Remembering the good years

I think the 80s were the best, and some of it carried over into the 90s. But the late 90s up until today was pretty much a huge fuck up.

Its not easy to put into words what was so great. But I will make a few opinion posts here, talking about some situations where I could feel the world become worse.

Perhaps one day we will get back there.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Primitive but fun video games, some politics but not shoved down your throat, satanic panic died down, technology booming but still mysterious and out of the hands of morons, thoughts of you and your friends hanging out in the mall before you woke up to consumerism's, fun movies and (((they))) didn't go in full force yet.

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I too have nostalgia for a decade I didn't even exist in.

I remember when I grew up we had arcades and snackbars. And these were wholesome places! It wasn't like the dead soulless trash stores we have today.

Man, there was movie-rentals, there was a billiard table and a corner with arcade machines. It was fucking epic man!

You could sit home and play your shitty console games, or you could be living it up with the big bois down at the snackbar. Drinking coke, ordering pizza, while playing Pool and Stright Fighter, renting the rocketeer by Disney. Shit was so fucking epic you wouldn't believe.

And we had optimism. Look at our pop-culture. McGuyver is fucking taking on the world with a swizzarmy knife and some duct tape. Fucking Marty McFly is a manley, yet still had a gorgeous girlfriend. We dared to dream! We thought 2015 would have flying cars and hover boards.

80 to early 90 where when we still could handle the technological progress. Now, we're just barely hanging on. We have lost control completely. To be honest with you, we should have said NO!

The good game consoles like Nintende64 should never been allowed at home. We should have kept that shit down at the arcade. That thing was too good for us, it needed to be down there, like a piece of heaven. Console gaming is degenerate, the arcade was wholesome.

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ITT anons who just discovered Retrowave. Synthwave and outrun are other genres you should check out. No, none of these genres are Nazi, just nostalgic. There are a few fash artists though.

90s was peak comfy

These images make me sad.

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Agreed. the 80s where just awesome. If I could go back and be on a loop form 1986-1988 for 500 years, I'd be happy.
Check out the San Junipero Episode of Black Mirror. They got it almost perfect, except for the whole gay thing.

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Where is that video overlay from ? I need it!

It was really fun in the 1970s and 80s. I post this all the time, but find and checkout these movies and it will give you a real idea what it was like growing up in the 70s and 80s.

It's almost exactly how it was.

Watch these movies.. Torrents around I'm sure. Some are on Youtube. Watch them in this order.

This is what it was like growing up in the 70's and being a teenager/young adult in the 80's
Hell you could get into any bar in the 80s with a $5 fake id. Most never even cared unless you looked 12 or something.

90s were great until about 92 then a sharp decline until 98 and then the smoking ban shut down most of the clubs and bars and the internet took up the slack. I was out of the country after that for 12 years and came back to SJW's, kids getting their dicks chopped off and hipsters. Reverse culture shock was in full affect.

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Looks like someone put up Suburbia

This t.b.h.
>tfw you will never be in the 80s cocked out listening to this in your boxy car driving arond
night miami

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I used to zoom around the beach listening to this.

in that car

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Calling up school to look at our grades

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Nice grocery Stores

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The Internet

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Almost makes you wish you could live out your fullest only to die from a horrible skateboarding accident in 98' so you don't have to deal with this shit.

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It feels like everything went to shit after 9/11. More oppressive government, domestic terrorism, refugees, etc. But yeah, the 80s were great when America was more white.

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Going to the beach and skateboarding without helmets and helicopter parents

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Whacky Packs! Gum and Stickers!

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White neighborhoods

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Pool Parties

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Porn-Hub 1977

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Cute girls at school

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Punk Rockers

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If you lived it and knew how great it was.... They were the best years.

Everybody thinks the "era" they were born in was so much better than now. For me it's the best decade was the 70s (music, movies), and the 80s were mostly fluorescent pink garbage and sweaty hair; and I lived through every single second of it

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I miss my shoes from 1987
Tried to even get Adidas to remake them :(

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Going to East Berlin to go shopping

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SJW's in Germany in the 80s

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Bolo Ties at school circa 1983-4

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What did you do back then?

I remember we didn't have videogames. But we did have the arcade, with a game where you shoot with guns on the screen. And it meant something back then, because that was the real gaming experience. Today we might have better graphics, but it doesn't matter, because you can sit down and play video games whenever you want. You're a fucking slave to the game, you end up playing because there is nothing else to do.

I remember those first lego-sets, the pirate and knight stuff. You get those golden lego coins, almost blew my mind over how shiny they were. Then a fucking monkey and a crocodile legoman.

And when my sister went on football training I went along with her. And it is so wierd, it seems like the grass was just greener back then. The heaven was bluer and the grass was greener, it is so strange when I think back on it.

And we had a local swimming hall. We had movie rental. Netflix is not cool, movie rental is cool. You go rent one of those good ol' vhs tapes. Then you buy snack that only the movie rental sells, fucking niche shit that you can't get anywhere else.

My mom used to work at the snackbar. Nothing was wrong about that. Working at the snackbar was a respectable wholesome job, it provided a much needed service. Because the snackbar had the arcade and pool table. It even had the bar-desk with the C shape and chairs. It was a networking place, on the same level as a church or a public school.

My mom quit the snackbar and started working as a nurse. Then the snackbar closed down, then the video rentals closed down, then the arcardes closed down. Then we got school reform and school startet sucking even more.

Man, what have we done? Why are we here? Just to suffer?

The thing I miss the most, is the collective sense of hope for the future we had. You see, you guys got born into this, you don't understand the terminator analogy. Technology won and humanity lost.

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No one was politically correct.

I really miss people being able to poke fun at themselves and others. Political Correctness is a disease that suffocates everyone.

No censorship on racial words in the 1970s

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The 80s just seemed so magical
>Tfw wasn't alive to experience peak human civilization
It's all downhill after the 90s

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Dude there are still punk rockers, sure there are less numbers of them, but they're still around.

I hope time travel exists at some point so I can go back and visit the glory days. Just walk around and soak it all in. Try to walk across America maybe.

We had Atari and Apple ][+ computers and Atari Computers, before that pong lol

Lots of Arcades and alot of pinball machines in the arcades still. I remember when they ran out of quarters for Space Invaders.. OLD>..

and of course 24 hours skate ins at the Roller Rinks, where we'd just make out for hours straight. Bunch of 13 year olds dry humping till they bleed lmao

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Yes I've heard some of their music. good stuff!

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Metal Lunch Boxes

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The early 00's were nice as well.

>You will never watch TV again waiting for The Real Slim Shady to play after playing PS2 for hours

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I agree with that idea to a degree, but I think humans are having great difficulty adapting to the everything-online world, and consequently even young people are pining away for the days pre-Internet.
social media especially really fucked things up. people are more neurotic and fucked up than ever, and leftism is infecting everything.
subcultures are long dead and there is very very little in the way of shared meaning anymore - people define themselves almost entirely by what they consume. that's always been an issue with capitalism but combined with all the other toxic tech shit, it's perhaps unrecoverable.

Little Leagues games

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EVERY boy in school had one of these 100% of them

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Concerts. Half the high school would go to EVERY concert

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Late 90s was all right. I'd almost say up until 9/11 and when the internet began to take hold. There wasn't much to do on the internet in 1999 except log onto hotmail

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don't forget, it was also a time when obesity was comparatively rare. now you can't escape fatasses almost everywhere you go.

Banana Bikes then Mongoose BMX bikes

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Oh yeah..
This was considered MORBIDLY obese

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>Its not easy to put into words what was so great
You were young then.

Anyone miss Sci-Fi stores?

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Pegged Jeans

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Every boy I knew had this poster

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Thank god we don't have those no more

Trips of truth.

1970s Entertainment systems. Everyone had one

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90s were best
>middle class homes all had the same carpet, kitchen cabinets, white painted walls
>even lower middle class apartments had same shit
>cars were majority american
>computers were too slow to spend the whole day on
>walmart was still a bitch compared to sears
>furniture was solid stronk american made not chintzy chinese or asian made crap thats light to traverse the pacific cheaper and didnt need to support 200lbs tube tv's
>no internet to show burgers how europeans lived, or asians, and everyone was more on the same page that they're all americans
>foreigners mocked until they adopted americans and traditions
>kids didnt spend all day inside and helicopter parenting hadnt really become mainstream
>absolutely no war except some flare ups in the baltics

Learning how to deal with bullies with out mommy

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Wearing Jackets to highschool

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checked, I remember being able to smoke in most restaurants
they made art out of plastic and burned it in front of us

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That was the 70s and Huffy bikes were total shit.

Laying on the floor in the kitchen for hours chatting and then we got party lines

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yes 70s and 80s.. 990s sucked

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Punk rockers are not the same. No punk rocker from the 70s/80s/early 90s would be punk this day and age. it's not authentic


I smoked in my 9th grade science class with a .22 leaning against the back wall for rifle club.
Just needed an OK from Mom and dad and you could smoke at school.

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Tennis shoes that lasted 20 years

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Middle 80s and early 90s were the best, without a single doubt.
>Perhaps one day we will get back there.

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Good old fashioned paper bags.

Skinheads and those girls with Chelsea cuts

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Wearing suits when you went out

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Back then culture did have extreme fashion but it was more about the message. I mean, fucking Joy Division couldn't make it today because they look like a bunch of preppies because they don't dress up

That might be one of the biggest differences...people respected talent no matter what you look like or how you dressed. You could just be a normal looking dude and front one of the most influential new wave acts of all time

Cursive handwriting

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Its wrong, what you are doing! That is not how gaming is supposed to be!

You don't sit home alone, playing fucking video games. Unless it is a fucking piece of shit, like Kommadore64. When you game, you get money from your dad. Then you go get your best friends, they go get their best friends. Then the ones who have been good boy also get some money from their dad.

Then you go down to the snackbar. Now, rememeber, my mom works at the snackbar, it is a fucking wholesome place! It is like my second home down there.

Then we play the game where you shoot the gun on the screen. Maybe even 2 people play at the same time. Or, the other ones play while you buy a fresh soda and just watch.

Gaming now is fucking pathetic. You might have graphics, but you don't have the humanity. You are not playing a game, the game has stolen your soul and you hook up to it to give your life some much needed purpose.

How! In any concievable way does this compare to having an entire squad of your peers, cheering you on, as you play on a big boi cabinet.

Eminem is basic, he might have been cool in the 90s. But liking Eminem now is just basic. But if you like whitesnake, you're still a fucking music conensieur.

Fuck man, we need to get back there. We need to branch of like the Amish and create our Synth-topia.

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>Perhaps one day we will get back there.

It's never coming back friend. Oil will never be that cheap, this empire never that strong, ever again. Pray that the rockets reach the stars before it all crumbles. Enjoy the future

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great post.

Beautiful! I'm not a big 80's guy but I'm coming around to it thanks to pic related. My 300zx isn't a Shiro Special but looks similar.

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Collecting Glasses at McDonalds. The Star Wars ones from Burger King were great

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It could be the case that the "everything online world" has a massive sociological effect. I was 18 the first time I got online (1993) and even though I live a huge part of my current life online, most of it is not: I don't need Amazon to go to a bar and chat some drunk chick up.
But the "social media" aspect really kicked off in 2009 (when twitter & facebook really got big), meaning we'll have to wait for the late zoomer generation to actually see its effects in the sense you're talking about. It's only been 10 years.

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Sweet! An Old lady T-Boned me and I bought this for $4000

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i always wanted pic related but parents could not afford so i got the la gear bobos
t.born in 1980

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So many movies and shows today still think bullys are that of the 80's cause its a problem we all should face. Today kids are afraid to even call another a playful name.

Hair rock was a mistake.

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why are all those kids so ripped? is that what non- gmo microwave dinner eating people used to look like?

Kids really dressed the part in high school. Stoners, Preppies, Wavers, Red Necks, Breaksancers, Art-Fags (Goths), Jocks

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The midnight is awesome, glad im not the only one out there that appreciates them

>Perhaps one day we will get back there.

Not sure if that's possible without serious Balkanization. The assholes have too much power for it to get that good again.

actual original punk was basically always just rich jewish kids acting out because their dad could get them out of any trouble they got into. the various white punks were just junkies from broken homes mostly, and are mostly mentally ill or dead now.

punk was NEVER authentic. from its very origin it was a psyop.

nigger detected

Yeap every boy should learn to fight

but it was fun and the girls liked it

Just better food and running around outside everyday

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Ah yes, McDonalds before every product they had was licensed slosh and you remembered all the mascots names.

zoomers act just like /b/ but in real life, they're fucking scary because they jerk off so damn much and are addicted to it and their phones and to anything shiny like a new phone or clothes or shoes or cars theyre nuts absolutely psycho

Kiss in the 1970s were Gods.
The Kiss Army was HUGE

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Dolphin shorts and Ditto jeans!

Every "punk" i've met since the turn of the millinium has been a cringey POS SJW emo trash.


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Everyones parents had these prints in the 80s

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BMX bikes

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