How far away are we from peak clown?

How far away are we from peak clown?

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Guarantee this bitch is laundering money from her pet nigger's drug business. Report her and her monkey to the IRS.

Thanks for the laugh

you're a faggot

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We are reaching levels of clown that shouldn't even be possible.

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He works for free

HAHA someone actually saved my pic that's cool. Aint my thread though faggot.

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I wonder (((where))) she comes from?

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Considering the faggots being indoctrinated currently, by the time they reach institutional power, that will be peak clown world, weakest men, hardest times, you get the rest. You can pretty much focus squarely on academia and the climate at higher education as a metric, for the bottleneck that it represents.

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The fuck?

Jeeze I hate you fuckers sometimes lol what a strange world

There isn't an end to this show. It only ends once you become so numb you can't see it anymore.

Is this real? If she’s trying to normalize interracial breeding (already normalized) then this is rhetorically ineffective—all it does is galavanise her opposition. Or is she really so petty that she inadvertently supplies alt-right propaganda for no other reason than to make white men feel insecure?

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have sex

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it's a server error. both threads were made at the exact same time and the image of the avatar one got fucked.

I've got a white g/f who isn't even particularly racist, but even she has told me flat out that blacks would never be "on the table". She finds them uncultured and savage, and thinks that screwing one would be like "fucking a turd".

Granted, we are from the Midwest, so she hasn't been indoctrinated like the coasts....

When touching kids is okay, it's over.

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Jewesses really do love BBC

exactly 0 meters

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I should also probably mention that despite being American born and raised she's of STRONG German heritage, so there's that lol.

Almost all white women are like that. The ones that end up falling in with niggers almost always have massive personality flaws and likely drug/alcohol problems. Many come from abusive homes. Or just butt ugly.

I hope she dies when her nigglet claws its way out of her rancid womb.

I used to think pol was jsut trolling with jewish women and black men being a thing, but i think its actually legit. Look up cameron boyce's parents, thats what finally made it legit

She lied and said she has 3 kids but I only see one on her faceberg.

You're four years past it.

A big reason why the jews are claiming another holocaust. Their woman are fucking gentile men and not making jewish babies.

Very true.

But what's funny now is her stance has ben re-enforced by the fact that she's a nurse and our now "peaceful midwestern town" has been inundated with niggers because of PC politicians. We actually moved out to the country about a year ago, but she still works in the hospital there. Almost every night she comes home and tells me about the literal APE shit that now happens on a daily basis at our local hospital.

The stereotypes are real and true, no matter where niggers are.

every day is peak clown world day i our globalist utopia.

Get gassed.

Are women people?

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Technically speaking, maybe.

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Wow, white people are truly superior. They are a people worth preserving. My eyes are opened now.

It's funny because they are funded by conservative boomers

Oh, and

find the degenerates that are into this kind of cuck/humiliation crap and hang them. this is only a thing because there's a market for it. literally the beta white male's fault.

She's getting paid by cucks who have a fetish and fantasize about this shit. Perverts.

holy shit, I know this fat cunt, lol!

That bitchnis fucking ugly. Post wall like a mountain from the Appalachians

>has this picture saved
>not a shill

I can't wait to see that one pay the toll. Will be peak hilarity indeed.

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