So why does the right wing have such a hardon for cops again...

So why does the right wing have such a hardon for cops again? Was it really just that picture of the cop standing and looking smug in front of protestors that made you all forget that cops are the strong arm of the government and have no duty to protect individuals?

Reminder - it will be the cops that come to take your guns.

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>Officer Cletus cleaning up rural and suburban retards
I don't see a problem here

Did he shoot a dindu? If so, who cares?

cops are low IQ grunts

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Was the dog a pitbull?
If yes then I don’t see the problem.

We don't, we just prefer law and order which niggers are incapable of.

Im not a fan, but if they're gunning down dindus, I am all for it.

There’s about 740,000 cops and special units in the US that makes about 1 million law enforcement officers to the 300 million + population. Do you really think you’re capable of solving an alternative for keeping all of our citizens in check? Yes there are bad eggs, but that’s not representive of the entire police force that protects you WHILE YOU SLEEP

was the kid a nog?

I have a fairly ambivalent opinion of cops as an institution because they're ultimately a govt arm and enforce some bullshit taxes masquerading as "fines", but at the same time I see what happens without them or when they're basically powerless. You get what happened in Harlem recently. Niggers who know they can get away with anything doing anything and everything they can get away with. There must be someone to police minor offenses so that larger offenses are not incentivized. Wanting maximum freedom is not wanting total freedom (anarchy) and cops are ultimately necessary.

Copfag here. If you're in a red state we don't want your guns. We aren't coming for your guns. Because we have cool toys also and don't want to get shot/shoot someone for no reason.

fuck off obama leaf

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There aren't a lot of cops in heavily conservative areas. No one really cares when a city cop kills a city dweller who is probably leftist scum.

Based cops BTFO'ing niggers, can't wait for nig / lib rioters to get gunned down on Day of the Badge

Equating anarchy with chaos. Shill.

I will admit them female police get really touchy when they arrest me. One even gave me her number "to talk over coffee". I wonder if I should try to dick her down while minding my Miranda rights.

>police force that protects you WHILE YOU SLEEP
Must be ninja police because I don't see any standing guard when I'm putting on my jammies and climbing into bed.

thats a big if bro, when you're on the receiving end of a corrupt or retarded cop, you'll understand it isn't a good trade

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>the right wing

because cops protect good citizens from criminals

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I dislike all cops until individual ones prove they are ok

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