This is the route im going, fuck it. Im not paying thousands of shekels to the insurance cartels and i shouldnt be taxed to travel. Traveling is a right, not a privilege. They cant force you to buy house insurance so they shouldnt be able to force you to buy car insurance. Im just wondering what the deal is with the Stasi these days ? do they scan your plates as a preliminary ? would fake plates be a good idea or a bad idea with other fake documentation (fake license, fake insurance papers and fake tax)
I live in Detroit the highest car insurance area in USA, likely the world?
To start, registration (plates) is something I can live with and is actually quite affordable, like $40 per year.
Here, you can get 1 week insurance which will give you the sticker identical to normal 6month or one-year to put on your plate. You are now identical to full time insurance users.
If pulled over without insurance, it is a civil infraction and further it can be automatically waived if you proof you are covered. So you get one week insurance and go to the courtroom that week to get the infraction waived.
Jackson Thompson
You pay 500$ per year and if you're from the same area as the boss of the company then he'll die for you. That's about it.
Gavin Peterson
I should add, Michigan is a no fault state, whatever that means. I've never caused an accident while not covered by insurance, and if I was the victim while uninsured I would sue like any naive reading of law implies
Aaron Allen
Also fake docs of any kind would be much worse than no docs
Anthony Long
In my shithole country insurance can cost 2k+ for a young man. The cartels run a monopoly with the gov.
Thanks for the advise but im looking more for advise re breaking all the rules and going full stealth/no identity
and no, i dont sell drugs, nor am i engaged in anything that hurts kids
Cooper Collins
I've been quoted over 2k USD for 6 months coverage in detroit.
Hunter Jones
>How risky would driving with fake documents be ? not at all go for it, some states force you to buy home insurance tho, you can always move to a poor state like NM where nobody enforces car insurance, maybe once in a while you will catch a ticket but you just buy one month to show the judge and then stop paying
Nazi Germany there were no car taxes or insurance payments, state run only paid by the industry and it was glorious
Alexander Johnson
>full stealth/no identity get a burner phone, when you sign it up only have fake email you got at a library, make sure no film of you being there, then remove sim after you download call app and only use the app for calls never the number
that way you do not exist
Samuel Jones
The guy who sell my insurance has a brand new shiny red corvette he drives to work.
Meanwhile I have to work my ass off and pay for his lifestyle.
Jack Perry
>I would sue like any naive reading of law implies you can't get blood from a turnip
Lucas Peterson
if you have a claim they will never pay, this industry needs to be firebombed
Joshua Jackson
Colton Baker
you cant get less than 1,500K to 2k if your a young man here. Again, im not looking for advise about how to play within the rules. Im interested in
a. the viability and mechanics of breaking all the rules
b. a conversation about why we should have the right not be profiled/tracked and forced to make payments via extortion
Nathan Martinez
depends on where you are caught, if that community has the time you will be fucked with, if that community is dealing with hundreds of uninsured and unlicensed scumbags daily then nothing will happen to you and they will send you on your way with no license and stolen plates
Grayson Adams
Ive actually had the thought of firebombing his car but it wont help because he can just make a claim on it.
Robert Hughes
no man just use black magic on the entire industry, it works, and can be simple, when you're jerking off when you come say out loud oh god please put all the top executives of the insurance industry to death as quickly as possible, before you know it those motherfuckers will be dying left and right, getting in car accidents and having the insurance company refuse them care, the machine cares not for it's gears
Easton Wilson
>They cant force you to buy house insurance
Most lenders require homeowners insurance, and sometimes a PMI if you dont put enough down
Jordan Turner
Basedest state is NH where I'm not required to shell out for car insurance if I don't want to.
Austin Morgan
Illinois fag reporting, our state has a database the pigs just run plate numbers through. Pigs in every public/private lot just running tags and pulling you over when they no you're not "legal".
Juan Jones
To be honest, being an adult who does adult thing, the hassle of chasing down a shit weasel for the money he owes me after rear ending me at a stop light is far more of a nightmare than just paying for insurance that does it for me. Outside of homes, cars are usually people’s next largest asset. Wtf wouldn’t you want it insured? And wtf wouldn’t you want risk mitigation to protect yourself for when you do fuck up and the dindu gets out of their car screaming “my nek and sheete”?
Brody Davis
No fault means it doesn't matter if you didn't cause the accident, you have to file a claim with your insurance if you want to get money to fix your car. Not having auto insurance is nigger tier stupid. Of any insurance this is the one you should have for your own protection.
Dylan Hill
Fake anything is going to get you in way more trouble than driving uninsured. Auto insurance in a no fault state is for your own protection if someone else hits your vehicle. Not having insurance is really stupid. It costs a lot for you because of all the wonderful diversity in your city. You can claim your libertarian muh rights bullshit all you want, but this will not prevent the reality of a stoned nigger T boning you in his Chevy Caprice.
Leo Cruz
the problem isnt about you. nobody gives a shit if soem irresponsible faggot millennial gets mangled in a car crash. the problem arises when your stupid millennial faggoty ass does something retarded that injures some responsible productive member of society on the road. you must have insurance to pay for the damages you cause, unless you have the private wealth (you dont) to pay for it.
Dominic Nguyen
This exactly. Why should we have to pay insane prices (or anything) to mitigate the repair costs for assholes who choose to drive around in 40k cars ?
and most of the money doesnt even go to crash repairs anyway, it goes to administration costs and profits. That the state forces people into this arrangement is extortion plain and simple, and we have the right not to comply
This attitude illustrates just how brainwashed we have become. For the greatest part of human history you could walk/ride wherever the fuck you wanted. This system of locking us into a geometric grid where 99% of the available landmass is inaccessible and then extorting us into paying fees to get from a to b is a very new phenomena. This is why iv saved enough to travel and go live off grid and just want to be left the fuck alone
Could i pay the extortion fees ? yes. But im not going to. I refuse on a point of principal
Angel Sanchez
i want high quality documents and plates
Jacob Cruz
wtf is the deal with cars generally ?
Why does everyone pay 30-40k+ for huge tons of steel that weight more than a elephant, when thel never be used to travel faster than a 200dollar electric motor can take them ?
The whole thing is a fucking scam, and because society is retarded and brainwashed people who dont drive monstrous overpriced machines (i ride an ebike - which they would force me to pay motorbike insurance for) are supposed to pay.
Easton Evans
also, i dont DRIVE, i travel
for any of you Satanic cube worshiping fucks
Caleb Turner
Better to have no documents than fake ones
Luis Carter
Clowns of America and their Mossad handlers have people literally believing this via psyops, which is funny and sad at the same time
What would a clown do ?
How do you guys travel the world like shadows. Direct me to an instruction manual
How do you go black ops and move around with impunity
I know where to get fake docs, how do you get fake plates that wont cause problems
direct me to your superspy black market
Isaiah Edwards
>This attitude illustrates just how brainwashed we have become. For the greatest part of human history you could walk/ride wherever the fuck you wanted. This system of locking us into a geometric grid where 99% of the available landmass is inaccessible and then extorting us into paying fees to get from a to b is a very new phenomena. This is why iv saved enough to travel and go live off grid and just want to be left the fuck alone I agree. So don't drive on roads where the rules are established. If you want to drive on your own rules without insurance, go drive on your own roads, or off road
Jacob Long
>driving without car insurance >fake doccuments >travel is a RIGHT spotted the mexican
Getting rid of insurance would be ok if we had debtors prisons.
Samuel Green
I hope you get hit by an illegal who is also not insured.
Nathaniel Adams
That’s not checkable you dumb fuck Also not checkable
Brayden Morris
as a good rule of thumb, any type of insurance that is mandatory is a scam.
Brody Hughes
>How risky would driving with fake documents be It's not at all, not the insurance card. I've been frauding my own insurance cards for over 20 years. But fake plates will land you in the pokey quick.
I pay for the plates, wheel tax and really anything else that I can't get out of but I absolutely refuse to pay for car insurance. I observe traffic law and will never fucking be in an accident that's my fault. I've to this day never been pulled over or involved in any kind of accident, in almost 30 years of driving. I've had to show proof of insurance to police on probably 20 occasions (entering an army base and shit like that) and they never looked twice at my cards.
The funny thing is I was going to get insured at 19 when I bought my first car. I had an underage drinking fine and the rate they were going to impose was twice the normal one. Fuck that fucking bullshit.
Juan Thomas
If you carry a mortgage you are required to carry full coverage throughout the life of the mortgage. And unbelievably they make you carry flood insurance even if you aren’t in a flood zone!
Isaiah Smith
mmm. Mexico
Theres an idea. Cheap insurance, cops who dont give a fuck. Just a shame its run by drug cartels..but their less likely to rob you than the stasi within any of the first world countries