How well do Slavic countries get along with each other? How is the political situation in each country?
Slavic countries
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Usually they pick on the tiniest detail and use it as excuse to steal from tourist.
Herro my dear chinky chong
"East Slavs" is a recent Russian invention
Eternal anglo always seething at the mention of the aryans
Use google you subhuman
>How well do Slavic countries get along with each other
Well Russia has a stealth proxy war with Ukraine
Belarus and Russia has a bipolar love-hate relationship where one week Belarusians let russians into their military bases, and the other they accuse them of trying to annex them Crimea style, while Russia puts sancitons on their dairy or turns off gas pipes
Czechia and Slovakia are total bros,
afaik they dislike Poles over Warsaw Pact invasion in 60's, and also over Zaolzie annexation in 1939
and they don't care about other Slavs, as themselves they are more crypto-Germans
Poles fear Russia doing either Crimeastyle takeover or fullblown invasion, while Russians turn Kaliningrad oblast into one huge military base
Russias dislike that Poland is in NATO and see us as ungrateful western lapdogs
also there's a lot of eh... differences in how polish and russian historiography see WWII which leads to butthurtness half a century later
Dunno how Ukrainians view Poles, but Poles are sympathethic towaards Ukrainians over war with Russia, while also starting to resent a million Ukrainian gastarbaiters, also again some resentments dating back to 1930's
Serbians love Russians, don't know about vice versa
all other souther slavs seem to be tired of Serbia's shit
I'm not an expert tho
West slavs get along very well with each other
>How well do Slavic countries get along with each other?
"Fucking subhumans" -> vodka -> fight - > "Slavic brothers"
"Slavic" means nothing in Poland. Poland since the Middle Ages absorbed millions of Germans - it makes no fucking sense to call Poland "slavic". Apart from the language, what is "slavic" in Poland?
So which one is it? Or are anglos just a subspecies of chink?
>Being deconstructionist
>in Poland
Fast way to get murdered
the balkans are mostly split between catholics and orthodox aswell, where serbia and croatia are the main 'enemies' (a bit like russia and poland), bulgaria seems to be doing its own thing and macedonia trolls everyone around it.
bosnia is litterally a mini yugoslavia where serbs and croats are more than actual "bosniaks"
i also would like to add that i visited belarus and can confidently say that they are more russian than russia itself, everyone speaks russian and its more or less an ethnostate, which is nice
you do realize that while to some extend true, it isnt as hard as you put it, it would get reflected in the haplogroups which it doesnt, east germany is more slavic in the sense you are talking about than poland is german
south slavs are not slavs
>Being deconstructionist
When im drunk i care about slavic brotherhood n shieet. When im sober i dont give a shit and yes we all hate eachother. Slovaks dont exist, Czech are cowards, Russians are communists, ukrainians - hard situation, Belorussians are bros, croatia is also bro tier, rest of balkans are essencialy turks, but Poles like turks so its not a problem
ups i meant
>i also would like to add that i visited belarus and can confidently say that they are more russian than russia itself, everyone speaks russian and its more or less an ethnostate, which is nice
im an ukrainian chick. i love croats and ruskies and pollacks should be burn.
East Slavs used to get along extremely well
West Slavs get along pretty good, except some problems
South Slavs are niggers which destroyed their own countries.
>im an ukrainian chick
Prove it. Show tits.
5 euro for blowjob will do it?
>Russians are communists
I wish...
We are pseudo-muricans of slavic world now and that sucks.
How many shades of HIV do you have?
Expanding on that.
The animosity of Czechs against Poles is not that high. They understand that communism wasn't representative.
That's also why Czechs don't have anything against Russia.
Polish paranoia of Russia is incredibly high on a political level and still high among most citizens. Russians seem to generally like Poles tough (while rightfully critizing the government of being American ass lickers).
Poles like or are at least neutral towards Belarus.
Croats and Poles like each other, both are Catholic.
Generally tough west slavs don't have any strong animosity against any South slavs.
Serbs are in conflict with other south Slavs but only really hate Albanians (non slavs).
flashing tits for cash babe
pshe pshe pshe pszek pshèeeeeeeee
50 w japu, 100 w rzopu?
>South Slavs are niggers which destroyed their own countries
Something tells me that ottomans had their hand in this.
but genetics isn't that important. Apart from language and genes there's nothing slavic about Poland, it doesn't ring any bells here.
Nah we still se you as evil tavarish kommisar Ivan
>pollacks should be burn.
hahahahahaha what's the matter got smacked by a pole for not swallowing?
gipsies from romania have it.
all know romanians sluts in chaturbate which do piss for 50 dollars
you are sub humans.
Not wonderful Hitler hates the Pollack's trash.
Did a romanian spit on you while clogging the streets when you were "working"?
Well, this view is outdated mate, get on with the times.
Someone should write a panslavic manifesto.
We are not Sl*v(e)s,fuck off faggot.
the fuck you talk about?
>flashing tits for cash babe
And mutts think they will find "traditional Ukrainian virgin" XDDD
Almost every ukrainian girl is a whore, and its good. You are at least cheap, but there is always risk of AIDS ofc
ahahahahahahahaha hitler offed himself just like your whole country
Hello Oksana
5 PLN v pizdu
10 PLN v zhopu, are your prices correct?
That you are ruled by jewish oligarchy and regular russians doesnt care about politics at all?
Tits or gtfo memeflag
Also if you are "chick" on htr just gtfo
>West slavs
Always been pro-western and catholic, Before WW2 there were millions of Germans trying to dominate land to east by culture.
>East slavs
Basically Russian Imperialism, make everything piss poor and larp how strong you are. Always been retarded and backward even to west slavs
>South slavs
Endless fight between pro western catholics, orthodox and muslims. Croatia and Slovenia are simmilar to west slavs in that aspect
Like - Russians
Like - Poles
Like - Ukrainians
Like - Serbs
Like - Bulgarians
Like - Czechoslovaks
Like - Bosniaks
Like - Montenegrins
Dislike - Slovenes
Dislike - Croats
Simple as
White Northern Europeans are pathologically averse to inter-personal conflict, so much so you could take a shit on their desk and they’d just sit there and do nothing. The future of European Civilisation lies with Southern and Eastern Europe those with “hot-blood” and not the “cold-blooded” reptilians of North and North-Western Europe.
i dont have AIDS.Never had sex without condom plus i had one guy in my life.
ure a poor... back to clean toilets in UK.
dont forget back to Ukraine our land which Pszekostan stolen
>i also would like to add that i visited belarus and can confidently say that they are more russian than russia itself
I'd say Belarussians are more of "I don't really care" variety
their govt spend decades trying to russify them, eradicate belarusian language and swithch to russian, and they were ok with that. Now Lukashenko got scared of Crimean scenario and is trying to roll it back. Again, Belarussians seem to by ok with that. IMHO they are ok with being independent state, but if Russia annexed them, they'd be ok with that too.
They are somewhat like Slovakia- not really into trying to stirr shit, and ready to accept whatever life throws at them. Very stoic and gentlemanly way of life
Damn that chad Serb with the bird lmao
>Polish paranoia of Russia is incredibly high on a political level and still high among most citizens
yeah I wonder if it was caused by Russia turning on Ukraine from "super bros for life" to "we take your clay now" literally overnight
and also because polish armed forces is literally a joke
>Loving chochols
Traitors like them will hang when we will break jewish shackles
>i dont have AIDS.Never had sex without condom plus i had one guy in my life.
lol this coming from a cuckrainian means shitt you might as well have it since birth thanks to the eternal whore economy of cuckraine.
Russians aren't even Slavs
Not sure anout the western and eastern Slavs, but sputhern Slavs don't fare well. The entire Balkans hate each other.
thread theme song
West Slavs get along and are based.
East Slavs get along not as well (Ukraine-Russia relations are catastrophic)
South Slavs are based and hate each other, but the hate is not as strong as we let you think.
Hitler the aryan god.Every pollack trash should lick his aryan feet.
Jan Kazimir is a faggot. the destroyer of white ppl.
jan Kazigay were married with a kike slu which have power to jews in Europe.
thank you poles for jews
Khazars like you are born liers, also when Pole cleans toilet in UK there is an Ukrainian cleaning his toilet so you can imagine your place in the hierarchy
hello Valdik, fuck off.
i love ukrainian men not scum like u
I think all those STDs are starting to finally affect your brain.
i wont never visit Poland.
Its shithole like Ukraine. but with better economy and stolen lands
I bet youre a whore in an whorehouse in israel arent you? If that isnt the case than just show your flag
the truth hurts u, pollack?
Neither was i in the UK whore
I fucked this hot Croatian/Australian breed. Best tits I ever saw, she liked pretending to be a submissive whore in the sheets.
Last thing I heard from her is that she’s fucking some Asian guy, guess even KPOP is destroying our hardened Balkan genes.
Women Balkan diaspora are the worst whores, don’t let them leave
They all hate each other. What a clusterfuck of failed states.
try harder pollack. never have been in shakelstan
The only truth here is the fact your a STD ridden whore, but that's expected from a cuckrainian I guess. Sad
Bitch please we are making your nation into a future hacking center of the world that will sway election world wide and spam us with bots on social media with all that money we keep investing in creating a strong "security" team to counter attacks from all over the world.Mark my word
imagine my shock
i bet u will visit uk for some cash like all poles love to do.
Why the hell did my entire post not register?
Anyway Mark my word you will become a rogue state that Russia will invade and all of your countrymen will leave.
Than why are you using a memeflag? Ashamed of your origin? But dont be too mad sweety, i would also be ashamed if i were a khohol
This. The greatest friends I’ve ever made were ones I had fight with
none dont give a fuck about gipsies from Romania
And i bet you will go to Poland to work
>meme country hiding behind a memeflag
makes sense if you ask me.
Well thats accualy quite true
never never never
im hot girl , so i can use americans for cash like ruskies do
We are buying you piece by piece
So you admit youre a whore
Us West Slavs (Poles, Czechs, Slovaks) are bros. No issues at all.
South Slavs (Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats) are always at each others necks
East Slavs (Ukrainians, Russians, and Belarusians) generally get along but Russians are the ones keeping them down.
Russians and Poles do not get along, because of their history of betraying us and invading us.
Very strange relationship.
hello my Sarmatian bros
how we will restore The Great Sarmatia in our life time and destroy the wh*tey?
i dont fuck a man for cash. so im not.
i am a single hot girl without bf and i can work without opening legs.
>afaik they dislike Poles over Warsaw Pact invasion in 60's, and also over Zaolzie annexation in 1939
Bullshit, Czechs have no problems with us and Slovaks like us more than them but overall relationships are nice and healthy.
>and they don't care about other Slavs, as themselves they are more crypto-Germans
Because they were under their banner once? So were we, does that make us crypto-Germans too? Fuck no.
And Poles never annexed Zaolzie, it was Czechs. We got it back diplomatically.
We get along perfectly fucking well with russians when there is a khohol to hat
Not to mention that alongside Czechs we are the only slavic nations that achived something
My parents were polish immigrants and I was born in France. I know I could get a polish passport pretty easily if I wanted to (jus sanguinis and all).
I'm considering moving to Poland in a few years when the islam infestation will reach a critical point. Is that okay if I bring my blonde breton wife?
They can't even make their shitpost good, that's how useless their subrace is
i will buy with my crypto. i hope ure. good with cleaning toilets!
>im hot girl , so i can use americans for cash like ruskies do
Nice mental gymnasitics sweety
I meant government wise. I have no problems with individual Russians. However once the topic of politics is brought up shit gets heated.
This. I came to London with girlfriend and we went out and met some polish dude and his girl and partied for every day I was there.
>Is that okay if I bring my blonde breton wife?
As long as she and you aren't degenerates, sure.
Fuck off, bosnian refugee
Friendly reminder we are not slav(e)s
we're right-wing conservatives and she probably hate arabs even more than I do
Again, I like you guys as individuals. It's your government that we despise. Would be based if you had a government model like Hungary or us.
Is she ugly though