Are they safe of multiculturalism and cultural destruction ?

Are they safe of multiculturalism and cultural destruction ?

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China is extremely diverse as it is.

>cultural destruction
Chinks not already culturally destroyed

>China is extremely diverse as it is.
>91% of the nation is a race

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>China is extremely diverse as it is.

Over 1 billion ching chong bing bongs. k

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China is safe because they put all their Muslims in camps.

Japan is safe because they're an island surrounded by nuclear waste

For now, but who knows what will happen in 10, 25, 50 years. The USA and European nations were once safe too. It took about 100 years to drastically change that. Nobody is going to die out, but in our lifetime we will see tremendous voluntary segregation and conflict that could have been avoided.

China already had a cultural destruction but is safe from multiculturalism so long as they remain sovereign

Japan is increasingly vulnerable to multiculturalism due to its ties with the US which allow it to be pumped directly with American media propaganda. And in turn if they get the multiculti they'll have a cultural destruction too.

China - literally noone knows
Japan - absolutely no
Japan has enough immigrants, it lags about 40-50 years from Europe. Looks like liberalism converges to the same end. China tho is quite harsh on immigration. Tho it is a totalitarian marxist shithope, and anything can happen.

>due to its ties with the US which allow it to be pumped directly with American media propaganda.
idk, japan only consume disney movies than anything from the west, i mean

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