It’s over for the UK

>Brexit: Boris Johnson rips up Theresa May’s immigration plan and refuses to set limits on new arrivals

>New prime minister also backs amnesty for undocumented migrants, acknowledging ‘perhaps half a million people’ could win right to stay

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As a Serb I feel extreme happiness

I spit on the corpse of the once great British empire, may the pakis dilute your degenerate bloodline you crypto Jews

Keep bumping Serb bro

He's bringing an "Australian style" policy on immigration, he will allow for high skilled immigrants but not those who abuse our hospitality, this article hardly discloses his quotes on this new policy, just a title saying "muh Boris is letting more brown people into this country!!!", if you don't believe me then research the policy yourself, in the meantime, go outside and stop shilling.

the (((independent))) and the entire leftist marxist agenda driven media are literally screeching about boris and the hit pieces are coming thick and fast.

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Talk about coping

your new pm is a crypto jew and nothing will change, enjoy your replacement

Is it any surprise? the conservatives arent conservative lol.
UK is finished, may as well leave if you're capable.

>inb4 abandoning the homeland
Yeah, you can go down with Islamic-ship if you want but I'm not going to be part of it. I'm hoping to leave in the next 5 years.

[ C O P E ] . com

>be a seething Croat
>make a shill thread based around a totally unbiased article
>have it be refuted with a logical understanding and the reality of said policy
I find it funny how you spout your "da jooz" logic and try fearmongering me while hiding behind a memeflag, I wonder how active you are

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Again with the cope logic, do you people actually read what others are saying before you pull "cope" out of your ass or is that how poorly educated you are?


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Cope harder

Are you shilling or what? Boris said yesterday that he wants amnesty for illegals. Not even Corbyn supports that.

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Pakistani Chancellor.
Indian Home Secretary.

Is it because they did such a good job with their own countries?
Wow Croat, some great arguments you have there, it definitely doesn't unveil your low average intelligence or seethe, keep it up!

Is that a tranny cause that's a flat ass for a black chick, I find it hard to tell with how manly and unattractive black women are to me.

>refuses to set limits on new arrivals
>backs amnesty for undocumented migrants, acknowledging ‘perhaps half a million people’ could win right to stay


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where are you going?

>spouting delusions with no proof ought to result in everyone taking your word for it rather than laughing in your face
Wow what a great board this is

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Lol nice cope. Your countries are literally nothing. What do you export? What are you known for? Literally nothing. You had one genius in history, Scotland and England have had many. The only reason you're even on the map anymore is because of us and the rest of the west. You could sink into the sea and it wouldn't even make a difference in the world.

>Serbia and Croatia aren't railing eachother for merely existing

I don't know about the rest of you, but I suspect something...

But I CAN'T figure out (((what)))

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Who cares? GE in 3 months then xmas holidays then 6 months delay with no majority government then another vote that will be wrong then another year delay...

And then, when everything will fall, they say
>Russians did it!!!

It is absolutely true that I have raised it several times [when] I was in government. I must say, it did not receive an overwhelming endorsement from the previous prime minister when I raised it in cabinet.

But I have to say I do think our arrangements – theoretically being committed to the expulsion of perhaps half a million people who don’t have the correct papers and who may have been living and working here for many, many years without being involved in any criminal activity at all – I think that legal position is anomalous.

And we saw the difficulties that that kind of problem occasioned in the Windrush fiasco. We know the difficulties that can be caused.

And I do think – yes, I will answer [Huq] directly – I do think we need to look at our arrangements for people who have lived and worked here for a long time, unable to enter the economy, unable to participate properly or pay taxes without documents.

We should look at it. And the truth is the law already basically allows them an effective amnesty. That’s basically where things have settled down. But we should look at the the economic advantages and disadvantages of going ahead with the policy that [Huq] described and which I think she and I share.

This is what Boris Johnson said during his statement about considering an amnesty for migrants in the UK illegally. He was responding to a question from the Labour MP Rupa Huq, who said that when Johnson was mayor of London he proposed an amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Also, you're still believing that BREXIT is going to happen shomehow, right?

It was over more than 50 years ago. Just remember they can do the same to you. No amount of protesting, even rioting will make any difference. The political system is a sham. They will brainwash your younger generations. They will destroy your lives if you oppose them. They will hide the truth from everyone possible.

>I know it doesn't look how I made it sound
>but for the sake of evidence I'm gonna post it anyway
>even if I come off as twisting the truth and discarding his clamations against those who cause trouble and don't contribute to our economy
Take your meds

>hurrr durr rose tinted spectacle
>I w-want the old Britain back even though I wasn't even alive then
>m-muh cold war
>y-y-you can't defeat the government!!!

If they contribute they can get residency permits quite easily under the current system. He is talking about amnesty for the retard-tier immigrants who are here illegally, which will encourage more.

have you been to Australia? "Great" immigration policies we have here...

I don't particularly desire to travel back in time, but the unnatural in-group hatred was planted in the mid-20th century and has truly flourished now.

He's stated plenty of times that he's against low skilled immigrants that do nothing but cause trouble though?
You really don't have it bad.

>in-group hatred
Would you care to elaborate?

He's part Turk

I'd tell you to come to N.Ireland but you'd just call it a dump and then I'd say I was just joking and fuck the English scum.

He's 1/8th Turk, about 1/8th Jewish and has more loyalty to them than the rest of his heritage.

Replacing one's own group with another racial group in one's ancestral homeland. It's suicide and would have been viewed as such in any other historical time. People support it willingly, don't care, or refuse to believe it is even possible. On a less severe level, showing an out-group preference: it's good to preferentially hire blacks, it's good that this area is minority white, it's good that this public figure is depreciating white people and we should flagellate ourselves more.

Boris is secretly Jewish?

Yes he has a Jewess in his maternal bloodline.


they will drown in a sea of niggers and pakis but at least they will be free from being part of the greatest economic and military union in the history of europe!

lmao poor brits get double fucked

Talk about yikes

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You are delusional

Psst. The entirety of the British elite class are fucking foreigners m8.
They killed all the real Norman castle families and replaced them with a half-breed version of themselves through usurious debt.
You have the dumb chav Saxon underclass ruled over by fake Normans who are really the offspring of grandads semitic loan shark who solved the debt through his daughter at some point in the past and still wears the family skin to this day.
Britain is a study in how the nose tribe parasites a nation, hollows it from within until nothing remains but the twitching carcass full of feasting maggots.
The only few remaining real blooded Englishmen left like me, are from those old families who had over time backed the wrong kings in succession and been deprived of land and titles, tossed into exile in Wales or other borders and thus were spared the predations of the shekel hungry court Jew, for whom they provided no opportunity.
You will almost never see one of us, we remain hidden in a sea of golems.
You cannot understand the absolute stupidity and complacent cattle-like behaviour of the Judeo/Christian people here, i feel rightly as though i live among a foreign slave-race, there is no greatness in what is left, no detectable fire.
Walking among them, if you have even a trace of untainted lineage, you feel like a fucking divinity, they move and think in slow motion, it is both amusing and awful and now they bring in niggers, what manner of swamp shall i be wading through soon ?
I pray for EMP nightly, won't be long now.

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Well... I hope the bongs in this thread are right.

i watched a documentary talking about how britain fell in dept and became dependant on (((banks))) after the napoleonic wars. Explains the cucked politics of modern Britain

The real test if the UK is really dead or not is when the Queen dies. I was watching the Princess Diana funeral and seeing millions of people in the street for her was touching. That’s probably the last time the English were that united. If there’s a lack of care for the Queen passing, even if you don’t like her personally, you know England has truly ended.

Save us Nigel!

The day she dies I'm breaking my no fap streak!

grow up faggot. your tiny population will be replaced quicker than you can shitpost. and that's a good thing

I thought Nigel only hates the EU. Since when is he against immigration?

Neighbour i was in London when she died and the hordes of flaccid people wailing and throwing flowers in the street, was not wholesome, was not endearing and patriotically stirring. It felt just the same as the noxious outpourings of the SJW today, tearing their hair and falling about over nothing.
The Royals are not a measure of this land, they are already dead, usurpers originally, they are the very vanguard of the kike, the veritable patient zero.
Put it this way, the central tenet of their claim to the throne is a line of descent from King David, they are the giga-kike, deep-water ultra-Yid, and they are rotting as they stand.

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