Reminder that the next mental illness the liberals will try to normalize is pedophilia and this site is full of them freaking the fuck out that their stash of pizza cartoons was just BTFO
Reminder that the next mental illness the liberals will try to normalize is pedophilia and this site is full of them...
Being gay is better than being a pedophile
>implying the sad panda shutdown is a pedophilia issue
I agree
those are actually the same thing
>drawings are children
You're the mental case here bud
>those are actually the same thing
Do you watch gay cartoons? It’s just a drawing.
Nice 2016 boomerpost.
>Do you watch gay cartoons?
they both cause the other
being diddled as a kid turns you gay. being gay causes you to diddle kids. the cycle repeats, like an ouroboros.
You’re all going to get the gas.
>the liberals are trying to normalize child rape
>anything remotely resembling child rape is being banned, even cartoons
>Epstein got internet access
Then you’re a faggot. To the gas.
some women are gay, doesn't mean they want to fuck kids.
in your wet incel dreams
>Do you watch gay cartoons?
Of course not.
i'm not gay myself
i think the libfags are half way there already
Was Sadpanda SHOAH'D for loli?
Feel free to explain how you're able to reconcile your wacky conspiracy theories with real world facts. Actually never mind don't, I've lost enough brain cells as it is.
>he says ‘no homo’ while watching men fucm each other
Epstein being a pedo is a conspiracy?
gay =/= men fucking each other
>mental illness the liberals will try to normalize is pedophilia
How is that not a mental illness?
It is.
pedophilia will never be a thing in main stream media. not like the current cool mental illness of depression/suicide.
The cycle can be broken by someone with strong will and character, though.
Pedophiles are subhumans, stuck with an adaptation leftover from baser, primitive. Biolgocally evolved, i.e. better-adapted, superior, human beings do not possess the desire to have sex with young humans. The evolved human is genetically different from pedophile protohumans. The evolved human understands that Mother Nature wants puberty and brain development to match up in terms of being fully mature as a human being. That was the direction we were heading 'til industrial age.
Humans have arrived at a crossroads on our evolutionary paths.
Everyone would have said exactly the same thing about trannies 20 years ago, faggots 50 years ago, and niggers 100 years ago.
The existence of a push to normalize child rape is a conspiracy theory.
pedophilia is completely different from what you mentioned. there's no way jews can spin this to make normal people think that having sex with children is okay.
These are the things they want you, your friends and your family to believe.
>Homosexuality is good (because it weakens family structure and personal integrity)
>Feminism is good (because it weakens family structure, leaves women center-less and demoralizes men; it also boosts abortion levels)
>Transgenderism is good (because it demoralizes culture and enables a wedge issue by which pedophilia can be normalized)
>Pedophilia is good (because age is just a number, right, anons?)
The core values however are these:
>Questioning anything outside the narrative is wrong
>Jews are always right
>Blacks are your friends
>Hispanics are especially your friends
>Muslims can be trusted and are not violent and will not fundamentally alter your society in ways that cannot be corrected within a century
The stranger ones:
>Meat is bad (increases testosterone, which is bad because that fuels our enemies)
>Cigarettes are bad (increases independence of thought and desire to go out, rise up, speak, organize, socialize offline and become a threat - this was the sole reason they are demonized)
>Families are bad
>Being normal is bad
>Distrusting the internet is bad
>Interbreeding is good
>White men are VERY bad
Television and films are very powerful mediums and can alter the way masses of people think. This is why the U.S. government once had specific bureaus to regulate and inject it with specific agendae through all the years. Corporate interests know this now. The intention today is to couple with your governments in order to topple everything that you once believed and replace it with their vision of the future. All VODs and stick and bricks have been infiltrated to do this. This is why all your skeins look weird, perverted, foreign and sick right now.
This is what happened to Netflix.
Jow Forums right now: “it’s just a cartoon”
They actually won't try to normalize pedophilia. Here's why, it's very simple. They use pedophilia and child porn as ways to blackmail people such as politicians into working for them if they don't already. If pedophilia were widely accepted, it wouldn't be effective as a means of blackmail.
>NY Times
This BTFOs this faggot
>some women are gay, doesn't mean they want to fuck kids.
gay women are not the same thing as gay men. and there are plenty of female pedophiles. why are you defending pedophilia? why is this so important to you?
>The cycle can be broken by someone with strong will and character, though.
that doesn't describe fags and pedos. giving in to your latent sexual addictions is the definition of not having a strong will and character.
If pedophila somehow becomes acceptable or even a norm I'll an hero. Shit's fucked
Daily reminder that EVERY (((anti-pedo))) loser is playing an abusive anti reproduction game to kill off the white race.
you seriously think that faggots diddling little boys is going to save the white race?
It-it’s just cartoons!
It’s not a crime! are you going to enforce a THOUGHTCRIME?
I-I would never act on it!
Why can’t I be a teacher too?
This isn’t even close to the worst cope on this site today.
Gay , cartoon pick one
>pedophiles should seek treatment so they do not commit child rape
>normalizing child rape
What the fuck is this panda? Is this connected to those panda accounts on social media? Seth Rich? Cumpanda?
Flickr "panda donation drive" accounts?
What the fuck is the deal with pandas?
Something I should add onto this post. You won't seem ((them)) pushing for it, as in the central elites, the ones controlling everyone else, but occasionally you'll see journos like shown here
pushing for it because they're some of the ones being blackmailed and they want society to forgive them when/if their masters decide to pull the rug out from under them.
>pictures on a piece of paper drawn by an amateur for some obscure cartoon show in the 90s that everyone viewing understands is just some niche vice or fantasy
>it's the exact same thing as trafficking literal children to underground sex parties on private islands and then murdering them
There is something seriously wrong with you.
>and this site is full of them freaking the fuck out that their stash of pizza cartoons was just BTFO
they're just jews, user. all jews are pedos
here's how the story goes.
>disgusting retarded idiotic breeders quickly fuck without contraception
>produce worthless retarded offspring
>they then attack all the successful men who can still score young girls using "muh children"
now the most productive and intelligent men don't breed
voting is for white land owners not the rutting breeding pit of dregs
Saying it’s not a crime is the first step.
Salon did an article a few years back as well...fucking faggot ass pedos must hang btw.
Making lolicon illegal is also a first step, I presume.
Take your meds.
>why are you defending pedophilia? why is this so important to you?
i'm just defending my gay cartoons
oh, you're a fag.
well, that explains it.
what's wrong with gay cartoons, faggot?
THe cartoon bit is stupid. The normalizing pedophilia has already begun. APA and others laid the ground work. It’s being attempted right now. Every single tranny story time or gender fluid 6 year old dancing around you see is another step.
Wake up.
The real truth is this site is compromised top down and a tool for spreading it. Every blue board is inundated with constant discord spam to lure children into their groups so they can be groomed and abused.