Can you refute this, Jow Forums?

Can you refute this, Jow Forums?

It's not being an incel or a cuck or whatever two dollar e-insult is popular right now. It's being smarter than the system.

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Cope. Marriage is an institution for child rearing



you can do that without being married

This is my bump.
Marriage is for the sake of children, now women. Lots of women don't even care about the children any more...

True as well.

I’m conflicted as I see people having children out of wedlock as white trash runts but I also think the legal institution of marriage is fucked completely
Too much power has been handed over to women with no expectation of responsibility or commitment

>marriage WAS for the sake of children, not women
Fixed. Marriage, like everything else in the West, is all about women now.

>You can do that without being married
At what benefit?

Marriage is dying because it is a social institution between only two people, and it cannot survive without a broader base of auxiliary social institutions ( community ) to support it and enforce social norms and limits on the behaviour of the married couple towards each other, their children, etc. Conservatives think in an ass-backwards way. Society is NOT built on families. Families grow inside the greenhouse structure of strong social institutions.

Marriage was a commitment men took in which they would take care of a woman, which would belong to him. And man would not have other women, even though fucking a peace of degraded ass on the side could happen.

Anyway, it was for the purpose of raising a proper family and to create a bond between one man and one woman.

This marriage thing ought to be accepted and protected by the state or Nation and it also was sacralised. As from the marriages would come the next generation of legitimate "citizens" or "members of the Nation".

It was sacred because family was understood to be the basis of the Nation, and thus also of the state.

That was also why women ought to marry virgins, so that they felt they and their connection to their men was "special", sacred even.

>Fuck Leftists
>Fuck the Jews who have been behind leftism ever since Napoleon liberated them from their rightful place in the ghettos, as non-full citizens at best. Excluded from the "Nation".

With the same result as OP


Marriage literally means you live together.
I didn't read your garbage because everyone is mindwashed by jews just like you into worshipping the state with IRS contracts.

Why buy milk when there's a cow right down the street.


>It's being smarter than the system.
Nice try jew. Anti-marriage propaganda is really about trying to reduce white birth rates even further.

Remember kids! Whenever you see a post that's controversial, ask yourself "What do jews gain from this?"
If the answer is anything tangible, then a jew is behind that post.

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>Conservatives think in an ass-backwards way. Society is NOT built on families. Families grow inside the greenhouse structure of strong social institutions.
Good post
The nuclear family structure is also a tool for consumerism and isn’t traditional

>I can't read

I have no interest in reading trite from someone who thinks rings, church, and the state is marriage.

what benefit is there to being married and having a kid? slightly lower taxes? at the risk of losing literally everything? i see you’re a gambling man

>marriage WAS

No, the institution of marriage still IS. It is one, only.
I may also add Christian marriage but that would open a pandora box because of muh protestantism.

Anyway, marriage is a Christian institution.
That fags / Jews decided to create (((civil))) marriage and de-sacralise it and make a joke out of it does not invalidadte the institution of marriage as it stand - and as it has always stood since for ever as a Christian institution.

Thus, it is for the children. For the proper raising of children. Add to that the "non nuclear family" or whatever americans call it these days. Marriage was also a union of families, which is what a union of persons implies, at least, if done correctly, many exceptions have been noted.

Now, user... if you want to talk about the recent developments that have eroded the institution of marriage, potentially at least, I am able to recognise they exist, and the msot important of all to my understanding is the late marriage age for women*. This late marriage age entails that it becomes increasingly difficult, unnatural even, for women to maintain their virginity at marriage, but that is also part of (((their))) strategy and is / was made by design.

Anyhow, those new factors are only able to erode the concept of marriage because we live a priori in an era in which the pre-requisites of marriage are laughed of in the "mainstream culture". Essentially, the de-sacralisation of everything and (((freedom of religion))).

*I speak of late marriage age from a country that had historically late marriage age for women too because we had a shortage of men since the XVIII century. Mostly because of the Colonisation of Brazil, poverty and wars in the XIX. Wars created by (((them))), mind you! Which are the causes of our ruin.

Bucko, if you want to get married by a half naked tree shaman do it as long as you're marrying within your own race. If you're white, have white babies.

>Marriage literally means you live together.

How so?

Marriage -> Live together -> ?? (english)
Casamento -> "House+"ing"" -> (portuguese)

>At the risk of losing everything
What is child support? What is dual income so both names on the house?

Are you implying you don't want to undergo the Rite of the Laughing Snake as overseen by Barleybeard the Wise?


>Society is NOT built on families.

Yeah, that was the greatest lie the Jew was able to convince Europeans of.

child support is because of the kid not the marriage.

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God, I love it how incels and angry white men can only bitch about this shit online.

You know you will never, ever in your wildest dreams outvote us...right?

2016 was a freak occurrence, a tantrum by a dying breed of pissy white dudes who will never make it happen again.

You just don't have the numbers and 10% of you are gay.

Storm's a coming, assholes. And it is very brown, very feminist, and very fucking Stalinist for shitty regressive throwbacks.

When Dems get power back, you cucks will be dragged off to PRISON for posting hate speech online.

Women are so DONE asking for their rights. You fought them tooth and nail and now they are going to take those rights with soul crushing force.

Fuck your shitty slutshaming.
Fuck your imbecile creamsicle President.
Fuck you for never getting laid.

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marriage were more the UNION of two families more than the union of a man and woman, to preserve and make wealth grow.
The correct way NOW for marriage must be like an arrange matrimony, you and your wife have two other friends that you know very well and like and start "grooming" the relationship of the future family since kids.

Yeah, whatever. More tits?

>very fucking Stalinist

That would be great.
That would cull the Americans like nothing else.
They'd probably be 250 million after ten years, they'd also become 85% white or something.

What a dream. Once the niggers and spics are gone, all that's left is subjugating women once again. Shouldn't be too hard with some clever ad campaigns.

>Women are so DONE asking for their rights.

Sweetie, women only ask for their rights with their legs wide open, usually with the knees close to their chest.

Where the fuck do retards like you come from? Anyway, nice, delicious bait.
Too bad that whore of yours as disgusting Asian like eyes.
Do better next time regarding the pic, please.

I am a 36-year-old man. I have never been married, nor do I plan on ever getting married. I have been with my current girlfriend for 2 years she is 25-years-old.

If I do ever get married it would only be later in life, and only to an amazing woman, I have been with for over a decade all good years.

Growing up, in my early 20s I was the best man for my best friend at his wedding.

My buddy and I had known one another since we were kids. He wound up marrying his high school sweetheart. He and I went to serve in Afghanistan together.

He had a son with his high school sweetheart, and they were married later that year, and we got deployed the following spring.

When we returned, she was a druggy who had cheated on him. She punched him in the face so hard that she broke her hand on his face. She called the cops they arrested him for breaking her hand.

He had to pay both alimony, and child support, and only got weekend visits with his son in spite of him being a veteran that served his country and her being a bum druggie.

He is still paying her child support checks. Also, she talks mad shit about him to his son. He was paying child support & alimony at the same time another man had moved into his old house that she got and was fucking her in his former home.

They (courts) did not care that he was injured on the job and couldn't make as much money as before as he needed some time off to recover and had to take some time off work, then went to a lesser paying job.

They (the courts) did not care that he wanted to go back to school, and he did, and they told him you shouldn't do that and did not deduct his payments at all... Guy was eating Ramen noodles every night working 50+ hours a week living in a small one-bedroom apartment.

I used to bust his balls, and tell him if he was like me, and paid a hooker $50 a couple of times a week to suck him off he would have a lot more blowjobs he would be better off.

That's what marriage has done for him.

Oh! Forgot:

>She thinks the world is just coastal lib America

>She thinks the U,S, will matter in the common decades, as it becomes as brown as Mexico, even despite its huge arsenal...

I revel that landwhales like you will live miserable lives alone and in poverty.


Albeit I think it's the hardest thing of all in practice, albeit the easiest in theory.


Alphas would go: Hey! Why are you ending the good fun?

Betas would go: Hey! This is my great chance to white knight!

Omegas would go: Fuck your optics, I'm coming in and shooting everybody.

As Hobbes put it:
>Homini luppi homini
>Men is the wolf of men itself.
>(Or something)

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>How so?
In some states in the USA if you cohabitate with someone for a certain amount of time, you are legally married.

Did he learn anything from it?

>Goy, if I were white, I'd never marry nor have kids, goy.
>Here is my horror story
>Look, goy, this goy was such a great goy that he went on to risk his life for Israel
>Goy, never marry, never have kids.
>fellow white people, I give up on reproducing and here is why you should too, goy. Did you hear that, Goy?

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Yep, dude was my "child support" for a bit though haha... If he didn't have me in his life he would have been another homeless vet on the streets. Bought him food/beer more than a few times. He is a good dude. Hell of a mechanic too, fixed my truck for me. He is NEVER getting married again. His final child support payment is in 2022. Then he will be a free man again.

Didn't know that.

I have more kids than he does. I probably have like 100+ kids I have been donating my sperm one a month for over a decade. Although, it becomes harder after age 34, and will be impossible after 40.

great job saving a thumbnail, Paco.

Having a daughter in october.

I didnt have a ceremony because those are vapid and pagan. Rings are a display of wealth.

I will have a feast with my families when they gather.

You have a 70% chance of divorce, so avoiding the inevitable blowup, keeping half your shit and not dealing with child custody constantly siding with a vengeful cunt?
Single mothers are fuckups but single fathers are providers and rocks of a small family.

Yeah, more women go to college then men, and tend to get better jobs. Women actually have more to lose from a divorce than men.

I take that $50 they pay up front at the sperm bank right on down to the red light district to get my cock sucked SAME DAY I donate every time. Then they give me $20 later on after my sample has been used and I buy a case of beer.

Marriages were the way powerful families would become more powerful and to gain allies. Now, no one is gaining land or men to command. No one is going to war with other realms.
Marriage in the modern era serves as nothing more than a contract that states a woman is entitled to things she didn't create upon dissolution of said contract.

>implying any woman wants to marry me


>t. single fembot that has a dog and blue hair.

>women enter lower paying professions at a higher rate than men
>women are more likely to have college debt than men
>women are somehow in a better financial state on average

That's nothing.

Women also get shittier degrees and are VASTLY underrepresented in STEM because they are fucking stupid and the only ones who can keep up are butch bitches who are men with uteruses.
t. STEM Guy with STEM fiancé and STEM mother and STEM best friend with STEM wife.
Women are a fucking joke and if they are anything less than at least a nurse should critically think how that useless piece of paper can translate to a STEM alpha Mrs. degree.