Am I white?
Are you?
If I’m not no one can be
It was a joke, mate
Lana is Jewish.
And Jews are not white.
>98 KB
Is she though?
Loteff/Loktev is a Russian-Jewish surname. So yeah, he really is.
ok moshe
You don't think that perhaps, considering Red Ice TV consistently calls out Jewish shenanigans, that perhaps they are under fire and in an attempt to discredit them from their white supporters... nefarious individuals have made the claim that she's a jew, without any more evidence than a surname? Considering jews often changed their surnames throughout history to better blend in (crypto-jews), don't you think a bit more evidence is warranted?
Mike Enoch calls out Jewish shenanigans all the time... even while having his Jewish wife on the podcast. Even while being Jewish himself. Exposing the Jew is one half of the issue, with the other being the solution. Of course, the solution Jews like Enoch and Lana promote is Zionism. What Jews like her should realize is the anti-Semitism to Zionism pipeline scam is well understood.
I love the idea of Zionism myself, so long as every single kike is sent to live there, so that they can't parasite off of other societies.
If those terms are met, I will gladly ignore Israel to it's own devices.
INB4 (I know that the whole concept is simply ridiculous.)
>Israel is an illegally occupying State that Jews use to control the world
>I love the idea of Zionism
I'm sure (((you))) do.
>shes in favor of jews moving to israel
>this is bad for america
1. how her work hurts whites?
2. who is profiting from her fall?
always ask this question when you see a narrative online, "who profits from this?" you answer this question you find the truth
Don't be a scumbag. Enoch does not in any way promote Zionism or support the existence of Israel. He is very consistent in describing Israel as a haven for Jewish criminals
and correctly identifies this as the reason for its existence and for Jewish interest in a sovereign state despite being a diaspora people.
I see, concentrate all of the Jews in one place, but they control Jerusalem, so not Palestine. They should be in sub-Saharan Africa.
>I see, concentrate all of the Jews in one place, but they control Jerusalem, so not Palestine. They should be in sub-Saharan Africa
They could go to Antarctica for all I care. I just don't want them near me, and I don't want them pulling the levers of power in MY government.
RedIceTV might be light on solutions, I will grant you that, but at this point any white person willing to honestly address the issue of the great replacement online gets my attention and support. Until they discredit themselves.
So far Red Ice TV hasn't.
I don't care about Israel other than sending the Jews back there and not being used by them to protect Israel.