Trump Aging

So as we know, the stress of the presidency typically results in rapid aging for those who serve.

Let's say Trump gets another term. By the time he's out of office, he would be approaching 80 years old.

How do you think he will age? Will he ever lose his hair?

Attached: Screenshot_25.png (1938x1284, 3.92M)

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>people look older 8 years later
Wow OP you might be on to something huge

the point is they age faster, and Trump is already the oldest President

Here's GWB after 8 years

Attached: Screenshot_1.png (461x277, 293K)

If he wins a second term, then as an American citizen I look forward to a front-row seat to the shitshow that will be his continuing mental decline. Imagine the shit that will be coming out his mouth by the end of his second term if he wins lol

We can only pray he drops dead after winning another term and Papa Pence takes his rightful place on the throne

Hopefully, with nothing to lose, we will finally get have Orange Hitler

>A professional portrait digitally touched up
>a random shot surrounded by rabid journalists who want to kill him 8 years later

Portrait vs photo when he's randomly out to grab a hamburger.

Not surprising
Obama is more surprising.

>Orange Hitler

We're like three years in and you still have doubts about his loyalty to the Jews? Sweet child...

He was too old when he was elected and has clearly declined mentally. I'll never understand why cucks keep electing senile boomer scum.

Wait, Is Trump 75?

>Will he ever lose his hair?

its a rug dude

Something tells me the 'stress' of being correct most of the time isn't really getting to him.

Trump is getting younger every time he bitch slaps a crazy democrat. Never seen anything like it in my life.

He's got vampire (alien) DNA. He'll probably get a little more wrinkly but, being part of the masterrace, likely won't age too much.

you're right

Attached: obama_age.png (923x693, 1.03M)

>Will he ever lose his hair?
You can't lose something that's not yours, user.

It is also important to note that most presidents in the recent time (except carter) spent 8 years in office. If you count running for office + post election stuff thats almost a decade, so nothing surprising about them aging a bit even without the stress of the job.

this is how some AI facial recognition jews predict he will look

Attached: trump_aging.png (1309x652, 1.52M)

He probably dyes his hair, and the spray tan isn't going away either.

Trump ages very slowly because he retains his semen. He is never stressed.

On the one hand, you're correct; we're 3 years in and retards are still saying shit like "we don't want to give him a chance to be president". On the other, you're a retarted "miga" shill.

I'm fairly certain that Trump has advisors from long before his presidency, who basically do all of the work for him, so his level of responsibility and therefore stress, is minimized. He's also just someone who's lived that lifestyle his whole damn life.

>On the other, you're a retarted "miga" shill.

So Trump is loyal to the Jews but I'm a shill for pointing it out.


Attached: trump-face-app.png (592x363, 337K)

I pray everyday that fat fuck has a massive heart attack

He's not stressed, he's barely working


Cracked the damn case.

They got 'em.

Attached: 1534270352798 (2).png (683x546, 198K)

>Let's say Trump gets another term.
>in all fields

what did Trump do wrong?

Sorry but that's not happening

Stay mad bitch

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg (542x550, 31K)

Looks good for being 70.

>How do you think he will age?
He seems to be getting younger somehow. Even my 85 year old mother in law noticed that, and she can't stand him.

Trump actually looks younger, whilst those on CNN actually look a lot older.

You can steal youth by fucking and sacrificing children.

Attached: Dick-Cheney.jpg (1000x600, 122K)