Ughh... what could've been

Ughh... what could've been...
thoiughts on this empire?

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If you want, you have have Puerto Rico back. Tell Trump user said it was okay.

thanks, but their unionists are a minority, i dont know if they'd be happy with it

Attached: PuertoRicoMRE_EN.png (697x523, 339K)

I recall one of our founders saying mexico was in good hands with spain, and whites would eventually settle it...

if they could see us now

Mexico was never rich, unlike other spanish colonies wich were quite wealthy. It was misrule from spain that made them claim independence imo, it was spaniards that did all the independence wars after all.

Attached: gdp_per_capita_relative.png (496x296, 26K)

Deixar vivir aos indios foi un gran erro. Nunca sei por que non foron exterminados. Son salvaxes e dificilmente humanas.

Attached: facepalm.jpg (622x413, 68K)

It was a (((masonic))) plot to decimate the spanish empire.

The catholic faith, thats what true christians knew was the right thing to do.

Your country is literally 0,0001% injuns, yet your "people" are more salvaxes e dificilmente humanas.

Those "Spaniards", such as Bolivar, were Freemason crypto-Jews. We did nothing wrong.

Attached: Jews_subverted_Spain.png (1134x1064, 277K)

Florida is still very Spanish to this day

Having a huge empire is not a good thing, the benefits are not worth the costs. It seems cool in theory but in reality it’s shit

See British India, Britain never really profited off the whole thing after taking into account the costs

Kys. Better dead than colonized.

Attached: keep-calm-and-fuck-imperialism.png (600x700, 37K)

*Cuban, it was just angloid whites and blacks for a long time before recent immigration.

Fuck Communism.

Attached: The fate of all Communists.jpg (1075x688, 320K)

Jewnited snakes is not my country, dirty indian. I am a Galego and I doubt you even know what that is.

Of course, a (((commie)))

Too many spics.

Attached: kiketalk.jpg (119x125, 4K)

It was spanish way before the anglos and blacks dummy, look at the older buildings and the names of the towns. The oldest school in the USA is in Florida.

You just say that because your country isn’t a failing, narco ruled feudal shithole. If the empire still existed daddy Spain would make Mexico great with gibs paid for with your taxes. You are so selfish.

México is a failed capitalist state. Deal with it.


Attached: 2k48t0.jpg (500x607, 22K)

go to bed che jr

One of the great mistakes of US history was not just completely taking over Mexico after their crushing defeat in the Mexican War.

i heard that the Black Spanish Legend was largely made and spread by freemasons, not just protestants
Got any info on this?

Don’t worry user we’re merging into one country, every mexican has a relative in the yunaites.

>taking over the entire world to implement your ideology isn’t the same thing as imperialism

Haha i’ve been found, you made me laugh argie bro

waste of numbers and funny how they're anti imperialist yet they annexed half of Europe.

Unfortunately I don't, but the circumstantial evidence is strong. The British were the supposed source of the slander and we all know that their upper classes are rife with Jewish infiltration via Freemasonry.

Attached: freemasonry-star.jpg (375x387, 37K)

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Scotland wants their flag back Juan, stop stealing stuff

fun fact: The galician flag was also quite similar to scotland and even russia (at the time)

Attached: banderas3.png (2656x1278, 237K)


¿why not?

Attached: mexicoro.png (520x390, 37K)

Spanish Empire was greatest nation to exist after Rome. Also the Cross of Burgundy is the most beautiful flag of all.

wtf i love Peru now

Attached: jamon.png (586x506, 102K)

They actually had ludicrous silver deposits

All that silver imported to Europe actually screwed over economies due to inflation.

Mexico = New Spain
Argentina = New Italy
Chile = New Prussia
Quebec = New France
Caribbean’s = New Sardinia
Brazil = New Portugal
Venezuela = New Tuscany

Grat video.
Here another

Attached: la-involucion-hispanoamericana-de-provincias-de-las-espanas-a-territorios-tributarios-el-caso-argent (530x650, 90K)

Nordics are the true Aryans
Sit down Spics, you are barely even white

if wealth was just about resources, russia would be richer than USA.


Can we get our empire back as well ?