Is Japan okay nation or Does it need social reform?
Is Japan okay nation or Does it need social reform?
japan is based
jew fears the samurai
You're japanese, you tell us. It seems fine to me
japan's already based and red-pilled
only thing left for them to do is burn shin-okubo to the ground, deport all the zainichis and brownies, and to beef up their military.
>you're japanese
user, you're talking to an english teacher. The actual japs all use 2chan.
The only thing I would recommend is mass immigration of white men to help boost your failing birth rate.
Eh you're cool Japan.
It seems fine from me, although i wouldn't want to live in such a sad country
Japan is the most unified major nation on the planet. You're doing better than literally everyone else in the world on the social front. You want reforms, do stuff that makes family creation easier like tax exemptions for having children. A couple decades of that and you'll own the world.
heard that it's a nice place
wish my country was more like them
little to no niggers
strict migration policy
some actual semblance of national pride
Fuck off
It’s not okay when they import shitskins to replace us, and it’s not ok for us to replace them
Japan for the Japanese, America for the Americans, and Europe for the Europeans
We love you, Shinji -- but you and your NEET friends need to start impregnating some ugly girls to get that birth rate up.
>importing useless liberals that vote for open borders
the population of Japan will drop but it will stabilize.
The world is overpopulated anyway.
you should make your country look more like anime
Sometimes I wonder if this is Hiro coming to Jow Forums to shitpost.
Japan needs to get nuked a third time.
I laughed so hard at the KyoAni fire.
Why? Japan is packed full. Different from western countries, which have low density populations and still have sub-replacement birth-rates. If Japan had replacement level birth rates, it would crumble on its own weight.
Japan has a lot of problems, mostly regarding the work culture and mental health. But unlike the western countries they don't have a massive biological bomb counting down within their country so they have all the time in the world to implement these changes
It needs immigrants
No go kys incel
And Africa for the dead, starved bodies.
They just need to unjew their institutions, beliefs and practices just like the rest of the world.
asian countries will take the white women, but the men can stay where they are
needs to be culturaly enriched
Japan needs to open it's borders to Somali Immigrants.
Fernship ended with Israel; Japan is America new best fren.
Japan was very unique and very insular before WW2. After WW2 they became heavily westernized, less insular and honestly less Japanese. The sexual liberation of women in Japan is destroying the nation. Their birth rates haven't been close to replacement for a long time. It's why hentai and other forms of degenerate sex capitalism are so popular over there. No one is getting laid. It's also why so many men over there look like girls or boys.
Japanese women need to give up their careers and have families.
In natural societies women don't drive cultural values, men do (specifically fathers). If you give women all the power over sex and family they won't know what to do with it. They'll naturally ruin it by following what men did and they'll end up unnaturally acting more and more like men.
Japan needs to fix it's family dynamic and it's culture or it will be overtaken by the gyjing.
Unfortunately how to fix such an elaborate problem is beyond me. One thing which will help is more men emulating the true traditional values of their nation and acting like men of the past. Otherwise the distance between men and women will only increase.
Everywhere will always need reform, but it's the best we have at the moment.
Based supreme asian master race. They are now targeting you hard I hope they dont start importing 100,000s into your nation
>BLACKED Japanese porn
>Low birthrates, always an excuse to flood nations
Japan is too Japanese. They need refugees to bring culture and diversity to their country. Race mixing will make Japan stronger. Diversirty will be Japan's strength.
What keeps japan together is also what is stoppingreforms from working.
Japan has a ton of reforms. We have some of the longest paid maternity and paternity leave in the world, and it is going to be increased.
Noone takes it.
t. (((english))) teacher
needs corporate reform
I have the impression that some workers are being stressed past the point of productivity and are treated as a disposable resource
It's not an instant solution, but give it time. All around the developed world the last generation or two has been infected by a kind of spiritual ennui. That's starting to change though.
>are treated as a disposable resource
It's actually fairly the opposite. Japanese companies almost never get rid of workers. There's a kind of social contract between companies and workers that when a worker joins the company, they're there for life. Helps maintain low unemployment and acts as a kind of social safety net. You could do some reforms as far as work hours are concerned, I guess. But to say their companies treat their workers like they're disposable is not correct.
Japan must reject shinto and embrace traditional KJV only fundamentalist baptist Christianity like South Korea
>asian men getting white women
good one elliot
couldn’t be any better. it beats the US and any other country by every valuable metric. doesn’t need mass immigration because diversity weakens a country and non east Asians will just bring down the mean IQ.
Again? God it's been a long summer.
never let them around your kids user
Because they're going to use that statistic as an excuse to flood Japan with ne'er-do-wells basically forever. Also, pipe down and let Shinji bust a nut in that one fucked-up-looking maid with the underbite and club foot, you grinch.
You guys get Internet today? Congrats!
They're going to need more troops for their military. Next few decades are gonna be big for japan.
this is false and dumb pilled
Japan has a feminist culture as well. Women control men and the long work hours. The companion bars exist as much for women as they do for men. The men at these bars are sought out by females for their looks and their lifestyle and the women know they are popular. Thus they would rather play with these boys then settle down. Japanese women never settle down till later and only with men who earn money as a provider. These women control the money and literally give their husband allowances of his own fucking money.
Meanwhile the young men are lost in a world of anime because the young girls only care about idol boys and companion club boys and normal japanese guys never even blip on japanese femanon radars.
He meant niggers and sand niggers, retard
The only reform Japan needs is to forcefully eject every single negro and semite from your lands and never allow them in again. After than you can decide for yourself who else you want bemut you must never ever allow the jew or the nigger within your borders.
if you don't think having a feminist culture who veers off away from biological reproduction to chase pretty boys and ride cock till age 28-32, instead of starting healthy families at a much younger age, you're fucking retarded, nigger.
Japan needs banking reform. Ever since their real estate bubble collapsed, they inflated the currency and had negative inflation rates to prop up the banks and real-estate prices. The same issue happened in the USA since the subprime collapse in 2008. It absolutely impoverishes the middle class, or whatever passes as one in Japan. Moreover when comparing your average salaryman in the USA and Japan, the Japanese earn shit wages for long hours until the day they die. Korea looks pretty similar to Japan except you get let go at 50 to fend for yourself. I think the real reason for a crashing birthrate in east Asia is not enough money or free time; similar to any socialized country with high taxes. The suicide rates in Korea are mostly bad students or debt-ridden or poor young people who see no future for themselves or old people who ran out of money. I suspect Japan may have a similar breakdown. I think another part of not having a family is that if you don't have enough money to get your kid a decent start in life you might think, "what's the point?" The shit-stirring against Japan in Korea is because the Korean economy is so bad and the IQ here isn't actually 100+ so the regular people fall for it easily. I could be wrong but it's how I see things after living on this side of the globe for a while. The Korean economy is a carbon-copy of the Japanese one (albeit much weaker) so I can guess they are having a lot of the same problems. There's an elite in either country and they want to avoid reform at all costs.
Japan needs to expel all Jews, write a new constitution, re-arm, and suppress all liberalism and faggotry.
english teacher go back
this country will be ruin if you do not leave
especially if brown
They need to ban manga and other toxic, western influences that are deleterious to their cultural integrity.
The Japanese are not buying that excuse. Unlike the west the Japanese are proud of their country and want to keep Japan, Japanese. They're going to increase the number of foreign contract workers, but that is necessary to fill their labor shortage. Those people cannot bring their families in and they have to leave when their contract is over.
Now recently in Japan a pathway for citizenship has opened up for foreign contract workers, however to cross that pathway and actually become a citizen basically requires you to be educated and speak/read fluent Japanese. It is not easy and only a small number of people will be able to actually become citizens. I took and passed the test you need to take for Japanese since my wife was born in Japan and we will be moving their to have our family, and it's hard as fuck. Many Japanese citizens would not be able to pass it, it's basically rigged to keep pass rates low because Japan does not want to increase immigration.
I'd like to visit Japan sometime and visit an onsen. How are they generally predisposed towards gaijins? I don't have any tats, would I have problems getting to stay in one?
There is not a crashing birthrate in Japan or Korea. Japan has a higher birth rate than Germany. The only reason most western countries have higher birth rates is because of mass immigration, their birth rates are the same as white people's. Japan and Korea's low birth rates are for the same reason as white people's low birth rates, education and work playing a much larger role in modern day life. People do not have as much time to find a partner and start a family.
I someday wish to visit Japan, life long dream, and stop at a bunch of places and try a lot of food. But I heard they are super not thrilled about outside visitors which I could understand.
How do I make it work user?
Have you actually ever been to Japan? There really is no such thing as feminism in Japan. Men and women are just equal, its culture is not feminist n the way the west is where women are basically looked at and treated as superior to men. And no Japanese women do not control the money and give their men allowances lol, at least not anymore than anywhere else.
And Japanese boys are not lost in anime. The vast majority of Japanese people watch anime like western guys watch TV. There are more weeks than otakus. And this whole idea that Japanese women are obsessed with idols and companion clubs is just ridiculous lol.
japanese hate gaijin you fuck. You're not japanese, you're an interloper. Women want to date you as a rebellious thrill, but they know that marrying you and staying in Japan is cultural & social suicide, so they will not marry you unless they hate their parents and are dumb or you're rich.
What the fuck are you talking about, where in my post did I ask about any of those things. I just want to go there as a tourist.
Japanese do not hate foreigners, most like foreigners. I think people confuse racism with nationalism. Japanese are more racist than Americans/Europeans obviously, every non-white is more racist than white people. But they really aren't racists who hate foreigners they are just nationalists who want Japan to stay Japanese and don't want more immigration. Japanese women love white guys.
japan needs more guns and less women's rights.