This is despite their outstanding performance at the world cup. Is it sexism?
How come the women's football team dont get the same pay as their male equivalent?
They don't generate the same the revenue as the men's game. In a free market economy; that's what counts. Women should be thankful that they are allowed to play football.
Because they're shit and would lose to teenage boys.
Because no one watches that shit. How do they expect to fill that pay gap? Print money out of thin air?
>military pay act
>doesnt account for the fact that some bases dont build housing
>e2 in the coast guard makes almost twice as much money than e5 marine due to comrats and basic bousing while also not having to live in barracks
>we should have more government enforced equal pay
Slide thread
Because womens soccer does not being in views and revenue like mens soccer does. Its not a hard concept
Because the captain is a lesbo. Ditch the dyke and get real money girls.
not paying them the same helps to perpetuate the `fight for womens rights'
Sportswomen take an average 22% of company earnings
Sportsmen take an average 7% of company earnings
Women are not only terrible-quality athletes, they are also greedy. If a boys under16 teams beats a women's olympic team, nobody gives them piles of money and gold. WHY NOT?
Why does she look like 40+?
>How come the women's football team dont get the same pay as their male equivalent?
They LOST to a boys 15 and under team from Dallas!
They can't even beat 14-15 year old boys from Dallas! Imagine if they played the Mens National team it would be 100-0
FUKKK these lesbians! give them $15/hr
because hair dye destroys telomeres.
try to find the goal she scored in pic related by OP that she is celebrating.
It was the one goal of the world cup I got to watch and it was complete trash. It was a pass into the box that like 5 females completetly missed on both teams and just rolled in.
in Mens anyone scoring such a trash goal would know not to celebrate a complete clusterfuck of a goal.
>The eternal 1 post
Why doesn't a garage band make the same amount of money as Slayer?
>equal pay for equal play
I agree. Abolish men's and women's soccer leagues and have them all compete for spots in a coed league. The winners all get paid the same, which will in fact be more because the women's and men's salaries will be combined.
Because no one cares.
Why don't middle schoolers get paid as much as the women players?
This is why
I was discussing with my coworker about this issue a while back. She mentioned that women were paid less due to men soccer players lobbying against it heavily towards FIFA (the soccer governing body). Because if they did give the women the pay they deserved, the public will realize that men soccer players are severely overpaid, so in turn that would cause a backslash against them and cause theirs and the fifa official's pay to decrease severely. We truly still live in a patriarchal society.
Anyone who honestly completely believes that the Women’s team deserves to make as much as men’s team is stupid and don’t understand economics
What is FIDLAR/TY Segall? Don't be fooled;despite saying they're starving, and can't pay rent;they are quite literally upper class, and are lying to you.
They lost to a boys u15 team
Your coworker is an idiot.
Less interest = less revenue = Less pay.
Funnily enough worstmales get higher % dosh than men.
thats the goal she scored
Test for yourself and get bukakke'd by lawsuits like my mum did. She's worked in the industry for 40 years.
They get paid more as a percent of the income earned. If they did a better job and had a more engaging game with more revenue they would earn more.
what can we do about the big male lobby? It seems like they control everything
>Test for yourself
I don't dye my hair;wouldn't want to. What exactly were they trying to sue your mom for? "Negligence" or something gay like that? Genuinely curious as to how you could sue for that, and what the circumstances would need to be for it to be believable that your stylist just set you up for cancer 5 years from now.
Just eliminate male / female differentiation. Who the fuck am I to assume someone's gender after all?
Have a single world cup championship, and get the best players available within your country.
Probably seen the last female soccer player, but that should put to rest any concerns about unequal pay.
Why doesn't my rec league get paid the same as these wimmens?
>men don't fuck up
To be honest, Torres was the girliest of footballers
>wymen footballers get same as male players
>suddenly every tranny in the village playing football for the e-z mode money
>real football players, having subsidised women leagues with male league money begin to identify as female and join for the lulz
>no women left in female squads
>not even cheer team, was ruled misogynist and disbanded
ah the beautiful game
>would lose
Have lost.
>outstanding performance while losing to a boys teams
There are paid less because they are less talented than teenage boys. Fewer people watch it so there is less money to pay the players. If these ugly lesbians want more money then they will all have to work harder!
You literally cherry picked.
Because Americans dont give a shit about soccer to begin with.
Apparently it's fine to ignore research that cuts into profits. The results she got were that black hair dye caused issues (low IQ, leukemia, telomere shortening) - so it definitely wasn't just the bleach.
Makes me wonder about dyes and pigments in general, especially in foods.
Because it's gay and no one is interested in it
Do you watch WNBA games? Nobody fucking watches women play sports outside of the Olympics. Thats because they are not good at sports. Hence why they do not get paid 20 million a year like a top NFL player.
Soccer is gay as fuck, we should not even have a soccer team imo.
>a friendly/training match
>equivalent of an official match
They get a larger percentage of the prize pool than the men do, and they don't generate anywhere near as much revenue. The real question is why do the women get paid MORE than the men do, proportionately?
sure lets have them play against the actual national team instead
Because their skill is so low people are not interest to watch and much less pay to watch.
They don't earn as much, because nobody gives a shit about women's soccer.
Watching the best female soccer players on Earth is like watching a slightly below average, men's college team.
How embarrassing
Forgot to say that I'm for equal wages for men and women in professional sports.
The same reason WNBA players don't make as much as Kobe. Fewer people watch/buy merch so less money to pay players. It's almost like people would rather watch men play sportsball because of their superior physical abilities.
>people are not interested to watch
Soccer is a business and how much they earn is determined on how much money the ads and every marketing related decisions are going to generate. Men's soccer is huge in shithole countries like yours and mine and women's is just not.
Blame the jews.
Post the average spectator stats for men's and women's games in your country.
Here's the real reason, if a woman was as good a Kobe, she would be allowed to play in the NBA. Women can play on the national teams, whereas men can't play on the women's national teams.
Why are you posting this nobody on here ? A nobody of any relevance and who you are giving attention on this board. Fuck off posting shit like this, the person doent deserve to lick the boots of Jow Forums let alone be on it , a thread died cos of this nobody. Youre a cunt
Herbal essence in every field
First of all, they’re not beautiful. Yuck. Secondly... soccer is for Mexican niggers.
Now lets see how many free tickets they give out to schools charity's and help groups.
They don't bring in the same revenue as the men's team. As compared to men's sports, not very many people actually care about women's sports, thus you have less people tuning in to watch on TV, buying tickets to watch in person and buying jerseys and shirts and hats and whatnot.
>torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres >torres
what a time to be alive witnessing that on /sp/
of all the times a bunch of faggots reply 'fpbp' to a post and everyone ignores this one
makes me wonder about the state of the posters on this board
Would you rather see two cheetahs race each other or two turtles?
I mean, both are interesting in their own right, but at the end of the day, which would be more exciting?
Men play more games than women.
Stop watching grown people chase a ball.
He probably meant actual teens starting to practice in their parents garage.
Not prominent artists from the garage genre, m8.
It's not the world cup it's called the woman's world cup. Not the same competition.
>A warmup match with first team players not being present
>had teenage girls of the same age playing as well
>players get rotated every single minute to test every reserve, lacking cohesion
>15 year old boys being professional players themselves, not some random kids
>had previous games where they equaled 2-2
>pink hair
>no boobs
>npc celebration
4 reasons that are not related to sexism
>still can't win.
Kek. There is no such thing as a professional under 16's team.
Becasue a Boys' team of under 15s beat them.
Put the women against the men and it will be MUCH worse than the women’s match against Thailand
>Of course, this match against the academy team was very informal and should not be a major cause for alarm. The U.S. surely wasn’t going all out, with the main goal being to get some minutes on the pitch, build chemistry when it comes to moving the ball around, improve defensive shape and get ready for Russia.
Read the article retard, it was a training match where every women player were tested including the reserves, against a professional youth team.
Because nobody watches it.
I usually enjoy watching Football, but because the Women's World Cup was a massive virtue signalling show, I couldn't take it seriously.
I haven't watched sports since then because it's full of niggers