Wich country is t he most "white" of white people?

Wich country is the most white of white people in terms of race.

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You already knew the answer before you made this thread.

It's Nordics of course, which is why they are targeted heavily by the jews. Next up is Slavs, also due to their nordic DNA.

We are in spirit.

Well i didn't actually know for sure but when you think about it yeah i guess you're right.

I think only sweden is RIP tho, maybe some parts of norway will still have some good white people in the future.

But damn im telling you i see some pretty hot swedish women geting pregnant with black dudes on welfare.

The propaganda for interbreeding our population is working out really well.

Yeah you're right about that, better hope Trump wins 2020.

What do swede normies think about the whole ASAP Rocky situation

Estonia followed closely by Sweden

Shut up mutt


>disgusting Swede is confused but also sexually aroused that he's being cucked by subsaharan african bush apes

You are definitely NOT the Apex white man.

I thought we were M*ngols

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Why such vulgarity? I was asking a serious question?

Our country is heavily polarized.

Most people don't really have an opinion.

Some are brainwashed and defend any immigrants whatever their crime.

Alot of us are defending ASAP heavily and doing our best to debrainwash our peers.

I'd say about 50% of swedes wouldn't even care if you guys came here to bring him home.



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You are some of the purest whitest snow-elf people on the planet.

Just so we're clear, the guys who attacked Rocky aren't white swedish but muslim islamic immigrants.

Since they are meant to breed with our women our government can't allow anyone standing up to them.

If they would free Rocky that would mean swedes would also be allowed to stand up to them just like Rocky did.

And that would fail their plan to submit all white males into cucks so that swedish women will breed with the immigrants instead.


probably Norway

The guy was an Afghani with a criminal record. I hope you guys start beating these faggots up. It's absolutely the only way they'll learn to respect others space.

>pic related
Why Sweden of course.

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keep it secret, keep it safe.
Fuck off jew. exploit your mom for money.

The user you're talking to understands the situation well. You can't just beat these people. They are a protected class.

Think about what would happen to you if you were to go beat up a jew, thats what would happen if a swede beat up an afghani, it's simply unthinkable

I fucked up my link

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Believe it or not if similar situation here but with a Jew nothing would happen because stalking is illegal in my state and we also have stand your ground laws. The way I see it if it becomes common in Sweden eventually it will be more acceptable to defend yourself.

Unironically Belarus

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North Korea.

The only 100% white country on earth.

yours not certainly

Probably every European country. Even the most non-white European country will still be whiter than the whitest U.S state.

Sweden is a hot mess and looks like hell from outside, but there must be at worse 25% of the total population that is non-white. This, and propaganda.

America on the other hand is only 56% white, and by 2050 only 30%. Interracial breeding is simply too widespread in this country. Europeans do not racemix that much, and most interracial couples you'll see do not plan to have children.

Attached: the_absolute_state_of_america.webm (576x720, 2.95M)


No debate.

Like the other guy said they're protected but there are really so much variables to take into account.

First of all these men usually are heavily flocked in group of up to 10 guys.

Swedes are civilised they hang out with 2-3 friends roughly.

Second they have no respect for the law since they get almost no sentence.

Immigrants who stab people with knifes sometimes don't even get jail.

For example the afghan who attacked Rocky previously stabbed a guy and was senteced to work for 30hours....

Thats his entire sentence for thrusting a knife into someone.

Then ther's also the normal prey predator thing.

Usually they won't rob you in broad daylight infront of other people or even start fights there.

And if they decide to start something they will pick weak people who are easy to scare and wont resist.

Swedes also white flight heavily, these guys are mostly packed up in their "ghettos" and we avoid them and as long as you can avoid them people tend to rather do that than fight them for territory, theyre to poor to move with you.

Out in town we have police officers standing guard all the time at weekend nights at night clubs.

Also we have guards watching all open areas inside the night clubs.

So pretty much you're safe in sweden if you know where to go and when.

But man it didn't use to be like that, back 20 years you could go wherever whenever no harm would come to you it was the safest country in the world.

It's a fukin shame what happened. sad part of history.

Sounds like South Africa

Don't know what to tell you user. Keep hydrated. Good luck.

Peace and order requires that righteous men become experts in violence to fight against the chaos within the unconscious masses.

Step up cunt. The world is laughing at you.

It's odd to think that brown people go to white countries and get taught by brown people and their teachers are also brown.

He will

>We are in spirit.
I wish more than anything this were true
but it's not

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looks bad but in reality its probably hot as fuck there, id probably thank that nigger while giving him some baton dentistry

Find other Swedes and start mailing embassies bombs or something, nothing's gonna change without Catalysts


not your's since you can't spell 'which' right


Finnish seem to be the lightest skinned

Germans, Anglos and Scandinavians are the whitest of whites, but each have their strength in different areas. Frenchmen, Italians, Slavs and other Mediterraneans have white influence but don't fully embody whiteness quite like those other three

Anglos are the masters of white philosophy
Germans are the masters of white ingenuity and industry
and Scandinavians are not only the most beautiful but also built the most beautiful culture and cities

If I had to pick one, I would pick the Germans, although purity spiraling the beautiful nuances of Europe and her native peoples is ultimately an empty endeavor.

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As a black man, I can confirm that we love Swedish females, because they are freaks. I'm not going to say no to a white female with daddy issies. Thank you Sweden!

Ohg shit I forgot my flag.

White means European.

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I'm just hopping that some of the swedish left might realize that no matter how much virtue signaling they do in putting browns first, they'll still be called racist. Swedes only really care about how good they are perceived to be, so if they don't get recognition maybe they'll stop all together.


>try redpill a swed co-worker on ghetto
>give cause to fix immigration problems
>swede gets angry
>be called self-hater, SD lover

You can't reason with brainwashed people.

First you are not a nigger. Second, you are a faggot from plebbit who fantasizes about BBC 24/7. Third, KYS

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Any Western European Country minus the southern mutt ones. Any Nordic country minus Finland.

Trying to redpill my gf by saying I just don't want our potential future daughters to get raped and sons to get mugged and killed. That seems to work well enough. No one cares until it happens to them.

if no specific order
>Sweden, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Poland, Estonia

honourable mentions: USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, UK, Ireland, Lithuania, Finland and France

southern slavs aren't even white

The general consensus around here is Belarus, they are blonde blue eyes incarnate, with literally 0 nigs or terrorsis. Poland, Slavakia and Czechia are up there too, but they have some darkies in the large cities, and a gypsy infestation in the villages.