He actually makes a very good point. Why are there so many anti-Q shills on Jow Forums lately?

He actually makes a very good point. Why are there so many anti-Q shills on Jow Forums lately?

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>believe what people hate to be edgy

Imagine being like this at 90 years old like him

There are many glowniggers on this board.

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Q is a larper. No different from a "psychic" who does cold reads. I got those idiots banned from reddit for believing in that bullshit

because it's not even making predictions, it's simply some guy camping the news and posting headlines when he or his team gets an alert

boomers think because the bible gets translated differently to contemporary english that means vagueness equals holy magic and it's annoying and lead-poisoned

crazy days and nights actually makes predictions on this kind of shit whereas qanon is a ziocon who just snipes headlines knowing tons of Lead Heads won't know a time zone is

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>being proud of getting anyone banned for anything
Utter faggot

>you attack those who threaten you the most.


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Qoomers act like retard cultists and flip out when anyone asks for more proof than some boomer text wall with red lines pointing all over the place. All the while the swamp critters roam free. If Trump hangs all the pedos that idiot spouting endless reams of nonsense will take all the credit and his fans will never shut the fuck up. Reminds me a lot of pic related.

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Q is like a religious leader--doesn't matter if he's the truth, but his function is rallying the masses to a cause

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Conservative values are all about being deep inside another man's asshole.

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Q predicted there would be an increase in anti-Q shills.

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Trust the plan = p-please dont revolt, goys, okay? E-everythings under control.

Q is real but The Plan isn't to gas the kikes, which makes it a shit plan. The Plan is to clean up a good portion of the more public Jewish crimes while leaving some Jews alive somewhere in the world -- the "Good" Jews, the "Based" Jews, Jewish "Patriots", et cetera. It's like if someone was granted a wish and they were going to waste it wishing for half of the Jews to die. The only recourse is to call them a nigger repeatedly until they stop being a nigger and just gas the kikes.
Spread the word.

Q's just a massive larp that's more fun to play along with than to just dismiss outright.

Really is a work of art. Cant wait for the final act.

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The left want people to revolt as part of their d&c tactics. That’s why they called us all nazis and got antifa up and running. As keyboard warriors we don’t add fuel to the bonfires they have prepared

I don't hate Q I just think it's prob a mossad op.

pol is also full of anti holocaust shills, so this proves it happened

because they are afraid
very afraid
and its glorious

>the media and left hate Q!
>so you're with them if you hate Q
People in general don't like gay shit

Q has predicted loads of shit that never gets acknowledged. I could make a bunch of random predictions and 2 out of 10 turn out to happen.
See I told you so, disregard the stuff I said that didn't come to fruition.

This Q nonsense is just a massive piss take. Just hysteria and people clutching at straws.

Fuck man even mother Shipton was more accurate than Q.

no, he doesn't have a good point, you're a fucking moron if you think this is valid reasoning


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Anti-Q is pro-pedo.

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ITT: British faggots who voted for Brexit and will never get it...fuck.

>the left wants...
>implying you still believe in a false dichotomy
>implying antifa is anything other than paid shills recruiting retard NPCs to keep white nationalism at bay.
>herderherder if we only talk about stuff on the internet and take no real action, we win guys!

>if you're anti-q you're pro-pedo
No, but if you're pro-Q you're gay AF

Q is so ridiculously fake and retarded that people actually take time to make pictures like this and spread them around the internet. I want my fucking isreali aid money back this is just poor effort.


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Wasn't there a book that warned us about false shepherds? I can't remember


Who cares if Q is fake? The Left hates and fears it, and it redpills normies. Sounds like it’s a good opp.

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Who is Q?

We ran Q and the CBTS tards out of here November 6th 2017 when his first predictions about Huma and Podesta being locked up didn't happen but he kept spamming CBTS threads three at a time anyway. What the fuck so you mean "lately"?

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>the left hates and fears it
No, they mock the sheer retardation of it, just like the left gets mocked for their retardation

>conservatives HATE that trump is considered a Russian puppet
Must be true, amirite? I mean, if your enemy hates it...

>redpills normies
Yet to be determined.
Q is a larp, and like any real larp, the "fun" is in playing along. If the game ends with Q not just being a larp but being gay as well, then it remains to be seen how much a normie would retain in end.

If I joined a cult, and the cult "taught" me things, and then I realized it was a fake and gay cult, I probably would wipe ALL that shit from my brain. I wouldn't still retain the stuff the cult taught me.

>we ran the cbts turds out of here
No, they still have /ptg/

Q is a NSA psyop and he's an old fart