>next week
Hmmm 68 days vs 68 trillion dollars in medical Bill's plus tip
for surgery
radiation and chemo begin pretty quick
He wasn't trying to pay for treatment, he wanted to provide for his family after his death
My dad had cancer and they operated fairly quickly. Actually my cousin, four of my aunts, my grandma and my dad all had surgery very quickly. That chart probably only accounts for or is skewed by non urgent care
The people who made that meme never watched the show
The end.
*Treatment starts in 18 months you mean.
Besides, walt started cooking because he wanted to play the badass role, as well as leave money for his family, not because he couldn't afford it. He outright rejects multiple offers from family and friends to help pay for the treatment. You have to be an absolute mongoloid to not be able to go beyond the absolute surface level and realize it was never really about the money.
>Actually my cousin, four of my aunts, my grandma and my dad all had surgery
Move out of that cancer cluster dumb leaf
My grandmother who wasn't even that old had cancer and died from it. Want to know why? She went to get checked for it, said she was ok and when the symptoms got worse so she went in for a second time and then they said it was too late. Fuck our system
Move out of my gene pool? I have a very large family, but there are lots of thyroid and breast cancer cases on both sides of my family
For 330M people? No.
I know a former leaf that had cancer and it took her AGES to get treatment, the Canadian Healthcare system was a nightmare and she much prefers American McHealthcare. I know it's anecdotal but still
I believe you, same thing happened to my dad. Thats just a stupid doctor though. You need to know your body and insist when something is wrong. Its sad about your grandma though, the elderly are too often overlooked and defenceless
This shitty retarded meme collapses if you’ve watched 5 minutes of BrBa, he starts making drugs out of a sense of wounded pride and to provide for his family
>Move out of my gene pool?
That's not what a cancer cluster is. Do you all live in the same area?
I wouldnt say the canadian health system is worse. Maybe what america needs is social AND private care, and same goes for canada. You get basic coverage but you can pay your way for private care
Fucking, this. Every socialist faggot who jerks themselves to this meme has reptilian levels of observational comprehension. The show was never about not being able to afford health Care. His old partners even offered to pay for top tier Cadillac levels of treatment. There's a class of healthcare that most people don't realize exists, as it's only for the wealthy and their benefactors.
You mean its in the water? My family is spread up all around the greator Toronto area. Ill look up cancer clusters.
I meant i wouldnt say its better***
He also didnt want to leave them with his medical bills and there was a whole episode about him refusing money to pay for the treatment.
Brainlet still thinks Walter did any of what he did because he needed money. That was his easy excuse.
Hmmm dead vs alive and have to pay bills
Same thing happens here but you will get a huge bill.
You dont know how good you have it.
>American “”””””””””””healthcare”””””””””
First one
Retard, the show is about dying in your 40s/early 50s and leaving your family with no real income for the next 30+ years with your retarded son.
Serious question, are YOU the retarded son in Breaking Bad? Kek
>there is a class of healthcare most people don’t know exists
And you’re ok with that?
Walt made far more than enough to pay for his treatments with that bag of glass he gave Tuco in season 1. Walt's problem wasn't cancer, that was just the incidental beginning of his path down the dark trail. Walt's problem was his loss of his promising organic chemistry and chemgineering career to go teach high school lab while his kike partner stole the glory.
Also, Walt's #1 drive was his family's welfare. That was his main drive to get $$$. And what better way to get $$$ than selling drugs? IF you can do it.
Based, Canada is less cucked because of it.
You do understand that we are unique in America in that we have masses of shitskins killing each other and eating fast food every day? Or do you not realize this?
Do burgers tip their doctors? Should they?
Surgery is a service that should be tipped at least 20%
Oldfag here, just had my first bypass surgery. I pay around $1,200 a month for the good insurance. I waited about 30 hours before they cut me open, because it was on a weekend. If you pay for the good insurance they will bend over to kiss your ass, and if you buy 3 dozen donuts for the nursing staff every morning even the nig nurses will love you.
Nothing is free, you stupid zoomer fucktards
Thats not even what the show is about. Thats the mcguffin
Interesting. I pay 0 dollars a month for my health coverage and even tip nurses 0 boxes of donuts.
The price of universal healthcare is the guarantee you've opened up the marxist floodgates and eventually you'll be standing in a food line for rotten bread. They won't just stop there.
>ib4 muh slippery slope
Proven time and time again.
Oh this cope again?
Enjoy dying waiting in line I'm chillin drinking beers and shit
>$1200 a month
Jesus. You should have the right to do that and to opt out of paying taxes for universal (or get a tax return) if you have private. Theres no way Id be able to afford $1200 a month, i make like $3000 a month
Post white statistics then (if you're so correct)
Well you see, you are what is considered a parasite.
>$3k month
Ah I got it now you're just against private care because you're a retarded 30k/yr (USD) loser
>burger education
He pays for it in taxes. Hes also retarded for implying healthcare is free in canada
Im not against private care I literally just said I wasnt
N O T E V E N 3 0 K U S D
Also, to all you faggots chortling on about your precious healthcare, no country with gubmint healthcare has a military capable of defending itself. Every single country with universal healthcare without exception relies on the US for its defense, and pays very little back to us for our services. Our taxpayers pay to defend other countries from their enemies. And yet and still they pay MORE of their income out in taxes than our citizens do.
>somehow European countries are both white and nonwhite depending on what Jow Forums is arguing
>$1200 a month
That's for me my wife and three kids. It's not that bad.
>Marxism is when the government isn’t a third world shithole
Never change
this. we can't afford UBI and wars for Israel
Let me samefag to explain this in a language an american boomer should understand. It should be like cable. Everyone gets basic cable (surgeries with long wait times) or you can buy for other channels like HBO, PPV, and get premium service (your ass wiped and a red carpet with no wait times). And if you have private care you get a tax return so uoure not paying for my insurance because im a 30k a yearer. Is that not fair for you and me?
That's right
Pay for my healthcare, my little paypiggy
>what Cigna bootlickers actually believe
Fucking losers brainwashed by big pharma corporations. Got damn it the fucking internet deserves the current Fascist healthcare system
It's interesting that the picture you posted was an ad for the democrats
Youre right
Hes right. Leaf, we get healthcare but America fights all our battles for us
He means white American statistics.
The irony is that white voters are the ones dying from it. Expensive insulin etc are killing off the corporate serf class. They are truly morons who would rather make Jewish corporations rich than have common sense healthcare. Oh well they’ll be dead in a few decades.
>Actually my cousin, four of my aunts, my grandma and my dad all had surgery very quickly
Do you live in a fucking microwave, user?
Yeah Canada is in such grave danger from...?
>next week
my friend's mom had to wait 3 months to begin treatments, cancer made it to stage 3
>you have cancer
>you can see a expert in 48-96months
>but here's some Paracetamol
America isn't a third world shithole neither was any of the countries that got healthcare. It's almost like you had to already to a successful capitalist country to mount on something so disastrous.
we gotta up those cardiac bypass numbers
he had a too big ego to accept the offers. would he really drive so far if the money question wouldnt start all of it?
>what is border security
>what is a military
>what are pensions, minimum wages, and other social security systems not used in majority of the countries shown
it's like you went to Jow Forums and posted an unaccredited infographic, or something
Walt's problem is that he was a Godless heathen.
Did you even watch the show Opee?
And you expect us to protect you from that? Lol
Lmao American kids have a lower life expectancy than fuckin Bangladesh. Keep believing whatever corporate propaganda about why you have to pay 3k for an MRI. The level of brainwashing Americans have is unbelievable. Oh well the poor white trash who oppose it will be dead in a few decades anyway
Only If your Canadian
>We'd rather let you die
Welcome to Canada
What is population
What are niggers with shingles
What are diabeetus American Indians
You mean all the sickle celled nignogs? And mexicans who bring down not only our IQ but our health rates.
Do not laugh just yet, did you forget that Trump signed in a bill so the USA will pay the same price as the country with the lowest price for drugs, the prices around the world are about to increase.
>next week
American healthcare is more expensive cause all the fancy machines and medicines got inventid by murricans. Also, Europussies can afford muh guvment healthcare cause we protect them from the Russians so they don't need as big defense budgets.
Where does the ubi come from?
This honestly isn't the system. That happens all the time over here to. ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION FROM ANOTHER DOCTOR.
When they are born
A fucking prot.