The government says it wants to protect against compromising “ongoing investigations against uncharged individuals.”

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Lowly goyim here, what does that mean

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Not politics related

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They're using Epstein to build cases against other people.

Interesting. I wonder who theyre trying to protect

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Wow, it's literally nothing.

I believe it pretty means they are gonna try to get a bunch of people with RICO

Jewish Pedo elite must be so scared today.

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A) they're going after Epsteins clients

B) they want to keep it under wraps until Epstein gets suicided

Based quads. So the defense agreed to it, would defense have reason to agree? Or are they on our side?

Deals like this a pretty common when they nab somebody who can lead them to bigger fish. I have no idea what Epstein is getting out of the deal, but he's getting something out of it. It's reasonable to suspect that Weinstein could be in a similar situation and that's why he's just sort of quietly moved out of the spotlight without any real consequences.

Digits approve

they always play these games with double meanings. it's their plausible deniability

>ongoing investigations against uncharged individuals
My dick can only get so hard. This is the longest, sweetest tease I've had in my life.


maybe a sign of cooperation for a future plea deal?
or the defense also has an interest in keeping they names private. i could see it benefiting both sides

>Maurene Comey
He's dead


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No wonder Nancy doesn’t want to impeach.

Checked but want to see either crosses or gallows being built next. Hopefully that we'll known Prime Minister is next

Does this mean the 2000 pages will stay sealed for now?

Exactly....first the Jews have Epstein's financial records sealed and now they have issued a PO against his legal reps and non Jew media from disclosing any info about his high level jew child-raping clients (probably recipients of those fresh still-warm young Goyim organs as well )

get Maurene Comey out of there, the whole thing looks corrupt with her there

Bing Bing Bing
Also checked daaaaaaamn quads

someone call the bar association of NY and register a complaint on behalf of Epstein

literal death tribunals are coming

Trump has advocated for swift death penalty against these groups in the past, and he even made an executive order allowing the US to seize all property and assets of anyone involved in human trafficking. lastly Barr just lifted the ban on FEDERAL EXECUTIONS. It may be that this is actually a Capone style case where the perpetrators of 9/11 are hoisted by their own pe(do)tards and hauled in for execution for crimes against children rather than the hysteria bringing 9/11 into the equation would cause for the public.

niggers investigate my anus

He'll get to live out his days naturally in a cage as opposed to being Arkancided. I guarantee that's it. He spends the rest of his life in protective custody/solitary at some undisclosed location in exchange for destroying the global pedohomo network he was used to blackmail.

Reduced sentencing in return for bringing everyone down with him.



Bump for justice.

Do you think Clinton was being literal when she allegedly said they'd all hang if Trump was elected?

>Uncharged individuals

Kek this means tons of elites are going to panicking wondering if they're being investigated

That's actually quite probable.
I would like them to reveal 9-11 nevertheless

Fear compels honesty, user. She knew what she was saying. If there is a just and righteous God overseeing this world, her words will prove true.

May God judge this matter soon.

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Do...you not think child murderers should be executed?

checked. I really hope they do make it all the way to a 9/11 reveal. That lie has been the predicate for so much of the bullshit, globally, that's been going on ever since.

Trump is big on revenge and at this point the public will cheer the murders of ANY politician or media figurehead. Think "Game of Thrones". The effect of group executions of traitors on this level would have a purifying effect on public discourse and a complete reorientation of societal values.

Double checked

These traitors need to hang

This burgeoning happening is too big for me to start leafposting and baiting. This is a pure thread. The next six to nine months are going to be like something we've never seen before. I wish Trump would comment on any of this to give us a hint for what's coming. Hopefully it's the storm he promised so many months ago.


Or are they protecting other peoples identities?

In honor of inb4sauce:

Sing a song of sixpence,
A pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds
Baked in a pie.

When the pie was opened
The birds began to sing—
Wasn't that a dainty dish
To set before the king?

The king was in the counting-house
Counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlor
Eating bread and honey,

The maid was in the garden
Hanging out the clothes.
Along came a blackbird
And snipped off her nose.

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I really hope it happens, user. I want it so bad.

Further, this explains the role of Chabad in the Trump administration and the odd focus on Israel. A lot of Trump's actions toward Israel have undermined their power base and political groups. Trump is handing over the reins of Israel to Chabad from the hands of Likud and ostensibly Mossad. He wants to do this without a global hyperwar and without genocides.

If anything I just said is true then Donald Trump will be recognized as the greatest hero in the last thousand years or so and would be guaranteed to be carved into Rushmore following his death and state funeral.

The judge on that case postponed the hearing with no new date set. Looks like theyre trying to memoryhole the entire thing.

Everyone is going down.

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Gotta protect Bill and the Jews. Lol we're gonna storm the Rothchilds now. Who's ready to lynch rich Jewish kike overlords pulling epstein strings?

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and then Trump will say to let them go because they've already been through enough.

Defense is requesting that Epstein be protected from the Clintons’ assassins while he gives up rich and powerful politicians and celebs. It’s finally happening

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>If there is a just and righteous God overseeing this world
I have bad news for you. You don't have a daddy wagging his finger up there. You are responsible for what does and does not happen here.

He knows we know. He keeps referring to what's being said "on the internet". He cannot comment on any of this or judges will throw whole cases out for mistrial. He has to pretend to be Mister Magoo for the next while.

Feinstein and her kike crew will beg for mercy before kek. They will not live through this pedo process. Mark the words. I'm marking names fuckers. This is our world now.

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What's Chabad's stance on the Yinon Plan? If this does go all the way to 9/11 in order to close the chapter on the neocons, that's probably going to require some kind of shift in Israel as well.

All Jews need to die. We will accept nothing less

The thing is, all of these traffickers are likely connected in done manner or other. If you get your hand firmly in the spiders web you will pull up lots of nodes that are connected to the strand you pulled.

You dullard fool. The Clintons are just the toy poodles of Esptein and his compatriots and superiors. That is all they have ever been. The front-men.

Good luck getting any individuals not in the loop to agree to a cover-up.

The left thinks this will take down trump/russia, the right think it's going to take down the deep state. Look at the page/strzok texts and you'll see partisanship does affect investigations, but this is bipartisan.

Me. I want deputized and paid a bounty for each Jew skull I collect.

Jeffrey epstein and Robert Mueller did 9/11 and every dual Israeli citizens along with the diaspora will be deported to be breeded at trump settlement in Israel. We're giving Israel all their synagogue of Satan jew witches. They should kiss our feet. We will multiple Israel through our carnage.

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If this is happening, and if things are moving where we want them to President Trump has been total Dark Knight about this whole affair. It sounds like he orchestrated a lot of this. He knew how dirty Epstein was for years and years and years. He also cracked down on child exploitation and trafficking just about day one of his presidency. If we're right about this, he has been an absolute hero operating without seeking praise. I can't wait for this to be resolved. I wish we had a timeframe for announcements.

Always wondered where her millions came from. It came from being part of the child rape and torture club. I cant wait till we have daily headlines of elite suicides. I dont care if they do it themselves as long as they are gone.

>what Epstein is getting

free oxygen to breathe through his nose for a few more days
Except now free has a price

I agree we are in a life pr death struggle of civilizations. But my notion here of Chabad taking over from Likud, Irgun and Mossad terrorists who built Israel and lorded over it since its inception implies that Chabad will NOT cover for the crimes of these other Jews and will NOT try to undermine the other peoples of the world solely because of toxic and hateful ideology.

In this regard, Israel can be allowed to continue. But its builders and most of its enablers must be thrown by the wayside and face public judgement.

Do recall that Weinstein and NXVIUM are all part of this. There will be more.

They all need executed. Public hangings on the White House lawn on livestream

He's here...

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>actually trying to explain how shit works to a cuckstaiNPC
literally peanutbrained

Either they’re actually doing their job or they have a lot of scrubbing to do

Shouldn't the Epstein files be released on the 22nd? Where are they?

All Jews need to die down to the last child.

only the one's who won't support the upcoming Iran War. Haven't you goyim learned how the game works yet?

All the other swamp creatures his age look like shit and can barely think. Clinton meuller, hell half his age Obama. Trump doesn't look like he's aged a day and shits on people all day.

It means that they won't release the names of all the people who diddled kids with the help of epstein. It means that both the prosecution and defense are agreeing to a coverup to allow the names to remain hidden after epstein commits suicide by two bullets to the back of the head.

It's the swamp fighting back

Oh fuck!

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Dumb thought, but what if the prosecution was expecting Epstein to be attacked and let him get attacked, just for a bit to scare him, before pulling away his attacker and telling him to cooperate or be left for dead? I mean, given the NSA's ability to wiretap and whatnot, do you think they might have overheard the plan to attack Epstein and work off of that?

Call up Judge Loretta A. Preska and ask her. The hearing was postponed with no future date given. I searched 2 days to find this out. Its likely this whole thing is being memeryholed.

What does this mean I'm retarded

Mueller is a fucking actor, pal. He is just the front-facing Goyim slave. His name has been pht on a lot of shit but he's nothing but a pawn. The people telling him what to do have absolute power over life, death and reality.


Why is the (((Business Insider))) throwing Feinstein under the bus unprompted?

So less information on the public eye. More the usual then.
Let us know if there is actually tangible results for once.

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They all have various stages of Kuru from eating the same diseased babies.

The head of the NSA who was just appointed is an orthodox jew so good luck with that.


If this case gets borked then the Trump admin will leak all of it. The last few months of events prove this to be the case.

Fuck my tight little boi pussy. Quads confirm.

>Its habening
>Trust the plan
So tired.

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>eating the same diseased babies.
this is why i never wanted to be a politician or executive, no way in hell i'm gonna do that gross ass shit
fucking reptilian animals, kill yourselves yourselves

This is nothing right?
No one important has a reputation to uphold.... right?

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As long as the release the clintons and obamas names it’s a partial win

I lack your optimism. If the info comes out, I will be happy, but I'm not going to celebrate until I see it. There have been too many broken promises over the years.

The canadians in this thread are alright. We may let you operate the rakes.
I have been saying this since the election, before Q. Trump is in deep with mil Intel. Know any veterans or cops? They would bury child rapists and torturers in their own yards before letting them hurt kids. I think Trump has run an inteligence op for decades with the help of Patriots inside the government. He sat drinking his diet coke observing documenting and preparing. He may go down as the greatest man in the history of this country and world. He took the oath of our founders. Life Fortune and Sacred Honor. God willing I am right we may be able to resurrect this nation.


I will eat my hat if that woman isn't Chabad...
And if I am right (Kushner is Chabad) then this is one Jewish faction absolutely destroying the blood-drinking faction currently trying to destroy all nations of the world as it thrashes about.