How are there some "Christians" who actually follow these blatantly false prophets...

How are there some "Christians" who actually follow these blatantly false prophets? Have they never read anything in the Bible? This seems even to go beyond having to read the Bible, to just having common sense.

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Women should not speak in public much less preach or vote.

Link now maple nigger

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answer:- they didn't read it, next.

This. I have a feminist christian gf (ik ik go figure) and even she laughs at the idea of having female clerics. i asked her why once and she said

>Well Adam came from god and Eve came from Adam. its better to have a man who came directly from God interpret his word than a woman who is 2 steps removed.

Well the Bible does explicitly say that. There is a form of feminism that is acceptable, advocating for the well-being of women.

Thanks babe

That's ball Christians including you christkike

Imagine believing that jewish shit. Yikes.

How come you’re posting a headline 2 years ago?

All the people who don't give a shit about Christianity love all these nigger loving faggots like the kike heretic pope and this dyke.

>hurr christianity is a jew psyop
Go look for pennies on the freeway, kike bitch

So Muslims can pray to false idols in church? Jesus disapproves.

Learn to spell incel

But Jow Forums told me that Christianity is redpilled!

That’s Protestants for you.

The Christian faith, the worldwide, needs to openly condemn this Bishop. Shes an apostate and an absolutely subversive cunt.

The strange thing is, in her bubble world, she is a brilliant progressive feminist. From her viewpoint, everyone who disagrees with her is misogynistic, homophobic, and Islamophobic.

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This was in Finland if I remember right, Also
>A female bishop

The Jews are trying to islamify Europe and America

Good. Women will invite Islam in. Then they will be beaten and forced to wear Islamic trashbag clothes and once again be relegated to the kitchen and opening their whore legs for their husband. Islam is the final solution to the woman question. Unironicaly, I want to convert to Islam and go to Saudi Arabia and marry a virgin girl who knows her fucking place and can be reminded of it with the back of my hand.

Because Christianity is unabashedly cucked

Christ cucks LOVE immigrants, and immigration

>Deuteronomy 10:18
He defends the cause of the fatherless and the widow, and loves the foreigner residing among you, giving them food and clothing.

>Deuteronomy 24:19-21
When you are harvesting in your field and you overlook a sheaf, do not go back to get it. Leave it for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands. When you beat the olives from your trees, do not go over the branches a second time. Leave what remains for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow. When you harvest the grapes in your vineyard, do not go over the vines again. Leave what remains for the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow.

Christ cucks were non-binary before it was even cool
>Galatians 3:28
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Protestants are weird like that.

holy fuck, can't wait for the fall of this rotten civilization and the purge that follows. such a decadence and decay of values. this world need cleansing

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don't worry she isn't apart of any real church like the papacy or any orthodox church, just some gay swedish national church

What a fucking bigot. How can she exclude Satanists from having safe spaces in the church as well? Nothing about this fascist church is truly inclusive.

this is old.
4 years ago.

The Bible was right on this aswell.

>The Bible was right again

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this woman achieved more real life trolling for the lulz than anons ever did in their personal life.

Because it is ever increasingly relevant.

If you look at the context, it doesn't say women should not speak at all in the church, but that they should not speak in a position of teaching or authority, and this only refers to the church leadership, not schools and stuff obviously.

i know..but after 4 years i expect sweden have a new shocking "the new pansexual prist replaces coss with pink dildos and open a place in church for drag queen story time...and why its good"

This is what happens when societies repeal blasphemy laws and elevate sodomites to the priesthood. They should all be Mormons. Mormonism should be the shitpile clearing house for all fake Christians.

Also, how do we respond to Trump's administration pushing for the decriminalization of homosexuality? I mean we need to let someone know that homosexuality is a sin, yet we are not supposed to hate the person who is being homosexual. The loving thing is to tell someone truthfully that what they are doing is a sin, but does criminalization fall into the "hating the person" realm, instead of hating the sin but loving the person?

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Not even sweedes care about their national church or any religion at all

I think you mean heretic.

watch mormons buckle under social pressure and give into gay shit
young mormons are abandoning the church in droves

She is a closet Muslim. So are the Royal Families of Europe.

Heretics shall be killed. As will the Jews and Muslims. Crusaders rise again!

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Catholics pray to Mary more than they pray to Jesus.

Orthodox pray to Mary for her intercession as well, but I think Catholics can take it too far in some circumstances, bordering worship.

Not even Christian and that much heresy in one headline burns.