Back, the fuck, up

The nigger is ours now.

We will pin him to a sheet of paper for dry out, and study.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We don't actually want him back. Do your worst. Trump is just shitposting for nigger votes.

come die

who is this pretty lady?

that's a reptillian

Pffff keep him.
Actually, take a few more while you're at it. Please. Seriously, get rid of the niggers

Ha ha ha ha, look at that puny muttoid cope!

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Enter the thread bearing gifts and cope, and kneel before your genetic betters, and you will find that Sweden is a...kind nation...

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I SAID: "You are inferior!"

Swedes are superior. We know how the world works. We know how you tick, in your tormented state.


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shit wait my mother has this look
elaborate, gimme quic rundown



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>what makes you tick

Nah, nigga, you’re thinking of Switzerland. They’re the ones who make clocks. Easy mistake, though, I can’t tell those two literally-who’s apart, either


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>I can’t tell those two literally-who’s apart, either

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You can’t even keep Arabs and niggers from raping your women. The most pathetic nation of cuckolds in human history.

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She looks like she talks too much.

you are supposed to take it by force. what a bunch of limp wristed faggots.


No mutts here.

I guess "Swedistan" reigns supreme.

Your nog is a nuisance, and Trump is making an ass of himself sticking up for that savage, He is in our care now, and we have advanced facilities for housing troublesome racial deviants.

It doesn't matter what you say murricans, us Swedish people speak English, not emotional mutt gargle....

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Kek jag är drängfull och sitter i Gbg. :)

I travel to Stockholm thrice yearly for work; it's mostly brown people in the streets now.

Damn I didn't know swedes were this good looking. Most of them are weak willed though. Sad that their looks are the only redeeming thing about them.

This is a weird roleplay

Yea (out of character)
It is a shit show. We all face the same problem innit...

You know nothing.

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John Snow

true. even in small towns the same trend can be observed.

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All you fucking mutt clowns thinking you have an edge on Europeans because of your Disney world tier gun ownership need to shut the fuck up.

The vast majority of you soied up mongs are oblivious to what is going on, and you shit up the board with your crude, retarded spergs, which have fractured it all and pushed true high IQ anons elsewhere.

I log in here daily and I can hear the jew cackle as the hamberder fat drips from the inorganic threads. "Jow Forums humor thread" is something that you subhumans swallow, along with the rest of the aids. Clueless plebs.

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Oh no :)

Based Sweden. Unironically, please keep that fucking nigger trash


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jew nose

Cuckoldry comes from America and her jewish cancer. Do not ever accuse Europe of that shit because it is your problem. It is in your nation that the jew feels his sickening "wiggle room" and so spews out his poison to weaken and divide.
European "femdom" is all laughs and healthy cheek. It is normal, but in America you have brought the animals into your bedroom and the jews have ran with it. "Look here, at the big nigger dick!" says the jews, in an attempt to troll your people and your race with filth as a critique against high culture.

Say whatever you will about the stinking jew, but he has fuel for his trolls as long as you mongos try to persist as a civic "Frankensteins Nation"...

In this environment the shit skin ID pol actors will forever navigate to further their interests,

The nigger, Sven. Give us what's ours.

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Dumb American nigger. He should have known to just rape a 14yr old Swedish girl and they would have let him right out of jail.

Abandon all hope.
The nigger is ours....

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He'll fit right in. Sweden is nog heaven. White chicks getting blacked.

RIP Sweden

We can give you a better life in Minnesota. We've even imported Somalians to watch over you there, just the way your kind likes it. You can come with him.

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>we will pin him to a bed and send him to breeding ground

Ackshually, it is probable to think that the US and other "western nations" will fall into utter disarray before we do. We are frosty up here and not prone to chimp outs.
We will clean house and tidy up all within the parameters of civility and proper decorum, with nogs and arabs kicking and screaming and crying and bubbling snot at every turn.

Hnng sauce?

The nigger is ours.

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Gå hem och sov, och negern är vår.

Cool story Blumpf, but the nigger is ours.

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Sov själv din jävla hora.
Lördags wagie cagie imorron!

Varför vill vi ha negern nu igen?

Why is your comment not in Arabic fagget?

Checked, good how about we send you the rest of them?

that slut looks so crazy.

Jesus, you muslims are fucking deranged

But it is the other way around you see. It is YOU who is crazy, because you are a non Swedish subhuman.

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she looks part sami there, you sure she isn't asian?

they want white ass.

Though i wouldn't consider most of swedes white, since they mixed with sami/lapp subhumans.

Ey I am just a swede taking the piss.
Fuck you mongoloids.

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>Fuck you mongoloids.
dude, you are part asian yourself. what have you done?

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Sweden is run by women.

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Beat down foreigners.

true, iceland too, weird is that they hate circumcision and even tried to ban it.

Cry harder

This is to be expected.

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More like state ordered breeding sessions with your women

You can keep him.

Lol, you like 'em when they're from outer space, huh?

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Get used to it, Sven. Now you have a taste for true American nogs who scream racism whenever they get caught. Your sick liberal govt has no idea what’s coming

All these dumb mutts are coping hard rn because of their (((presidents))) retarded chimp out. This time it is the glare of the icy Swede that stares them down. This time it is the Swede who brings the mutt to heel...

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Less fapping to my pictures, more replying!
Vocalize your subservience to Sweden, and earn lenience...

Through the swede, runs the path to heaven.

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You will free the nigger, and we want the afghan...
Otherwise its drone strikes and shit for stockholm