Why do capitalists and "managers" need to exist...

Why do capitalists and "managers" need to exist? Why aren't the people actually doing the work earning the most money and running & owning the firm?

Attached: capitalism_evil_business_man_mini.jpg (1920x964, 358K)

You know no one's preventing you from starting a company, right?

Because if they were capable of running the business they wouldn't be the workers, they'd be the owners. Fuck off antifa commie

>"the people actually making the product don't know enough to run the firm!!"

Just quit your job. LMAO @ ur life

Yeah a I’m sure a trained monkey who slaps a piece of shit on another piece of shit can do the work of a manager

Sargon, you?

as opposed to the manager, who doesn't do anything productive

Correct, running a firm and making a product require two different skill sets

T. Nonwhite