Gunshots at tower 1 at UCF
Sweet jebus it's habbening
is UCF a school? Broward County MK ULTRA activated because of the epstein files? i'm assuming this will be big
I would guess central Florida, Broward is South though
Oh shit, forgot about UFC today, did Joe Rogan get hurt?
>"So cops rushed a dorm at #UCF with their assault rifles out and UCF Alerts sent us these texts. I’m hoping for the best but fearing it may be the worst. (I don’t live on campus I am safe)"
I'm always amazed by autists like OP who seem to have details of a happening 30 minutes before it happens.
Nigra, what the fuck is a UCF?
I'm sure there' absolutely nothing untoward about such coincidences.
Toe Rogain is literally 4’1” on stilts.
to be fair Im in the area and got literally 3 separate text messages from them about 20 minutes ago to get indoors away from windows and doors. OP is probably a student at UCF.
University of Central Florida, Orlando.
Ho-him, just more terrorist attacks by White Men.
I wonder if he will be a dark white.
>mfw nothingburger
>mfw when not a happening
>mfw not a sloppy job mossad
sleepy af though, gonna tuck in for the night, anybody else?
Sup fellow UCF anons. Computer Engineering here. We should meet up and discuss the spic takeover of Central Florida and how Hitler did nothing wrong.
qb [triple zeros] [email protected]
Who gives a shit about some gunshots in Florida. Sounds like your average Friday night.
>terrorist attack
>@ midnight in dorms rather than during the daytime in class / public areas
Just some random faculty member still pissed about last years college footbal playoffs
Feel like I have met you before in HEC for some reason.
How niggery/spic-infested is the area?
>the post
It’s a perpetual KFC/Taco Bell
well, United States, so very
>midnight in dorms
So niggers then.
Hearing shit on the police scanner. Where's the "happening"?
>Where's the "happening"?
In my pantsu.
OP's radio scanner reporting building fire, scrambling what sounds like 6+ trucks to it
Complete opposite side of campus though
heard that. Its to the Nike area, which is sort of close to towers where the other situation is happening. Could run from one to the other in about 2 minutes.
This better not fuck up my graduation date in December
It’s a glorified community college in Orlando with uppity bandwagoner football fans
Nothing is happening
false alarm
who wants to bet it's a nignog saying hello to a fellow nognig?!
Maybe.... Towers were less niggerized than the rest of campus though from what I remember (they are the highest priced dorms on campus).
t. alum from a few years back
"forcing entry into room 314" that poor kid whose room is about to get fucked up.
They are forcing entry, rm 314, presumably tower 1
O shit its happening. Anybody got a police scanner link?
i can't hear it rn
mass-shooting or fire?
thx guys, keep it coming.
is there a fire?
Reporting haze, no fire in rm 314, smoke alarm audible, forcing an internal door to confirm no fire in the room
apparently both, data on the shooter is more scarce, most chatter is on the fire report
Jow Forums gonna get shut down
Just got a negative on the shooter, 1 hr ago a report of suspicious person with gun at west plaza dr. was filed
"No active shooter, investigating suspicious person with gun"
inb4 niggers
No active fire.
Goodnight happening thread
is it over already?
>nike close to towers
Nike is next to the gym basically across campus, the fuck are you talking about?
please disregard this thread.
Move along
You do realize there's a 99.999% chance this is just Tyrone shooting up some backyard party like always happens every single weekend right
just a light haze. they said the active shooter incident originated on other side of campus. no active shooter though. false alarm.
UCF gave county the wave off, they have it in hand
thx guys.
like everyone in America has a gun, i guess we are all suspicious now.
Rm 314 breach team reports making contact with owner, says his stove caught fire while he was cooking
Yeah, easy to get jumpy these days
Sounds like Boston Bomber shit kinda
>Towers were less niggerized than the rest of campus though from what I remember
everyone knows they confine them all to Tower 4
Probably just a retarded Jew