Trump could go on camera with a little mustache and an arm band saying "we are bringing back the endangered white race"...

Trump could go on camera with a little mustache and an arm band saying "we are bringing back the endangered white race" in front of a crowd shouting "blood and soil" and cult 45 would still cry about it being an "unfair comparison".

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because he'd be protecting kikes

trump isn't a nazi lmao

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Nah at that point we would pretty much all agree it's based

weak bait

Attached: Trump the Nazi.jpg (660x371, 51K)

>because he'd be protecting kikes
par for the course
trump was made by jewry

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Trump is the biggest Kosher cuckold on earth, don't kid yourself

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concentration camps for kicking people out instead of keep them in to kill them.

How about them Palestinians, eh? Let's talk about them, Jew-bot.

The US isn’t invading peruvia and forcing its people into camps. All these niggers are coming here voluntarily even though they’ve been told several times not to

So, are prisons concentration camps, too? If you're not being hyperbolic, why aren't you liberating these camps? How do you think history will judge you?

Is this literally becoming the modern holohoax?

Stay in your shithole nations and work on making them no longer shitholes!

Attached: Stop_Being_A_Shithole.png (390x277, 220K)

OP is a faggot

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*don't yid yourself


3MM wire?

Way too thick.

Make Illegals Go Away

Oh yeah. At least 50% of the population is Nazis. We’re just waiting for orders from on high to start the day of the rope. Don’t tell anybody though. We want it to be a surprise.

first trump would have to dump the federal reserve, replace current reserve notes with trumpbucks, and begin deporting jews. then he definitely has my vote

Wow, what a powerful comic, open the borders now.

Attached: orange faggot.jpg (560x292, 35K)

Cringe and aidspilled

>Jews traveled across entire continents to get into Hitler’s concentration camps
I think this is the mental gymnastic people are having a hard time getting past.

The left has been calling israelis nazis since the 60s. I remember my mom had a comic like 20 years ago depicting jews in camps before and as brownshirts after.

Racists should be shot.

>the evil of the concentration camps was merely keeping people in a concentrated camp
Why dont these retards use the japanese internment, it would be more relevant and not outrageously retatded
Oh yeah...

I would cum myself if he did that, but it never fucking will and it's unfair of you leftists to constantly taunt us with what we want when you know Orange Man wont deliver.

It's her turn! Any day now, Hillary will assume the office. Better watch out!

Attached: dlu571110.jpg (838x435, 46K)

Japanese OR German interment. Both groups were detained

Welp. You’re an obvious kike. Gas yourself schlomo.


>Es terrible. Mi bisabuela Juanita estaba en los campos de concentración de los Estados Unidos. El único jabón que le dieron fue un resbalón y se deslizó hacia la parcela de deshidratación. ¡Los chinos deben dejar de ser tan racistas o terminaremos igual que los estadounidenses!

Shots should be racist.

do you think prisons are concentration camps?

Only 35 of them.

Attached: ice.png (868x730, 489K)

DO you live in a world of complete fantasy, where you suppose something happens in your mind then you live your life in reaction to that? because you sound totally pathetic and probably are so in real life.

>cult 45
I'm okay with this.

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Obama built the cages, and you said nothing