Why does Trumpstein suck nigger dick so hard?

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Trumpgoy is best goy.

He's pandering after the racist accusations. He's making a push for the black vote.

>panders to niggers
>panders to kikes
>lets illegals stay in the country
>no deportations
>no wall

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>panders to niggers
Yup, in the USA, you have no choice. Also, he is American and it is in his interests to defend him.
>panders to kikes
Again, yup, you need to kiss AIPAC's ring in order to make it far in US politics; unless you are a sandnigger broad. This will never change.
>lets illegals stay in the country
Yeah, he has been weak on immigration.
>no deportations
This is just wrong, he has been deporting them in droves but is met with severe backlash unlike any previous POTUS
>no wall
Again, he's been stonewalled on this and probably shouldn't have promised it in the first place. If we taxed remissions, targeted employers and made life a living hell for illegals, we wouldn't need a wall.

>in the USA, you have no choice but to pander to niggers and kikes

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Can you walk up to a paki and call him a sand nigger? Can you publicly rip apart the koran and while calling them savages and rapefugees?

yes. meanwhile carry on proudly taking nigger dick, faggot.

Fuck off, you cant even talk shit on the Internet without persecution bong.

Why are you so desperate for people to stop liking Trump that you keep making these threads in the exact same format, and oooooh you're being paid.

>In Britain you have no choice but to let Muslims rape your children

>Why are you so desperate for people to stop liking Trump that you keep making these threads in the exact same format, and oooooh you're being paid.

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Fuck the uk Go get Muhammad we will knock your dick in the dirt. NIGGA

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In your irrelevant shit hole you not only let it happen but encourage it.

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This was obviously written by a shitskin

>babby's first shill job

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He's trying to bait the trump haters to counter signal him and demand that niggers be executed summarily by police.

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>flooding the catalog with the same thread
Learn to use the search function, retards, and this isn't even a good attack on Trump. Explain to me how this hurts him in any way whatsoever
>raises visibility of Swedish migrant crime
>gets free points with the niggers while doing nothing but tweet
At least make your bullshit good

>sucking nigger dick is a GOOD thing
Jesus this place is so fucking cucked now.

Let's Get hashtag Boycott Sweden Trending on Twitter, that will scare the shit out of them. Burn all H&M Stores in the Hood

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