French politicians mock Greta Thunberg
>I don’t easily fall for lies
What a retard.
This bitch literally looks like a fucking retard.
Yes the fat rich old men laugh at the innocent girl with a kind heart, sounds like a Disney movie. Which side are we on again? Are we still doing that global warming is a hoax thing?
Fuck the jewish downs alchohol syndrom shitshow double nigger
I want to fuck her little downy butt
Do you think she is doing this on her own, or does she have some powerful backing in finance and media?
It is. Sorry Yurope is hot. Maybe if you guys didn’t accept millions upon millions of sandniggers, actual niggers, and “Asians,” as well as subsidize healthcare for the entirety of your country (and the undesirables mentioned), you could afford air conditioning.
that is a demon
Talk shit get hit.
I mean... the Koch brothers back retard right wing commentators all the time but you guys don't seem to have a problem with that.
>moah potatoes
>moah caubun cwedit
>no moah caws and twucks
>no moah beef burgers
>name ends in Berg
>ends up being a subversive figure
Every time
>soros funded bad
>koch brothers funded good
Yeah, you get a lot of useful idiots at any point of the political spectrum
go suck a dick anglo
free advertisment and sympathy for her i guess
Why have I not seen this child go to India or China yet?
The Kochs support the dems for cheap labor user, hell their family helped build the USSR's oil industry, I don't believe them to care about anything but profiting and advancing marxism.
Be honest, would you?
>muh daily show Koch brothers
Try harder shill, it's not 2006 anymore
Life is not a fucking fairy tale.
Young girls with innocent hearts have weak minds.
Start ditching your emotion and using your brain.
She's clinically retarded. Just look at that face.
Why are you referencing kike propoganda? Are you some sort of brain-damaged liberal who shapes their morality around fictional characters in children's books and movies?
They certainly have funded a lot of climate change denial propaganda
I just asked you what side we were on retard, no need sperg out.
Good, I don't get why anyone is listening to a child talk about things way over her head and proposing extremely retarded solutions.
You'd still fuck her though.
Yes, rich capitalists support Marxism. Makes absolute sense, you do realize they fund Prager U right? Those guys have a literal video titled "Why Socialism is evil". Check it out, maybe it'll help out your delusions.
If their main refinery's were not in the US, they would be funding in favor of climate change being real, because the enviromental regulations would kill their competition.
>>soros funded bad
>>koch brothers funded good
That time when you actually knew our politics: no times. We hate the kock brothers, they are neo-cons. Any way, it's a good thing you don't know our politics, keep it up.
Then next time simply ask your question without bloating your post with appeals to emotion and braindead references to Disney.
Is she Vegan
>>Other French legislators hurled insults at Ms Thunberg ahead of her speech, calling her a "prophetess in shorts" and the "Justin Bieber of ecology".
All environmentalist groups are pissing in the wind.
They won't abandon modern luxury and they won't tell the people who are breeding uncontrollably (here's a clue, it's not Europeans) to stop.
Poor girl, honestly. She's too young to get dragged into this.
Yeah. Which is probably why she's so mentally ill.
They're not sending their best...
>Listen to the science
>By the way science now says there's 55 genders
The Kochs back one thing only. Shitskin immigration to the max.
Cheaper work force and more consumers. What's not to like with shitskin migration when you can make some shekles.
The actual capitalists are pro marxist, it grants them a captive market they don't have to pay, apart from whatever flavor of marxist party they empower to rule for them. It also ensures their dominance is never contested and they are well insulated from whatever internal problems are suffered. Capitalism and Marxism are not opposed to each other at the top. Both seek an international world. Every single time marxism has been implemented it has always been marxism for the proles and state capitalism at the top regarding it's finances. You really think the communist party's mean it when they say they hate capitalism? Think of it like this, a nation turned into company property with it's own company owned store and scrip that it pays it's workers with. That's communism. These rich powerful international capitalists know people hate them, and what better way to control those who oppose them by leading the opposition themselves, and yes that goes for their efforts on funding "rightwing" squackboxes as well.
Yeah, a bunch of old kikes would attack a young girl who is trying to save the planet from destruction.
what kind of scumbag do you have to be to make fun of an underage girl with down syndrome?
Why is she protesting global warming when she should be protesting pic
age of consent in sweden is 15, you mong.
>Oy vey stop making fun of my pet potato goyim
Youe proxy doesn't fool anyone
I hate this board so much for always falling for such low baits....
>implying the destruction of earth is a bad thing
She'd be more tolerable with a cock in her mouth. Would keep her quiet and all, and give her something useful to do for once.
Yet Jow Forums constantly pushes talking point and videos by fossil fuel shills (many of which have been funded by the Koch brothers)
her shirt
How does this fucking mong create less carbon footprint by travelling all over Europe as a pose to me who never leaves England? Fucking retard.
It's no surprise, she works for a Soros-funded organization and so does Antifa.
Why would kikes promote ecology?
fuck you for not posting the archive link
Who's the Nig?
>Are we still doing that global warming is a hoax thing?
climate change is normal and if you want to protect the environment attack China and India.
To tax of course. Money out of nothing and your chicks for free.
>Why would kikes promote the destruction of western economies?
If the watermelons gave a shit about carbon footprints they'd be hard for nuclear.
are you genderphobe? THERE ARE 58 Genders!!
The preachers are always exempt from their gospel.
Hypocrites, all of them.
It has nothing to do with ecology, they just want to raise taxes and need an excuse. (Oy vey you have to many emissions gib money).
imagine the carbon footprint this downie's prescriptions are leaving. she should lead by example and self delete
>Mr. Jinping, how can we guarantee investors keep putting their money in China
>Get Sweden on the phone
It’s not ecology. Making sure whites cannot do anything and must stop having kids and other ludicrous things like that only exist to punish whites. Meanwhile you and your fellow shitskins are allowed to do whatever you’d like. Do you think we all have an average IQ of 70 like you and your kind?
Same old story, these people are a bunch of hypocritical snake oil salesmen.
Its the same reason they keep telling whites not to breed for the good of the environment while still sending aid to nogville so there are more and more niggers to import.
It's not about solving CO2, it's about controlling the world.
To get your fuel shekles goyim. Gotta pay extra taxes for transportation nowadays. Think about the climate.
*berg is a common name in Scandinavia.
Berg translates to mountain
>having this much fame and popularity
>being innocent
You're dumber than a bag of nigger toes.
thats just retarded, if anything it will lead to less consumption and less money for the big corp.
this is /x/ tier bullshit.
>i'm a retard please notice me.
why is anyone still talking about this jew shill? everyone with half a brain knows climate science is fucking retarded
It’s the number one way to realise who is not worth listening to. Anyone who is able to travel the world speaking to world leaders is NOT one of our people
They always dream about becoming a ruling caste in a world full of quasi-serfs.
Once everyone accepts that climate change needs centralized control of everything, they'll step up, flaunting their degrees.
>thats just retarded, if anything it will lead to less consumption and less money for the big corp.
It will lead to bigger dependency on banks to get anything done and bigger governments to arbitrarily allocate wealth into their pockets.
Consumption would require them to work and do nice products, getting tax money is easier.
OMG how many times has that filthy kike violated an underaged potato?
Not one of those is a true minimalist.
They're all luxury-loving hedonists.
If one truly fears climate change he'd become a second Ted Kaczinsky.
>"Justin Bieber of ecology"
Tax isn't an end, its a mean. the goal is to push people to change their way of life in order to avoid tax.
its is doable, but it can only work if its done an a global scale.
changing their way of life = using more expensive and inefficient products, energy and services.
This handicaps the economy of western countries in favor of other economies that don't give a fuck.
Guess who benefits the most if the money flies around the globe? Local mom & pops companies? Or multinationals?
Tax is a means to fund the state.
People don't change their behavior if they have no alternative - they just pay more for everything.
That's because she is one.
>a 16 yo liberal
>actual scientists that don't try to scare people to get funding
Gee, I don't know who to believe
Global warming is real, it's been ongoing since the ice age.
The climate of this planets shifts (not only with summer/winter) from cold to warm to cold again.
We might have prevented a new ice age though, which in my opinion isn't a bad thing.
You're both right, the whole point of this climate change propaganda is to normalise lower standards of living and higher taxes in the minds of the people. To make it seem like its for some righteous cause.
This. Newfags are worst than shills because they enable them.
I would rather see earth turn into Venus’ climate than listen to anything this disgusting goblin creature has to say to me.
Fucking glownigger.
this is just an empty headline.
These mockeries are realy lame bantz.
mostly the bbc suckers write about what downie said.
everyone should be killed.
She's ten years old and has already mastered having the face of an unpleasant know-it-all. She's got a great future as a leftard.
I thought she was like 16, they present her as a little girl for propaganda purposes because of how young looking and maldeveloped she is.
fucking hell imagine what happens when she turns into a retarded self-centered 16yo girl whoring out to all the cocks in town after where she's come to already.