@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

>TRUMP 4EVA 6/21/19
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>WHVideo: 2.5 Yrs of Real Results 7/24/19
>TrumpTweet: Donald J Trump 7/23/19
>Pres Trump comments before departing WH 7/24/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 7/24/19
>TreasSec Mnuchin outside WH 7/24/19
>DefSec Esper arrives @Pentagon 7/24/19
>ActDHSSec McAleenan @Northern Triangle Sec Ministerial 7/24/19
>USBPChief Provost @House on Oversight 7/24/19
>USCBDir Dillingham/GAO Officials @House on 2020 Census 7/24/19
>Trump2020PressSec McEnany on Gorka 7/24/19
>Giuliani on OAN 7/24/19 (pt1)
>Sekulow on FoxNews 7/24/19
>DepDefSec Nominee DoDComptroller Norquist Confirmation Hearing 7/24/19
>Pentagon Press Brief (Sr Enlisted Leaders/Advisors) 7/24/19 (SEAC)
>FTCChair Simons on CNBC 7/24/19
>FTCCommr Chopra on CNBC 7/24/19
>FTCChair Simons/Others News Conf on Jewbook Settlement 7/24/19
>WHVideo: Pres Trump @TPUSA Conf 7/24/19

OP pastebin:

Attached: yahoonews.png (1252x1680, 1.37M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: 1556489108672.png (709x531, 105K)


Attached: BackOff.png (1258x1558, 1.78M)

>Post YFW we get ODST's in our lifetime

Attached: 1541288680488.jpg (724x1024, 138K)

This OP image is obnoxious and gay, I'm gonna go cry to stupid niggers to give me a billion dollars.

Attached: 1486130145684.png (897x1021, 625K)

this tweet is unironically one of his worst, makes him look weak now if Sweden does nothing about the nigger

plus the first tweet about "the african american community" just comes off as cuckservative pandering. Blacks aren't going to vote conservative because of shit like this

The only way to get more than 10% of blacks to vote Republican is to make them realize spics are a threat to their gibs, enemy of my enemy style

Attached: black pizza.gif (392x400, 1.33M)

This is gonna be hilarious!

Attached: ReadiesAggressive.png (1264x1350, 1.61M)

REEEEEEE i'm saying space exploration is one of the best things our government can spend money on and it should be spending more. But giving money to private companies so google can give wifi to sub saharan niggers is not what i want.

And it's a lot of cult of personality stuff around Elon that i don't like.

Stop moving goalposts
>Elon cannot launch a rocket
>Elon cannot get into space
>Elon cannot land a rocket
>Elon cannot launch a car into space
>Elon cannot mine on rocks
-------->YOU ARE HEREElon cannot go to mars
>Elon cannot terraform mars
>Elon cannot die without finding a Earth like planet
>Elon cannot invent slip-space traveling
>Elon cannot make the moon a big hub
>Elon will not make space colonies
>Elon will not make life extenders
>Elon will not make starships designs
>Elon will not bring world peace
>Elon will not make you happy while you get your gf
>Elon will notget us into space forever
>Elon will not help niggers

Attached: ONLYGOODDEAD.png (694x641, 493K)

Shell (((kill herself))) within a week, watch.


You're just jealous because i get shit done and you do nothing

How can any of you defend Trump firing staffers for tiny mistakes like this???

Trump speech: Staffer responsible for fake US presidential seal with Russian eagles and golf clubs fired

The seal apparently came from flustered Google search

>3 way split ticket between greens, progressives, and boomer dems
Diversity is our strength.

Attached: ORELSE.jpg (1369x1484, 642K)


Attached: nuke sweden.png (599x566, 54K)

>How can any of you defend Trump firing staffers for tiny mistakes like this???

Trump didn't fire anyone. That logo was from someone at TPUSA.

and then in 10 years that little spic will be a tatted up member of MS-13

Attached: illegal immigration fuck borders.png (634x566, 30K)

at least they didnt use redddit spacing

(You) don't do anything besides shitpost.

>but I brought my free ticket
>let me in
every NGO "helping" them should be brought up on human trafficking charges

How old are you?

i send rockets into space and sneedpost, what the fuck do you do?

Attached: 1563992747293.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

Attached: THEREALENEMY3.png (765x1079, 495K)


Attached: 4391E052-AADD-4062-8E11-2A255726E133.jpg (815x1060, 844K)

People in jobs like that can not make stupid mistakes.

>R U S S I A N

>B O T S

Attached: file.png (838x651, 1008K)

>g36 type
lyin Yahoo! jews or ?

Attached: 1355952291471.png (354x467, 243K)

older than you, or younger, depending on how you look at it. time is an illusion.

Attached: ANAGRAM.png (1206x1254, 286K)

>Guatemalan mother begging soldier to let her enter U.S.

Attached: isildur.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

Attached: 1561993058734.jpg (700x617, 49K)

(Sung to the tune of Jolene)
Lori, Lori, Lori, Lori!
I wish I didn’t have to kill you dead.
Lori, Lori, Lori, Lori!
I’m sorry that I had to smash your head.
Your beauty was beyond compare,
That’s why I started our affair,
But then you said you’d go and tell my wife.
So I grabbed that statue off the shelf,
I swear I couldn’t help myself
But I knew that I had to end your life.
Lori, Lori, Lori, Lori!
Why couldn’t you just keep your damn mouth shut?
Lori, Lori, Lori, Lori!
You brought this on yourself, you stupid slut.

Attached: Cracked Forehead Foursome.jpg (1440x960, 327K)

>t. Zoomer intern at spacex that isn't involved with anything important

Dude its just space, you gotta calm down

Attached: 1563310214049.png (431x450, 328K)

>Top Tweets are this

Attached: file.png (582x610, 57K)

>Zoom zoom zoom!

Nu-/pol found.

We all know that King Nigger is gay

It is kind of ironic that this is the first black person sweden is willing to arrest

Attached: 1564072650978.jpg (951x1024, 130K)

Anybody in this thread who encounters a poster trying to free ASAP Rocky and claims the rapper is a Trump supporter, prove him wrong by posting this:

“My newest president an asshole, I guess that's why I'm leaving turd stains” - A$AP Rocky - song: Distorted Records. 2018.

ASAP Rocky hates Trump and shit talked Trump in his rap songs.

Someone should let Trump's staff know that ASAP Rocky doesn't like Trump at all.

fuck off transumanist scum

Attached: MINDCONTROL.png (498x1090, 321K)

Read the part at the bottom. Apparently it's at the Mexico/Guatemala border, not the US border. Basically this woman is begging the Mexicans to just let her through so she can walk a gorillion miles to the US border and beg to be let in there as well.

>implying they aren't already members

the only thing they have in common is hating white men, but even that is starting to not be enough to keep them unified. Republicans #1 priority should be on fracturing them further on wedge issues between commies and neo-liberal globalists

root word of diversity is "division", anybody with a fucking brain saw the outcome. Aristotle and Plato saw it 2,000 years ago

Attached: aristotle mutts easy to rule.jpg (1099x93, 29K)

Pretty sure that's an FX-05, which means that its a Mexican soldier. Amazing how that detail is left out.

Attached: FX-05_Xiuhcoatl_Fusil_de_asalto.jpg (4320x3240, 2.95M)

They all hang, too.

Attached: 71b.jpg (736x736, 100K)

they sound so uninformed

Go take your SSRI's and kys yourself.

according to tweeter the new hotness is Clinton body count

>not knowing what the US Presidential seal looks like while at a job like that

Deserved to be sacked over that tbqh.

>Okay I'll die on this planet as this planet starves itself and shit, hell yeah!

You're lucky in 2029 that rock doesnt hit you


Athens 23?

the uniform allows tells you it's mexican desu


Attached: file.png (577x422, 122K)

>the little sign that says "no tocar"

Attached: aiportraits_1563881252.jpg (512x512, 14K)

Shut the fuck up Nissan worker lol does it hurt that your ass was fired hahahahahaah

>"Posting awoo means you're from reddit, I know because I moderate r/politics and I see your screenshots."

Attached: 1564058876079.jpg (378x378, 31K)

Attached: DESIRES.png (638x1010, 902K)

never heard of it but clearly a mexican service rifle after websearch
all makes sense
thank you

I don't speak Mexican. What's "tocar" mean?

reminder we could have funded fucking 1000+ Apollo missions, instead we funded the breeding of millions of African parasites

Attached: apollo spending vs welfare.jpg (795x536, 91K)

Attached: AWOO_notbot.gif (900x900, 156K)

Attached: THEREALENEMY.png (1000x1000, 648K)

the sign says "no take"

>the new hotness is Clinton body count
>new hotness
>been happening since the 80s
OK kid

Attached: Trump Interview.jpg (1028x675, 208K)

>This schizo poster is fucking great

Holy shit, what level do you gotta be on to act like this?

Attached: lul2.png (553x553, 234K)

>Trump BTFO!!!

Attached: 8972347862342013718.jpg (1500x1000, 751K)

Attached: 1564036241283.jpg (728x968, 162K)

No more money for space robots, no more anti-humanism.

Attached: 1540320599941.png (699x543, 734K)

We're not leaving this planet until we wipe out the humans and get over white man's burden.

What the everloving fuck?

Attached: Screenshot_20190620-112427_Instagram.jpg (1080x1228, 511K)

>Not importing all the niggers on their own planet
>Not having planets for only whites

user, think.

Attached: 1562341831450.jpg (720x529, 73K)

>Uhm, err, ehh, we're going on vacation until September

Attached: TryShift.png (1606x1128, 256K)

awful translation

Truly a sad state.

sry dad, i'll post about scarbo 10 million more times

My solace is that we'll get to see billions of Africans die in our lifetimes when the West finally cuts aid

Fuck that pic is powerful. LET THEM IN NAZIS

fucking based cooltext graphics generator image, have an upvote.

Attached: ELECTRICTY.png (1340x1171, 746K)

Lulz these nigger tier images are the new shilling?


Attached: 1564091749550-pol.jpg (655x452, 54K)

please enlighten me, paco, what does the sign say?

Attached: WalkAwayGreen.jpg (676x397, 109K)

do you think they wouldn`t know that by now?

do not touch

>letting them continue to exist
>having to deal with the hell adrian his they evolve into in 1 million years
Wipe them out here. The universe was made for the white man.

Attached: 1564035591808.jpg (716x895, 70K)

>i'll post about scarbo 10 million more times
fuckin better

Attached: I Know, Joe.jpg (1600x800, 349K)

white power

>Not enslaving them on planets
>Not having them fight for us

Attached: 1557080635051.jpg (960x960, 175K)

It was a staffer at the place he spoke not a WH staffer

Attached: green-1.jpg (156x156, 7K)

Small cloud?

ok, maybe i was wrong. We have to write "no tocar" on a bunch of shit at work so the mexican cleaning crew doesnt steal it lmao.

Hell spawn*

>ID: AsS

stop spamming your twitter

Lulz are you farming nigger tier graphics to poos or something?

Attached: 1255223.jpg (675x1200, 218K)

ah so that's what that was

Attached: 1498687552695.png (895x948, 1.1M)

Thank fucking god.