Is space flight a waste of time?

Is space flight a waste of time?

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Communication, GPS, and weather monitoring satellites are worthwhile. Everything else is a meme.

No, if you think you aren't white

I disagree. We are destined to leave earth and live among the stars

And DEWs. If we lived in a kike-free world, hardcore space travel develops tech we could use later here (anti-gravity, better propulsion, materials and energy storage, terraforming, stasis, food storage,...)

Travel outside Neptunes orbit is a meme. We are bound within the solar system by hard laws of energy and matter.

People think that our world is like civilization 5 where technology is just research points that unlock after a set number of years but it's not. We've already discovered the purest form of energy in the world, nuclear fusion, the energy that powers stars, and it's still not even close to enough energy it would take for interstellar travel, or to create a wormhole or something. And antimatter is a meme tier propulsion method that requires much much more energy input to make the antimatter than you get from the antimatter itself, simple conservation of energy principles.

So far the fastest thing we've ever made, the new Horizons probe travels a velocity of 58,536 km/h (36,373 mph).

Do the maths. To travel 10 light years in 100 years you'd be travelling at 10% the speed of light indefinitely from the moment you leave earth to the moment of arrival. This is roughly 18000 miles per second.

We know something will eventually make the Earth uninhabitable for humans and space is the answer to ensure our survival because it is the first step in colonizing planets and humans becoming masters of the universe instead of just the dominate life on one planet.

The space force, as dumb as it sounds, is a good idea. To establish the ground work in how proper protocol should be in regards to space travel and a way to enforce that protocol through force if needed will be important.

Meh, reaching faster than light speed is possible, we just haven't figured out how to do it yet. If it isn't possible, the concept of living vessels that are self contained for travelling colonies is a thing, as is suspended animation, and various other potential work arounds for killing time on a trip.

that should be for you to decide for yourself, or for anyone else to decide for themselves
but instead the government takes your money and gives it to people to do it (inefficiently) regardless of what you or anyone else thinks
don't you love being violently forced to pay for the pet projects of others?

> you
> pic related

Based on our currently understood model of physics, yeah sure. Anything beyond is science fiction or speculation at best. There is no safe way (that we know of) to accelerate to the speeds necessary with manned missions. So we have to figure out how to teleport 'n shit

P.S. You're still pic related

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don't forget to pack lots of (((diversity))) before you go

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space is such a huge undertaking that it would've never happened under private captial.
>but muh spacex muh boeing and blue origin
all heavily subsidized by the government. The Columbus and Portuguese expeditions of Africa and the New World were started by the government at the time and there was no chance that a private entity was going to do it themselves. I am a firm believer that the government is essential in creating new markets for the private sector to later fill.

It is in human nature to conquer our surroundings, if we didn't spend so much money on people and countries which literally do not deserve it we would be mining asteroids and have humans on mars by now.

I honestly believe the population of the earth needs to be reduced before any of this happens though, plans probably are already in place for this.

Personally, you'll get new technologies to play with.
More importantly, species survival.
If we don't spread out, humanity will die on earth. Probably sooner than we'd like to think.

yeah and nay, but it's getting better and cheaper.

we will never reach Expanse type of exploration let alone Star Trek, for obvious social and cultural reasons.

It is right now because there is no future for the Western World. All those old dreams about colonizing the solar system and the stars are a mere fantasy. To colonize those distant worlds would demand of us to be a hardy and self reliant people, willing to work towards the long term and be without in our own time. Does that sound like the modern Westerner?

in a few hundred thousand years all humans will look the same anyway. I'm white btw

there are plenty of people who've been interested in space throughout all time

that's like saying (before the Wright brothers) that aviation is too big a project to happen without the state forcibly taking people's money to pay for it - it's a nonsense hypothetical

Welfare for niggers is a bigger waste of resources.

no instead we spend all of our money bombing third world countries to maintain our grip on the petrodollar and arms sales. I think this will change in our lifetimes though as oil loses it's economic feasibility. The world's reserves are having a hard time meeting our daily extraction demands

If its not humanitys goal to become a multiplanetary species we might as well nuke this planet

what is the Problem with 100 years travel time or 1000 or 10000?

we have all the time in the universe

space requires billions of dollars in R&D and tens of thousands of employees, the wright brothers made the airplane in their workshop

anyone saying Elon is a welfare Queen isn't wrong, but that could change quickly thanks to Starlink.

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yes, giving your land and women away to subhuman shitskins is a better use of our time a resources.

kill yourself nigger


>the wright brothers made the airplane in their workshop
the chinese build rockets in 1232

>space requires billions of dollars in R&D and tens of thousands of employees
i forgot boeing and airbus are made up of five guys building planes in garages

it doesn't require billions of dollars in R&D - because the government spends billions of dollars on it does not mean it requires it, in the same way that the government spending billions on the f-35 doesn't mean that planes with the capabilities of the f-35 require billions of dollars to produce

Oh that will certainly come to an end, but what is left in its place?

>babby’s first job subsidy program

SpaceX is pretty much a government agency but it's way more efficient with it's money than NASA. SpaceX still dumps billions into it's rocket development.
nothing, which is why everything will be forced to localize.

>SpaceX is pretty much a government agency
yes it is
Musk is a government welfare leech

>Communication, GPS, and weather monitoring satellites are worthwhile. Everything else is a meme.

Outer space is a meme, and all of the things you listed are ground-based. The earth is enclosed by the firmament.

Yes, because there is no such thing and the whole "outer space" deception is just there to keep people denying the truth - that we all belong to Jesus Christ and will all answer to Him one day...either receiving salvation from sin or judgment and condemnation.

>I disagree. We are destined to leave earth and live among the stars

You don't know what the stars are...hint...they are not what your fake "science" textbook tells you.

yes but it doesn't change my point. Building 200ft tall rockets is expensive, not analogous to creating the first airplane with some lumber and tools

yeah and the earth is flat

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yeah it is expensive
tons of things are expensive, and they get funded because people want to fund them

>Based on our currently understood model of physics

No such thing. We know what we can observe and validate with science. All so-called "models" are fake mathematical circle-jerks that exist to siphon grant money into academic institutions.

Nothing will stop humanity from it's true destiny: impregnating horny alien babes.

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>space is such a huge undertaking that it would've never happened under private captial.

Even a modest PC can render the special effects required to "travel to space". Back in the day, they actually built the props to show you on TV now we can simulate just about everything, and legions of morons will believe it is real.

there will never be enough private interest to get serious space missions privately funded, it's too much of a risk.

>All those old dreams about colonizing the solar system and the stars are a mere fantasy.

Correct. Nobody went or is going anywhere. We are captive upon the earth until we die, at which point we will give an account of our lives before the Father. Repent and turn to Jesus now while you can.

>Is space flight a waste of time?

No, the cosmos belongs to us and its only waiting for us to take it.
Anything less than this is heresy and you deserve to be shot.

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space dosnt exist nigger, so no

based schizo

Nigger the purest form of energy we know of is matter anti-matter annihilation. The problem is we don't have any anti-matter and producing anti-matter currently takes more energy than it would release.

>So we have to figure out how to teleport 'n shit

not possible. The energy requirements would be greater than the output of a star.

then it shouldn't be funded
things that people don't want funded should not be funded - if it's a good cause, you can find backers
the notion that you can find people to spend hundreds of millions on art projects and yet that no one has any interest in space is complete nonsense
there are so many space romanticists it's unreal, and everyone thinking "oh this is the government's job - NASA will accomplish these things for me, since I'm already paying for it" is completely detrimental to the cause

>yeah and the earth is flat

Yes, it's the dry land beneath the firmament - what God said it is...but feel free to deny God and believe some cuck playing a "scientist" on TV telling you otherwise.

It's 2019 bro, being ignorant in this era is a willful choice.

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I thought Jow Forums was in agreement that space doesn't exist?

>Is space flight a waste of time?
It's been decades and nothing has changed. Space cannot be explored.

It may be a good way to get rid of socialists by placing them on uranus.
And maybe there are resources out there.

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A functioning Star-Trek style Warp Drive was already discovered in 2012 by a.... mexican, of all people.
And no, the energy requirements arent impossible to do it, according to predictions we will figure out a way to power the Warp Drive not later than the next 300 years.

I recently read about some other scientists trying to figure out a Warhammer style Warp Drive, but.... kurwa, we'd better design a Power Armor and a bolter, first.

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some things need to be done despite whether people want it to happen or not.

this is the best answer to the problem assuming only existing technology. just try to build spaceships that can sustain life for long periods of time.

what are you talking about? there is no inherent reason why teleportation would need significantly more energy than what is needed to transfer the information describing the object to teleport.

Go watch Issac Arthur, will show you the whitepill.


>those poor niggers never got the chance to eat his car
makes you think

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then do them yourself
if I think x thing is so important that you must pay for it whether you want to or not, that does not justify me threatening you with violence for not handing your property over to me for the purpose of x

That depends. What are the really doing with the money?

Do you think the military should also be abolished because it exists on the tax dollar?

absolutely - standing armies are the greatest enemies of liberty
did you think that was a gotcha question?

and infrastructure too? You're just as delusional as communists that think everything should be handled by the government. private militaries would not fight for you, they would fight for Bill gates and Bezos

>Is space flight a waste of time?
Heh, it's actually a bend of time when done correctly.

people pay for infrastructure because they need it
the idea that roads would not exist were it not for the state forcibly taking people's money is laughable - as if everyone's just gonna sit around and think "man, I really want to be able to travel and conduct business, but there just aren't flat surfaces to traverse - I guess I just have to sit around and waste away!"
what nonsense

here's how you can think of private defense:

>Muh roads
>Muh police

This is some level one bullshit.

All of human history we have been limited by the resources we could scrape from the top layer of dirt on this planet. Now push that limit to all the worlds, moons and asteroids out to Neptune. That would be staggering.

I grew up on a farm, I know what private road maintenance looks like. My parent's 900ft stretch of the road was well oiled and road graded twice a year but they paid out the wazoo for it. Our closest neighbors also paid their share to maintain their section of the road, but their neighbors did not. Their portion of the road was ridden of potholes, worn out sandbars, and ruts. Do you seriously think something like a highway could be maintained if people don't want to pay for it?

generally it's commercial interests that would take care of most roads, since they're the ones with the highest stakes in there being accessible routes around, and the costs they pay for that will be shared between them and also baked into the costs of the goods and services they sell (since it's effectively overhead)
people would want to pay for it, because it makes their operations possible where they would not be possible otherwise, and people like making money and doing things

so what you're saying is that it becomes an unavoidable overhead instead of an unavoidable tax. Seems redundant

Why did you have it graded, and not just pull a box blade over it?

no, since it's voluntary and the incentives for the people who voluntarily pay for it are to be good custodians over how it's used
a huge problem with government is that they don't have any personal incentives to make sure that tax money is spent well - they get their paychecks regardless of the quality or worthiness of what they do or don't provision
that is not the case for private people, who have very personal and acute incentives to make sure the money they spend is spent well, which would get you better/cheaper roads than from people who don't have any real stake in whether the money they spend - which is not their own - is spent well

A local contracting company, and box blades don't work well with gravel roads or compact dirt for that matter.

I don't think so. Research of places humans can never hope to see is extremely interesting, and satellites are obviously very useful.

That's about it though. Aside from satelites, it's just kinda cool. There is no obvious practicle use to taking pictures of rocks on Mars, it's just a really neat thing to do.

People who think we're going to colonize these uninhabitable planets and moons are incredibly gullible.

There is a difference between colonizing a continent that is already teaming with life, water, and good farmland, and a colonizing a space rock that doesn't even have an atmosphere.

People always seem to compare colonization of the moon to our colonization of the Americas. Really it's far more comparable to our activity in Antarctica. You think were gonna terraform an entire planet, build cities, and live as comfortably as we do on this one that we've been adapting to for as long as life has existed? If you think we could ever establish anything beyond a few research bases like we have in Antarctica, you vastly overestimate man's ability.

Yes. We need more money form them programs.

but people won't pay. They will happily drive on their shit roads if it saves them money.

Nuclear engine (0.10 speed of light) + artificial wombs = seed ships that can be sent to other solar systems and travel for centuries.

We can just get helium3 off the moon and then off Jupiter in unlimited amounts and take over the solar system. Can live in giant space stations. Just need a single rotating area to prevent muscle wasting. Don't even need o'neil cylinders when you can have millions of stations arranged in a solar system-wide industrial network and the solar system would still feel lonely and large. By then our nuclear ships will have been perfected, improved, or replaced by something superior. The only barrier to humans controlling all of space is human society being dumb and mad with its own primitive survival instincts and too dumb to understand you can't control such instincts through law and coercion, or even bread and circuses.

Why am I indebted to take care of anyone, but myself? It's like they forget that death is a part of nature. It's no man's fault, but your own if you starve to death.

This feels like a text from the twilight zone. A box blade isn't as fast as a road grader, but is designed for both of those cases. The ripper shanks are there for compacted dirt.

>but people won't pay
I can't imagine a trucking company not investing in roads that would otherwise cost them tons of extra money on new tires, gas, and machine wear when it would be far cheaper and more pleasant for everyone to have good roads

you're not thinking in terms of the actual costs and benefits here

>>There is a difference between colonizing a continent that is already teaming with life, water, and good farmland, and a colonizing a space rock that doesn't even have an atmosphere.
>People always seem to compare colonization of the moon to our colonization of the Americas. Really it's far more comparable to our activity in Antarctica. You think were gonna terraform an entire planet, build cities, and live as comfortably as we do on this one that we've been adapting to for as long as life has existed? If you think we could ever establish anything beyond a few research bases like we have in Antarctica, you vastly overestimate man's ability.
If we manage to develop an effective way to travel through space there's an immense amount of resources available through asteroids and the like. Far more water than there is on earth.

>Why am I indebted to take care of anyone, but myself?
If you are white then the answer is that you benefit from white privilege and thus indebted to take care of the non-white

If nothing else, space exploration gives us something to aspire to.

I know this is satire, but knowing that there are a good 40% of American's who actually believe it (some of them even white) is very disheartening.

>a good 40% of American's who actually believe it
At the least 40% do honestly believe it

Not if done right.

Let’s assume we would have a way to get to orbit just as cheap as our current air travel between continents, then space flight would make a ton of sense, as the per kg cost for cargo/human would be few cents. Currently, we are talking 20,000 dollars per kg minimum. It’s a waste.

>in a few hundred thousand years all humans will look the same anyway.

Do you say this from the chad perspective of genetic engineering, or the beta brainlet perspective of we'll become some average of all races on earth and basically be dumbasses ruled over by elites living in space?

No. The process of building rockets and probes actually believe it or not helps increase technology. Apollo used the first ever integrated circuit in its flight computer. NASA has a huge book of new technology that arose out of thier different programs. Doing anything hard is usually worthwhile

That being said NASA is a bureaucratic mess right now full of people who dont actually care about space exploration

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