Support Non-White Bussiness

So I read something today about somebody recommending a local business. Specifically stating that it was "black owned". Now me personally not being racist I could not see how skin color was even relevant to the topic.

So I decided to dig deeper into this blatant racist agenda. How I did so was search in google "List of white owned businesses in Wichita KS" . Not only was I not able to find a list of Caucasian owned businesses I was immediately redirected in the search engine to find "minority" owned followed by "black" owned.

There is an obvious agenda to oppress white people and it's terrifying that it seems to be being propagated by those who already know the terrifying consequences of this way of thinking.

Would it be racist if a search engine made only caucasian business owners able to be found and excluded African American business owners?

Farther more would it be racist to promote a business with the tag line of "Support this business because it has a white owner"

Pic Related: My Search results

Attached: list of white bussiness.jpg (540x960, 80K)

cry more you faggot cumskin

You should make your own by finding a list of all businesses in Wichita and then removing minority owned ones. Be sure to really emphasize that these businesses are owned by proud whites.

Google white couple, then google black couple.

In our current climate would that not be racist though?

You must be one of these "Anti-Racist Proud Blacks"

Probably, but it shouldn't be. You should put them up around town. Really get people thinking.

This is fucking insane! Do you have any more examples of this?
Pic Related: White Couple

Attached: White couple.png (1366x768, 951K)

Yes, and I should get a swastika tattoo!

Not off the top of my head.

Whities are dying and theres nothing they can do
Mixed is the future
Your babies will be brown

yes google is shit that is not news. but you could do a search engine that gathers all then sorts for minority owned and thus tells you which are not minority owned because they got removed from list after sort, effectively swinging both ways if the user has a certain minimum iq, ie is white.

HAHAHA, Jealous because my country has a Muslim Ban . MAGA

I had no problem finding Jewish owned businesses. So strange!

Tell me how so I can be high I.Q. and White like you.

start a business then white boy

American inventors is also a great search.


not surprised

you've just started noticing this, buddy it only gets deeper.

it's not true tho lol
quite the opposite desu

>List of non-white owned businesses
AKA a list of businesses to avoid

is this your first redpill? if whites show support for anything white, it's racism. if pocs show support for pocs, then its completely 100% ok.

This is due to Google's "de-biasing" algorithm. Project Veritas had a video about this.

>Whities are dying and theres nothing they can do
>Mixed is the future
>Your babies will be brown

I love brown pussy too. Doesn't mean I'll give her a son. Just the white dick that she migrated here for.

You just doxed yourself, btw.

>baby's first redpill
you're not going to like it here.

You niggers need to be careful with the screenshots especially if you are going to be logged into your goddamn facebook and google accounts

>Do you have any more examples of this?
Search for "white genocide" on Jewgle and other engines. Even Bing returns actual hits. Jewgle is nothing but "muhspiracy theory!" and articles written by kikes.

lol you dumb nigger

Joey Anthony Othick is a white supremacist who browses the Nazi forum 'Jow Forums'

Caught me, is suicide my only option?

search white privilege

I’d be embarrassed too if I had to live in my oppressors country because my people are so much more inferior

That is Sage advice, user.

Attached: asian-1-e1497312354584.jpg (900x476, 56K)

Now search

Black Couple

Totally innocent I'm sure.

Attached: whitevsblack couple.png (3788x1028, 3.91M)