Apologize Jow Forums NEVER AGAIN!

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I'm jew.....stopped reading right there. Into the trash it goes.

Never again? More like never happened.

Meanwhile, in China...
These faggots. As if "I'm Jewish" gives you the ultimate authority.
>I'm white and I don't say this lightly: "Rise up" right now, white America.

I'm the descendant of minutemen and I say "YES, MORE DEPORATIONS" is right now in America.

See? We can both do it and nobody fucking cares.

>I'm Jewish and I don't say this lightly
fucking lost.
My shoelaces are open, OMG it's another holocaust. My beer is not cold enough, just like in Auschwitz. My coffee is too hot, oyyy veeeeey remember the nazis. Foster care? that's a nice word for extermination camps

>I don't say this lightly

Do they actually think people believe them when they say that? They go on about how its annudah shoah when the damn grocery store won't accept their expired coupons.

I'm jewish and hate this. It trivializes the real suffering that occurred in nazi camps.

Allowing Jews to be alive is a mistake

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faggot cunt

this time

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someone shop pic related into a cap of this article plz


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Into the oven it goes.

They are so repulsive


I'm a Jew and I don't say this lightly, Hitler Did Nothing Wrong.

>obama opened the camps
>the camps were filled due to shitty immigration laws that reward mexicans for stealing children to pretend to be families in order to sneak in and the dems wont let trump change that
>the camps have an all day food buffet, sports, video games, etc. its like a summer camp
>mexicans abduct children to cross the border and a lot of these kids were saved from their fake abductor parents. and the government needs to see actual proof of who the kids parents are
>despite dem obstruction trump has already managed to clear 95% of the kids out of these camps
>back in dem days the kids would be loaded on to busses and driven into california never to be seen again, a few ended up rescued later during trump era sex trafficking stings

this is the full story you wont get on the criminal corporate news networks

figure it out people

Fuck off

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Hmm... Those eyes remind me of a certain other leader when he was about 50...

the camps are nice now and all the pics of cages and shit are from obama era when the camps where just a warehouse for child sex trafficking

yes, the world really is that fucked

Kek, they don't realize the Freudian slip they're making.

Anyone indoctrinated into already believing these likes who here's this and has 95iq will be thinking

>wait, the Holocaust was like this? Uhh where are the ratskin lampshades and death rollercoasters?

and when trump clears the kids they go to foster families or their real families are found. dems just reunited them with their abductors or loaded them on to busses to be taken to sex markets

>My shoelaces are open
My shoelaces are untied*
Always happy to help a based Swiss
Now please teach me Swiss German and get me out of my shithole country

Fucking this. They’re so subversive and conniving and they’re proud about it. You’d think they’d stop for a second and question why they’ve been kicked out of so many countries, but none of them think that they’re the problem.

I love concentration camps. I wish I WAS a concentration camp.

We need to find out what year Adolf actually died in Argentina, then figure out which Right- leaning
politicians were born right afterwards

>jews getting triggered over someone other using "never again"
Those fucks really think they can copyright being a victim of genocide.

I'm jewish and I don't try to guilt trip people to get my way.
Fuck off go play jewish guilt trip games with your own kind.

>child gets abducted in mexico
>dude crosses the border with stolen child due to shitty laws the dems created
>kids kept in cages while the dems line up buyers in california for all theses undocumented free kids
>kids loaded on to busses and never seen again

sacrifices to satan, sex slavery, etc. welcome to the real world.

and then, to protect themselves from getting caught. they make sure to accuse the people trying to stop them of being the ones doing it in the first place. but they have to tone down the truth since normie retards for some reason have this naive idea that theres no such thing as organized evil.

i always know my redpills are hitting home when the bots stop posting bumps in the thread

>Break your natural bonds with your own nation to invade a foreign nation with full knowledge you're breaking their laws
But why are they so mean to me?!?

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Never again is the extermination of whites being pushed by Jews.
What solution do they propose for the evil people?

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they see me bumping