Poland was fucking retarded to not allie with germany and accepting our demands instead of sucking british and french...

Poland was fucking retarded to not allie with germany and accepting our demands instead of sucking british and french cock.
The entire point of WWII was pretty much to build up for the offensive to strike against the soviet commie bastards and we would have started the war with russia no matter what and then poland would be in the middle of the conflict anyway there was no peace choice for them.

With our invasion we killed millions of them, killed their entire intellectuals too so all their good genetics lost, all of poland bombed to shit then later soviets raped,pillaged,robbed and killed all poles those niggers could find then killed their second grade intellectuals too and put them under commie terror for dozens of decades.

Now if they had allied with us you just have to look at our allies that we treated them very well and together we would have won most likely and millions of their people would not have to die and the cunt bombed to the ground.
we would push poles more to the east but give them much much land in further east to control and some sea access in the baltics, poland would gain alot. We would install some german puppet but desu what difference does it make to our current time? German cash controls poland we all know that and biggest difference is that we in le current time want to push rapefugees on poland.

And if we still had lost then nothing would change to our timeline instead of the millions of poles would still be alive that died from our invasion/occupation.
Cucking out to invaders is shit i know but after we know what happened it would be the best for poles to be on our side.

memeoperationplan ost is confirmed nonsense don't even start with this shit

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True, we and France saved their ass in the war too and they still remain ungrateful for it to this day.

>Poland was fucking retarded to not allie with germany and accepting our demands instead of sucking british and french cock.

However Germans should have treated Poles with more respect desu

Germs and Poles have a lot in common and they could've been frens perfectly if some retarded Germans didn't decide to assimilate them

this is as low tier bait as burgers saying they saved Europe in WW2

how so? poland became a soviet puppet not saved at all...

growing up i always heard that germans hated poles and thought of them as inferior, maybe thats why poles hated you?

it became only bad when this pilduski or whatever died and got replaced with a german hating anglo cock sucker

not hate we just see them as inferior

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even the sticks & stones IRA could take out a british royal via his boat. crackheads can sneak into the queens bedroom..

but the "nazis" were shaking hands and laughing with the british royals and took out zero major heads.

clearly, despite their propaganda, the germans weren't red-pilled, didnt even know who their enemy was beyond some scraggely jew merchants and were controlled by homosexual masons. #hoax #fake #gaydolf

stop fanning the flames of the paper nazi tiger hoax, cucks

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Just a slight problem that Germniggers called the Poles subhuman and wanted to genocide them.

it was a good choice by Poland because now we would be burdened by war crimes.

>world leaders are meeting is strange
killing a pro german royal

This is how Poles see Germans

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G74N4Zd oho

Only if you lose.

aren't jews talking about muuh polish death camps?

You had no right to demand their land. Fuck off.

then give back all the land to the native americans

Speaking of.

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they aren't really, but anyway, most people realize it's far fetched and if not, then Poles do and as a result have clear conscience.

Leave him Krautbro, it's just a diaspomutt larping as a contributor to civilisation

What? This shows that America is a country of free & equal people.

The poles were there before you. The founded and named Berlin. As for Prussia, the balts were there before you.

Hitler never did. Learn about history before you open your mouth to spew nonknowlage.

The poles began slaugthering germans in a region, disconnected from the mainland, surrpunded by poland.

Hitker had to go in there to save them.
THAT was also what kicked off the chain of events.

Poland was encouraged to do these attrocitied directly by the brits.

The only question that's still open is :
That sadistic polish minister in charge, who only too happily accepted british backing to up his antes .. was he a jew ? Because his character matches PRECISELY the arrogant, sadistic, hyperarrogant jewish character/naturell.

Maybe some other pol/ack can answer this question ?

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>it must be polish because modern poland is there
the world is not as young as your shithole country

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>if some retarded Germans didn't decide to assimilate them
Read this, please:

i don't see polans even close to our rightful clay

These are all Slavic tribes, they merged into their respective nations. Berlin is rightful Slavic clay.

Also what is your "rightful clay"?

Bullshit map with no credit, read Tacitus "Germania" you will see


>220701688 #
>if some retarded Germans didn't decide to assimilate them
>Read this, please:>>>>

Attached: Germania.jpg (700x491, 107K)

Pommern, Schlesier and those other faggots got all germanised. sorbs only still like 30k exist and they have all their rights.

What is there to even argue about, Germans wont even exist in the future, you'll all be turks.

Better poland has the clay than turks.

Why are you even arguing about that? Mongols invaded China once upon a time, does it mean that Mongolia has the right to rule China now?

there was a reason why your slaveshit parents ran to america from slaveshit pissholes :')

I think you mean Joseph Beck, he wasnt a jew he was just stupid.
Basically Pilsudzki was considered big dick by both Communists and Hitler, when he died, Beck thought everyone still thinks were big dick and said fuck off to Hitler, who only wanted insignificant Gdansk for future joint invasion of USSR, thats pretty much it

exactly and that's why you slave fags have no rights in europe when you invaded from the asian steppes

I'm not a Slav, i'm mostly Scottish by ancestry. I'm just a realist and support Poland over modern day Germany.

Scots are the slavs of the British isles

Also way to avoid the topic of Muslims taking over Germany. America may collapse but so will Germany.

>making your opinion about countries with current events instead of historical accuracy

>one retard politician singlehandedly destroys europe's future by messing up the timelines
Just another nice example for NO politicians ever again aka Libertarianism - everyone armed and everyone sttempting to become politician aka slaver instantly be killed by the people.
Fuck all politicians!

So be it, although most things i see from Scotland nowadays is them being cucks so i hardly support them. Also you're also going extinct with your paki infestation.

Current events are relevant, why would i support a people that are working night and day to genocide themselves.

You're typing on your keyboard but all I hear is pic related

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Not even modern time Germans support Germany.
Not sure if i realiue it, but Germany has been taken over by hard left, former SED (former East Germany's communist single party ) operatives.

kek it doesn't matter if you leave the EU or not. EU is not the cause of your paki infestation, you may spare yourselves from Syrians and Niggers but pakis will be the end of you.

I think we can all agree that WW2 was entirely poland's fault and as punishment their nation should be dissolved and the territories granted to neighboring states

>together we would have won most likely
no. Soviet Union alone was wnough to kick your ass. Not even taking US and their little sidekicks into account

found the subhuman russshit
almsot lost to FINLAND hahahaha

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Deebly drue indeed. It was a tragedy that Pilsudski died prematurely. Him and uncle Adolf would have been able to sort this shit out. I acknowledge that we were being stupid, but Germans really have to work on their attitude towards us.

>almsot lost to FINLAND
? Thanks for showing your grasp of history.
First of all: No, they did not *almost* lose to Finland. There wasn't even the slightest sign of anything like that you moron. Soviets not caring too much about manpower doesn't qual losing you brainlet.
And in our timeline the Soviets pretty much manhandled your wannabe empire. Poland isn't something that would have been enough to tilt anything in your favour, especially once you consider what germany actually lacked in supplies during WW2

>Poland was fucking retarded to not allie with germany
da fuck? the nazis wiped poland off the fucking map in a sneak attack

there was no sense in poland playing nice with hitler. he wasn't looking to shake down their government for a few shekels

it's the nazis that were retarded for picking a bunch of fights that they couldn't win

Tell me more about royals and how they react to tennis matches. What's the fat princess think about the black one? Do you guys own Ireland yet? Did Braveheart really fuck the queen up the ass?

Prep the Schwarze Wurst, Otto.

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was auch immer russenaffe
>diskutieren mit russen
sind chechen cool?

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Do you mean 20 million dead people? Yeah we lacked enough supply of those to sperg infront of the enemy..

bavarians are austrians in denial under our command.. blame them

after a peaceful solution was no longer possible oh sure so what?

27 million*
and not enough*

Wenn du auchj irl so dumm bist, dann stell mal Antrag auf Schwerbehinderung und mit ein bisschen Glück musst du dir bald nicht mal mehr selbst den Arsch abwischen. Fakten stehen ganz unabhängig von der Nationalität oder Meinungen. Das ist der Grund, warum es Fakten sind.
Fakt ist:
-Finnland hatte von Anfang bis Ende 0 Chance
-Sowjetunion hat Deutschland militärisch besiegt auf strategischer Ebene, was schon ca Ende 1941 bis Anfang 1942 festzustellen war.

Deutschland hatte sehr starke Probleme mit Ressourcen, da insbesondere Stahl und Öl importiert werden mussten. Polen hat keines von beiden, wieso sollten sie also auch nur ansatzweise helfen zu gewinnen????
Bist du geschichtlich so ungebildet oder was ist da los?

Germans have the right to land that was clearly theirs. The Potsdam agreement is illegitimate.

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Its Danzig



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you do realize that Germans had the highest casualties measured by percentage of total army?

I agree completely, it’s what I’ve been saying for years

Das ist also dein gesamtes Argument dazu, dass du absolut unfähig bist, Konzepte, die seit langer Zeit bereits gut verstanden sind, zu begreifen? Ernsthaft, schick deinen Antrag raus und/oder geh dich vergasen

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Still not 20 million.

We wouldn't have given them shit. They did the best they could do.

So you're saying that you're proud that Germany managed to kill 10M civilians before getting their ass kicked, being dissected like a frog by the winning nations, being split for the next 50 years, still not being fully independent and having lost its edge in technology to the US and Soviet Union?
Germany is by far the biggest loser in WW2, they pretty much lost absolutely everything, while the others just had a little dent in their population and economy.
If you actually wanted the best for Germany, you wouldn't want that austrian moron back, but the times from around the early 1900s

The biggest loser was the UK.

How so? The UK basically just lost their prestige and status to the US and lost some shitskins on the other side of the globe.
Germany however lost literally everything including their own nation itself

hes a russshit stop talking to this mongol

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Good guess. My guess is rather just an ordinary german faggot.

>you wouldn't want that austrian moron back, but the times from around the early 1900s

Not him but i'm fine whoever deports your Untermenschen ass back to your Shithole where your Sippe crawled out of.

What is the difference around the early 1900's?
Do you think it was some multi-cultural utopia where they were sucking multi culturalist cock like you are doing it's always funny to see some "Centrist" cucks trying to portray Imperial Germany as having the morals like modern Germany

"Die Presse, die Juden und Mücken sind eine Pest, von der sich die Menschheit so oder so befreien muß - Ich glaube, das Beste wäre Gas."

Just because you're an insecure Faggot does not mean you and the people of your caliber have to use historical revisionism to play an agenda to show how progressive they were just like you!

You're probably one of those self called "Centrists right wing" who constantly cry about MUH PATRIOTS = NAZIS :((((((((( and constantly sell out the right wing to the left and if you fit the description you're nothing more than a Leftie with an identity crisis.

-Kaiser Wilhelm II

8 million military causalities in the soviet union to Germans 4 million. It's just Germans are a bunch of subhumans and murder an additional 20 million civilians.

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>murder an additional 20 million civilians.

The Soviets jjust lied about it, like they lied about everything else. they send countless unarmed men into battle, veterans can cofirm this.

Soviets say 5 million, US sources say 8 million. Germans definitely murdered a shitload of civilians. Belarus for instance lost 52% of its population in WW2, i highly doubt 52% of Belarus were abled body men who were fighting as soldiers.

It's perfectly sane to question the current narrative of "Nazis were evil devils that wanted to murder all da childen" but some of you idiots take it too far with your revisionists and paint the Nazis as angels only fighting for the greater good.

I guess it’s tough when you have to decide what cocks to suck.

>Belarus for instance lost 52% of its population in WW2


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>Poland was fucking retarded to not allie with germany and accepting our demands instead of sucking british and french cock
Says the loser

Sweden is Poland’s natural ally.