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Other urls found in this thread:


>google sponsors Tulsi for $50 million
If she magically 'wins' this lawsuit against the multi billion company it's a blatant money laundering scheme and it will need to be investigated.

Kys shill rat. Google and media hate her.

Please god or whatever force created us Please Please please do not give this whore any lawsuit money from this supposed "CASE".

Haters gonna say you shillin

Say what you want. I'm posting that every time you make a new thread. You've been at it all day.
We're not biting. Fuck off.

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What world is it? 50 million for 6 hours of time. What can you do with 50 million? Tulsi could feed a chunk of the whole country with that kind of cash.

$50 million to Google is like throwing a penny on the ground.

Tech is making you focus on tech. Reverse tech.

Fuck off.

Jewgle is the bigger evil here by several orders of magnitude.

Always keep your mind open to the possibility of j*wish tricks.

And now you know her endgame.

>bigger evil
Nigger they are the SAME evil.
Doesn't matter anyway. The media will just shill for Biden like they are told to.
All that matters is that Trump wins again. Fuck the DNC and fuck Communists.

They are obviously not the same evil, when half of them of them, (while stupid in some aspects) have enough integrity to fight the monopolization of tech by enormous super-governmental corporations.

The honest small time players know that corporatist fuckheads like Hillary and Kamala and Biden are suppressing them with censorship.


Democrats have been relying on Silicon Valley since 2008.
What makes you think ANY of them would do any antitrust work against Google or Twitter?
Trump is fighting Google RIGHT NOW. Why support a Democrat at all?

Hey retard we don't control both halves of congress.
You're gonna need bipartisanship to pass shit.

Small time grass roots dems are still anti-tech-oligarchy.

You didn't answer my question.
Why should I support a Democrat when Trump is already fighting the big corporations?

I was thinking the same thing. It could be group (((b))) at work. Wouldn't this pave the way for Trump to sue as well? Google would have to be willing to risk sacrificing as much money to Trump as well making it twice as expensive.

Tulsi is a Russian plant.

........ fuck-wit

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Lol jew

>I'm gonna post screenshots of my own posts...or else
kys faggot

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Any evidence that it's a scheme and not a straightforward response to the sort behavior we should expect from Google?
>a person who spends her career fighting the destruction of the bill of rights
>a corporation that rules our access to information, spies on us, and manipulates us
>these are exactly the same

>settle for $50M
>jewgle makes this in 8 mins...

jewgle aids drone technology with their A.i. so of course they'd hate tulsi

Attached: nerryjaddler.png (644x420, 418K)

Pro gun control.
Pro 'green' bullshit.
Pro welfare.
Also I see you've made yet another thread.

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>pro-literally every amendment in the bill of rights
>pro-not destroying the planet
Yes, count me in.

Also, you'll notice that more than one ID in each thread defends her. It's almost as if there's more than one person who supports her.


Tulsi “lets make more laws and fuck with your property” Gabbers

So close to being cool

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26-22-41-32-1.png (1080x1599, 326K)

There can be only one perfect candidate.

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Bump bump

Ok schlomo, we know you are scared

Good, let the left keep eating their own.



He told you to eat more vegans because he did this for Cassandra Fairbanks.

Tulsi 2020

hello milk department!

hi google, please fuck off, nobody likes you

This. Fuck google.

>constantly refreshing Jow Forums to make an opposition post to a single user
hahahaha holy shit get a fucking life, at the very least find a new fucking hobby because you're wasting your life right now.

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>liberals suing liberals when it should be conservatives suing them
Hello google.

This “case” is nothing but google funding their next puppet.

Tulsi is considered conservative by liberals they hate her and so does left wing media.

Google hates tulsi you kike

Yeah. Yeah. Sure. And call me a kike like that does anything to disprove me.

I see whats going on here. Im not a fucking retard.

i don't know who's jewing who any more

Attached: jj.png (482x382, 35K)

Google is jews

I don't know, you don't sound very intelligent. Mind taking an intelligence test for me?
W. T H
r. h o
I. I r
T. S i
e. Z

Im not saying google doesnt deserve to be sued. Kike. Im saying the wrong persons suing them.


Oh wait. You said horizontally.

Testing for bots. Trying to see if you genuinely believe in the false left/right dichotomy or you are programmed to.

Didnt you get banned you schizo kike spammer

Wow shill jew, you have convinced me to vote for sand nigger liberal to be president. Thanks

See. I am a bit slow. But i catch on eventually.


Horizontally means left to right you beaner.

W I 2
H s +
A. 7
T. ?

I don't think this guy knows what horizontally means.

You kikes get so upset when you see post about her

Horizon. Tally. It follows the horizon. Feom left to right. You're writing vertically.

Yes, to see if the poster I'm addressing can respond appropriately, I could already tell you're not a bot, just a teenager wasting his time.

>Private business must promote your campaign

Kys israeli she paid for the service


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More like robot ;)


Bump z

Actually, Tulsi is an Indian herb.



