then tough shit, faggot because the alternative hasn't been working out very well.

Furthermore, the fall of these great civilizations normally falls to the decadence of faggotry, lust, sloth, etc. Christianity basically tell you NOT to do those things and society will work better.

And if you do chose to believe in God and Jesus, it can at least give you hope that things will turn out for the better, even if you can't see it.

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t. the Norwegian anti-white Christkike from 8gag

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btw I ain't talking about modern christianity that tells you to cuck yourself for gays and jews. I'm talking about the shit in the 50's and prior

Mark 12:1-12 perfectly sums up the story of how kikes rejected Christ and the prophets, after which salvation was offered to all.

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Nobody said religion owned the concept of meaning, but that God has the correct meaning of meaning.

If the rules of what is good/bad do not come from:
a) A being that knows all the parameters required to make a conclusion with 100% certainty that x is good/bad
b) And omniscient being

Then one can argue that anything that person C (which does not fill the requirements) can be no authority on what is good.

What is good might be killing, raping, sacrificing - Just like the pagans did with little girls before christians came

>Jews are evil baby-blood drinking organ stealing usurious genocidal warmongers who rape kids, and can never be trusted ever
>but you can totally trust these Jews when they said a Jewish rabbi was god
Christkikery of Jow Forums

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>Has a memeflag

Yes definately not a long nose with a mossad badge on his chest posting

Nice bait.
People will never have to choose, unless the rest of their race decides to become jews. That's the only point in which Christians have permission to abandon their race.

This, exactly. It's congealed Boomerism stuck like charred fat at the bottom of an overused pan. They want nothing more to feel they're being catered to like some elite guest at the Ritz-Carlton. They don't have to do anything or lift a finger, or try to save their race or nation. Their concierge, Rabbi Yeshua bar Yosef, will take care of it all for them and smooth eeeeeverything over. They're part of the club, after all. They have the gold card. They don't need to worry about a thing. It'll aaaaall be okay.

>who cares that my grandkids live in a sea of niggers, I'M going to heaven :^)
LMAO at Jow Forums

It's not bait. That's a screencap of Jow Forums Christkikes saying they choose dead Jewish rabbis over their own people.

>That's the only point in which Christians have permission to abandon their race.
They've already abandoned their race. Every Christian is an open borders pro-Jew whore. Apparently you're not paying attention.

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>Even Satanism would be better for Europe than Christianity
Yeah the Catholic Church worked out pretty well didn't it

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well christians weren't like that for 1900 years so you gotta ask yourself

(((Who))) canged these christians minds?

Public education and media made everybody a cuck. How many Jow Forumsacks can throw a Sieg Heil (hello to you) in public?

You mean 1700 years. And if Jews are so good at corrupting your religion, maybe it's because you worship Jews?

It's really incredible. Everything is about race for you Americans. Ever since the founding of your soulless nation it's all race race race. That's all you ever talk about

There are multiple theories with that.
1. He was lied to about what the book was.
2. There was a translation issue that conferred the wrong message.
3. The photo was taken at the wrong time with a elderly Pope lifting a heavy book, so as to not drop it and insult the other party.

Strange I always thought I worshipped a non human being which at a point of time was made flesh but hey who am I

I'm gonna be honest, I'm no nazi but I taught my friends to greet me with a sieg heil and they do it lol


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Hitler believed in our true god , Satan the serpent .
and before you kikes try to attack me let me make something clear

The bible is a book full with lies , it has texts and myths which are stolen from the ancient pagan religions

The bible twists those truths and mix them with its own lies to create a slave religion , a religion which targets the weaknesses and the soft spots of the human heart , with the hope of convincing you in the biggest lie in the world which is :Jesus saves


Jesus doesn't save , jesus kills . He kills you spiritually , physically and mentally . Only you can save yourself by unsealing the 7 seals of revelation ( the 7 chakra points in your spine ) and learning to be in peace with yourself and in peace with reality , becoming physically and mentally strong , and most importantly reaching godhead

HAIL SATAN , our true GOD who loves his children without twisting their nature and helping them to understand it better .

i hope you all find the truth


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99% of atheists are anti-white lefties, but /leftypol/ is trying to convince you that the real problem are the Christians.

nigger gtfo

you gtfo kike

You're right we should open the borders immediately because we'll all be turned nice and brown and serve Jews forever as obedient goy slaves. We can totally have nations of our own with millions of non-assimilating foreigners flooding into our lands and destroying everything.

>yes yes there's a giant meteor headed our way about to destroy all life on Earth but you stupid Americans can stop talking about it for five minutes, that's all you ever talk about is meteors

>he thinks it's an isolated incident
>he thinks this isn't rotten to the core

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Because the world is overwhelmingly Christian.

>Mock, humiliate those who are the only ones left leading a traditional conservative life, working and building large families.
Yeah. These aren't kikes...

>Strange I always thought I worshipped a non human being which at a point of time was made flesh
Well, I'm sorry to say, you thought wrong.

Attached: Yes, Jesus was a Jew.jpg (882x1592, 596K)

>Has a babylonian religion
You're the kike

If someone desires a discussion on the Christian teachings and origins etc.

If only there werent

How does that prove God is a jew?
Jesus made flesh was ethnically jew, yes - so?

>has a kike religion
no you are the kike , don't reply to me if you don't have actual arguments

because Christ is the only truth rusanon.

Remind me again what tribe of people Yahweh is worshiped by?

Ah yes, the "WHITES ARE JOOS" German is back

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Nice strawman my racially obsessed 56% friend

Aye, popes can be sinners.
Aye, popes can be wrong when speaking or doing anything that is not Ex Cathadra.
But no matter how hard evil men may labor, they labor in vain because no one can destroy or subvert what Christ has built up. They may seem to positions of power and speak loud words, but the Church outlasts any man who is either a member or not of her.

That's the reason why (((they))) kill him, right?

You and your tricks are very low energy.

So get baptised.

T. Your future orthobro

You can actually say it as many times as you like. St. Seraphim of Sarov did. Alithos Anesti/ Vostinu Voskrese

Judaism != Christianity
Babylonian spiritualism = Talmud = Judaism


Yahweh is worshipped by europeans, jews worship their father satan

>"Stop talking about race!"
>immediately makes a meme argument about race
No wonder why you people got fucked by Albanians

Because, when you stare into the abyss, you either turn away from it or know it is your home.

The abyss is impossible to escape without God because it lies in your heart.

That hole in your soul can only be filled by Jesus.

Hell is real.
Hell is eternal.
The day of God's wrath approaches quickly.
Today is the day of Salvation.
Tomorrow may be too late.

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>American Whites have imported half a million niggers from Africa to be used as slaves instead of doing the job by themselves
"Muuuuuuh Hwuite race is dying"... No excuses.

read my post


To say he was a Jew and then claim he was a Pharisee would be incorrect. Indeed he did partake of the rituals of Old, but everyone seems to forget that through him, the things of Old (which were a shadow of the New) were perfected or fufilled. After all, the Pharisees hated the Apostles, as the Apostles declared that Circumcision was not necessarily, that dietary laws are not necessary (besides animals that are killed for pagan sacrifices), that the Jew and Gentile are equal in Christ (this does away with the supremecy that the Pharisees now champion for Israel), that it is a sin to charge usury interest to anyone (contrary to what modern Jews believe that usury is permitted towards non Jews), etc. etc.
There is a huge difference.