Are you ready to take the final redpill about women?

The real redpill is that white people are more like peacocks than the other races.

In our natural state, our men are gigachads with sculpted arms, chiseled chests, and washboard abs. We are lean and mean. We have shiny beeswaxed hair, rosy cheeks, and blue or hazel eyes behind lush curly lashes.

Our women, on the other hand, are like the female peacock. In thee natural state, without makeup and plastic surgery, they are pale amorphous ghosts. We keep them around largely because they remind us of our mothers and do things our mothers used to do for us, like cook and clean and comfort is. As an aside, this is why we like big tits more than any other race: they represent motherhood.

The white man being a peacock isn’t immediately obvious because of modern technology. White men have created the conditions for our women and children to thrive. In doing so, however, we have shot ourselves in the foot.

For women, plastic surgery is a mere month’s time of work (men may also benefit from this, but women have more options). In a short cab ride she has access to global brands like Tiffany’s and Sephora that create a beautiful mask that simulates a caricature of the nature state of white men (re: women’s blush vs man’s natural blush; her fake eyelashes vs our real ones).

As men, we must display our masculinity through hard work and ambition, something that may take decades to manifest. We must spend years artificially imposing conditions upon ourselves that nature in all her beauty would be more than happy to provide. Only through years of caloric restriction and weightlifting can we hope to achieve the state figure of man. (The men like pic related who are blessed with “good genetics” for modernity would have starved in antiquity at even the mention of a famine. They are only superficially impressive.)

Yes, us men have it much tougher than women. But we are like diamonds in the rough; the opposite can be said for the incubation chambers we call women.

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>my mother
oh fuck no. good god no. i'm going gay if that's what i have to deal with.

Thing of the archetypal mother then, bucko!

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this post is dumb. male bodies are boring and even straight women think so

Why does the swimmer have a c-section scar?

Dude everyone has that fold mark.

>t. Fatass incel

reminder that cucks aren't made, they're born

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I just want to visit a whore house that’s all

You better not be mgtowposting in my thread faggot. I love women, yes for their laughs and their tits, but I mainly love them because they give me sons.

OP is the big gay.

>Being this delusional
Go outside and you'll see almost every white man is a bearded soiboi

>recognizing white male aesthetics is homosexual
Found the fatass freudian kike

>what is reading comprehension
Found the ancap proud boy nigger

Tired of people drooling over this dago wop with a shitty hairline. He's not that good looking. He's like what salvini wishes he looked like, yuck. Italians are so tacky.

Everything about this post sounds like a jew. Replace the word white with kike and tell me it doesnt sound like the arrogant screed of a heeb


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Yes if you rewrite my treatise so that it praises the Jew instead of the white, it would be Jewish. I don’t why didn’t I realize this before posting?

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>arrogant screed
lose weight

have sex

yeah I'm pretty sure that's his fucking plan

Men are peacocks but not in appearance (a bit in height and strength, eyelashes). We are peacocks in humor, intelligence, creativity and birdnest building (civilization building on the macro scale and careers on the micro scale). Almost all human progress (genetic or otherwise) has been through the sexual selection of the best men.

This model is breaking down due to it's own success. Women are still gaining from it but the best men are no longer being selected for (expect for looks and dick game). So maybe the future generations of men will become dimwitted peacocks. If we are lucky, AI will supersede us soon and continue the progress with roasties and their fuxboys lost to oblivion. Hopefully these being will look back fondly on their male organic predecessors.

You gay