Why can't Latin American countries be as prosperous as the Western World?
Why did Latin America abandon Western civilization?
Why can't Latin America be allowed to join the prosperous Western Democracies such as U.S.A, E.U, Canada, Australia and New Zealand?
Why is Latin America so poor compared to U.S.A & Canada?
Because it's filled with shitskins
Low IQ
They need to import sperm from intelligent sperm donors and pay their women to impregnate themselves with it to create smarter offspring.
Latin America is too fucked economically and socially, and so is South America with the only exceptions of Chile, and possibly Argentina.
Why doesn't the West rehabilitate and westernise those shitskins? Surely it's just a matter of teaching them to speak English, getting them off drug cartels and giving them good jobs!!! Right?
Why can't western countries stop using western standards to measure non western societies? You have better (((quality of life))) but are full of refugees, hating each other all the time, men are dropping out of society, women are whores, races in war with each other, etc.
because the rule of law is completely degraded there, and everyone is only out for themselves, making corruption rampant.
it's a "one-step forward, two-steps back" mentality.
Each person individually fucks over their fellow countrymen to get one-step forward in their own life, but brings the country as a whole one step back (because of how they kill and destroy to get what they want).
it's pretty ridiculous, this mentality can even be seen in how they drive, for example. The drivers are all consumed with this "gotta get ahead" mentality, that they'll even weave in and out of opposing traffic lanes just to get ahead of the guy in front of them. So many accidents are caused this way, because they don't obey traffic laws, or laws in general.
>poor genetics
>bad climate for thinking minds
>cope culture and mentality
>preference for easy and poor life over successful but stressful life
>female sexual selection for low iq gansters over high is gamer and anime weebs
wh*Toids are purposely keeping them poor and corrupt to keep their evil wh*Te supremacist monopoly
Corruption from all sides of the government, Latin America would be great if the CIA didnt barge in and threatened every single honest politician with loans or a false flag operation
>cope culture and mentality
Please elaborate?
Pic unrelated
All these burgers talking shit about the
>Lazy spics
Have you taken a look at your own country in the last 60 years?
Because they literally retarded. I used to live in Guatemala where the average IQ is 62. That means broad parts of the population are basically apes with some human abilities like language. Expecting these countries to be anything else is expecting a classroom of retards to build a space shuttle. They know how to grow onions and fuck and that’s about it. If whites were the majority in any of these countries they would be fully industrialized and prosperous.
Our last IMF loan was approved only after Macri promised to recognize the CIA elected president to Venezuela.
..you've misspelled Jews..LMAO
Well yes, and that decline has been primarily due to immigration from countries like yours.
Not sure what point you're trying to make.
>If whites were the majority in any of these countries they would be fully industrialized and prosperous.
Nigga, if Guatemala was majority white, rn it would be filled with sub saharan sub humans just like your shit country
Spics didnt passed amnesty in the 60s mutt.
Neither will Spics pass it (again) after 2020 as you are aware of.
How does it feel knowing no matter who you vote for both sides are on it?
fpbp. /thread.
Proof: Latin American posts ITT
He is right + digits check.
What about Argentina? This logic applies? Or White Argentina is just a meme?
Lived in the usa for half my life, Yankees aren't that far ahead of us Argentines
Sure you have consumerism and fast food joints all over the place but ultimately I don't feel nearly as safe in the usa as In do here
This place is the equivalent of a Bolivian, commie hell.
Second biggest diaspora in the world.
Now that Bolsonaro was elected maybe they emigrate north though.