Who else here is sick of Zion Don?

Who else here is sick of Zion Don?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm even more sick of false-flag posters.

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keep at it. Maybe some day you'll get an actual dank meme.

checked and fpbp

The middle east is full of religious zealots who literally want to cut your head off because you have the freedom of NOT living under sharia law. IDK dude that is not some right wing propaganda line, that is the objective reality of the region. That is why we maintain an alliance with Israel, rather than have a muslim caliphate on that land.

Turn off your memeflag, faggot

Have you considered the possibility that you swallowed the MSM's bullshit hook, line and sinker?

>kike on a bike
Goys love to bite

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Boomer go home

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>sick of Zion Don?
I'm going to melt that pile of stones he's touching there.

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I am


How is that what you expected? He consistently said he supported Israel while he campaigned.

I'm sick of it, but at the same time I don't feel the same level of disappointment that I imagine people who voted for him feel.

>what I expected
What delusional fucking faggot expected to get a hitler after decades of jewry?

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You forgot Fat Retard.

You forgot pedophile

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Will add it once I determine the payout.

>• Zion Don..............................5¢
>• MIGA....................................5¢
>• Boomer..................................4¢
cocksucker 50 year olds from reddit love him, also true
>• Kike Puppet............................4¢
how many billions for israel now? true
>• Jew Jew Cum...........................3¢
it must be fucking delicious cuz he loves it
>• $38 Billion..................................3¢
there you go are you even going to argue
>• More Immigrants.........................3¢
also true
>• No Wall.........................................3¢
also true
>• Fence............................................2¢
you don't even have a fucking fence
>• Kushner..........................................2¢
single handedly compromised american government for israeli interests
>• Ptg...................................................1¢
annoying paid fucktards who literally astroturf the board all day
>• The_Donald......................................1¢
reddit's entry point to Jow Forums, now suddenly we're not allowed to say nigger
>• Potato_Trump.jpg..............................4¢
looks funny
>• Trump_Jew.jpg...................................4¢
he's 38 billion dollars more jewish than anyone else

So you guys thought he was a nazi because the lying media you hate told you that he was one...
Bo comment

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Top advisor
> Jared Kushner

Enough said

To be fair, all the other Republicans and Democrats said he was anti-Israel.


Fuck wall, fuck draining swamp, fuck putting in line corporations and wall street, fuck fighting with marxists on universities, fuck white working class, fuck fighting with latinofication of United States...

at least Jerusalem and Tel Aviv are safe.
He's still better than any Democrat that is leading in polls, but boy oh boy what a fucking waste of time and energy these 8 years gonna be.

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i stand with my jewish brothers and sisters.

All the other politicians you owned said he was anti-Israel.
You know, if you really want to impeach Trump, all you have to do is point out how Israel meddled in the elections.
Then he'd be toast.

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0.5 shekels have been added to your Brad Parscale account.

Trump is the perfect example of jewish pilpul, he is the a kike goy but the kikes also want the goyim to believe he is hope they they keep voting him into power.


1. Who you?
2. My media?
3. I dont want to empeach him, he is the more pro israel than my oun government

Better than the alternatives.

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Right we knew that part but he also said he was America first and that's where he lied. He's all about israel so STFU

the kike here is right.

situation of many things in US is so dire, that 'better than bad' is just not good enough.

It might be in mid/late 90s OK to freeze status-quo, but in reality you have two parties and one of them is pushing fucking marxist and communist policies, not in 'every tax is gommunism south shall rise again!' way but in a real, scary way.

Since Obama Dems went fucking far left, you guys either need competent right to solve problems now, or very good centrist/leaning right to at least make sure Dems won't win 2020/24 and put into practice their utopian plans.

I know Trump can't do anything without his party, either in house, congress, maybe instead of focusing on him alone start shaming people in Republican party that are woking against him to undermine eveything.

They should not be reelected.

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Memeflagging kikery.
OP, who should I vote for instead?
Please, let me know.
And don't say "no one" because I will exercise my right to vote, as I exercise my freedom of speech and my right to arms.
So... who should I vote for, Schlomo?

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Vote for a White Nationalist or Anti-Zionist. Take your pick.

Jew Jew cum!!!

It's like they all came out of the woodwork in the past 48 hours lol

White Nationalists.
>Also Trump.
>Trump knows the kike media opposes everything he says or does.
By supporting Israel, he brought the world spotlights on them like never before but has done literally nothing tangible for them, except raise awareness.
Literally played them against themselves.
So... you think I should vote Trump?
Because I agree.

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Trump is being utalized to maintain the white / Israeli alliance. The Jew can not afford the west abandoning Israel.


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Glow Harder

I wonder if the shills here realize they're shilling to other shills?
I bet they think they're maming progress.
Supreme keks, lads. Most of pol sages this bullshit hard af.

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Jew shills apparently discovered kindergarten level reverse psychology.

>if we say us Jews want them to vote Trump... then maybe they won't vote Trump!

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90% of pol is niggers and shills.

I'm sure OP is a dirty Algerian or Turk. That's why he hides his flag

>OP, who should I vote for instead?

you know why you have right to keep and bear arms? No, not to make jews running military industry even richer.

To, when needed, organise and revolt against dysfunctional government that is not working for, or even openly working against, people that elected him.

Establishment in US has been working not for people but for itself and certain interest groups for many decades now, yet no sight of revolt across the country.
Same shit every 4 years, and best you can do is shitposting. Not 'you' you, but 'you people'.

Interior of United States of America is in the process of being destroyed by it's own ruling class, for like 5-6 decades now, nobody gives a shit.

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>who should I vote for

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>[Verse 1]
We’re living in a country that’s the finest place on earth
But some folks don’t appreciate this land that gave them birth
I hear that up in Washington they’re having an awful fuss
‘Cause Communists and spies were making monkeys out of us

The bureaus and departments have been busy night and day
They’re figuring out just how we gave our secrets all away
And Congress has appointed a committee, so they said
To find out who’s American and who’s a low-down Red

They call them up to Washington to speak for Uncle Sam
But when they ask them what they are, they shut up like a clam
I wish they’d take and put me on the witness stand today
I’d yell so loud old Stalin could hear me all the way

I’m no Communist, and I’ll you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house and car and cow
I like this private ownership, and I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business and let me run my own

>[Verse 2]
Our government is bigger than it ever was today
The more they hire to work for it, the more they have to pay
Our public servants should be proud and honest you would think
Instead of taking bribes and dressing up their wives in mink

The taxes keep on going up, of that there is no doubt
But still, they just can’t take it in as fast as they dish it out
Our national debt is a monster size and growin’ every day
Our children’s children, still unborn are gonna have to pay

Our dollar used to be the soundest money on this earth
But now two bucks won’t even buy a good old dollar’s worth
Unless we stop inflation and take care of what we’ve got
The Communists may win the fight and never fire a shot

I’m no Communist, and I’ll you that right now
I believe a man should own his own house and car and cow
I like this private ownership, and I want to be left alone
Let the government run its business and let me run my own

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He didn't even mention discord trannies you incompetent shill.


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>To, when needed, organise and revolt against dysfunctional government that is not working for, or even openly working against, people that elected him.
Good thing my government is working well for me then. Also, I served my country proudly and honorably and don't believe the ZOG B.S. you're trying to peddle, glownigger.
Korea wasn't "muh Korean overlords" and we had zero business in Korea.
We had business in the middle east, though.
>Establishment in US has been working not for people but for itself and certain interest groups for many decades now, yet no sight of revolt across the country.
Same shit every 4 years, and best you can do is shitposting. Not 'you' you, but 'you people'.
I just assblasted your shitty, baseless opinion.
>Interior of United States of America is in the process of being destroyed by it's own ruling class, for like 5-6 decades now, nobody gives a shit.
Yeah, niggers do that.
100% of the time, when you compare any two communities of similar population size and median income, the community with more niggers has a higher murder rate.
And Dems want to keep giving niggers more shit, a larger platform, and constant excuses.
Niggers are the problem and Democrats use them like their attack dogs.
You can't speak against niggers nor can you defend against them.
Democrats and Niggers are 100% to blame.
Niggers has a higher quality of life and better statistics under Segregation.
It's time to end the diversity experiment.
Dems are the problem.
Trump is the first step towards a solution.
Bye now, kike.

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>Who else here is sick of Zion Don?
Who else here is sick of circumcised shills?

So... who should I vote for, kike?
I see you.
Who are YOU voting for?
Say no one, please.

Go fuck yourself shill. Trump 2020, because if you’re a straight white male, do you really have another choice?

Anyone who expected the left of your image was deluded.

> if you’re a straight white male, do you really have another choice?
Absolutely: Sanders is the White mans candidate. Sanders is a white man and Donald Trump is a Jew.

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Baby need milkies

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Sanders is literally a Jew. Also pushes communism, taking from the white man and giving to the nonwhite man. Also wants to give healthcare to illegal aliens, who’s paying for that?
>spoiler: you are
Bernie is a terrible choice for white men

What fucking first step you fucking moron? Opposition in his own party undermines his initiatives along with Dems.

You are either blind or fucking stupid, thinking that one man can change that party or even overall situation.
Yes, niggers in places when nigs are 3-7% of population. Yes, dems, in places that have been ruined by Republican domestic policies OR they kept blind eye on what Dems have beein doing.

Republicans are better now mostly because Democrats went to shit around ~2nd term of B. Clinton and went to shitter since Obama.

They were perfectly fine writing off large groups of US population, just to satisfy corporate interest and their own well-being at the time.

Now big biz (IT, bank etc) is with Dems. Just because they are not cigar smokin oil barrons these days doesn't make them good.

Yes apartheid will fix America, moron.
In Poland we have less jews than the number of niggers that your mom blew last year.

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I am more sick of 80-IQ joo-obsessed retards larping as nazis in a lazy attempt to cater to their contrarian fiber tbqhfam

There should be a political aptitude test to be passed before being authorized to post on this fucking board.

was born Jewish but rejects the tribal bullshit and embraces America. He isn't a religious Jew. He Is unironically less Jewish than the man(Trump) who sold out his base for Israel and jewish interests.

>just now realizing this board isn't for serious discussion
lad, I think you are in need of an aptitude test

>Trump 2020: Do You Really Have Another Choice?
That's gold. I hope you work for his campaign.

>Jow Forums is full of trolls
oh god I hadn't noticed, scales literally falling from my eyes rn
Doesn't mean the idea isn't sound. I miss 2016 Jow Forums

>What fucking first step you fucking moron?
Did we make the wee-leftist shill angry? Ad hominems let me know I am winning.
>Opposition in his own party undermines his initiatives along with Dems.
Party opposition is what makes a healthy democracy work. Leftists are the only ones who cannot take criticism and fall apart if someone goes against their narrative.
>You are either blind or fucking stupid, thinking that one man can change that party or even overall situation.
Never said or insinuated. Strawman.
>Yes, niggers in places when nigs are 3-7% of population.
All places niggers exist in any statistically significant portion of the population.
>Yes, dems, in places that have been ruined by Republican domestic policies OR they kept blind eye on what Dems have beein doing.
False. CA for example. Highest poverty rate. Lowest quality of life.



>Republicans are better now mostly because Democrats went to shit around ~2nd term of B. Clinton and went to shitter since Obama.
Republicans have hardly changed. Dems changed. They swung left hard. They're causing the divide (pic related - From the NYTimes).
>They were perfectly fine writing off large groups of US population, just to satisfy corporate interest and their own well-being at the time.
That's why CA is so bad. Wealthy due to Hollywood and Major Tech. The elite live fat lives while the common man is shat upon. Literally.


>Yes apartheid will fix America, moron.
Can't tell if you agree ornif you're disgusted like a leftist. Probably a leftist and disgusted.
>In Poland we have less jews than the number of niggers that your mom blew last year.
More ad hominems. Gassed TF out of you, kike

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> lowest unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics ever recorded
> decriminalisation of homosexuality in Botswana
> kept promise of moving embassy to jerusalem

You guys are impossible to please

Do you have a link to any of that? I carefully watched, and understood him to be lambasting Iraq, thus, Israel. Then, "the foreign parasites...." comment. Who else can be mean? He is self defeating. If the D wants to win, they should ask Jack Dorsey to lengthen his Twitter character limits to "unlimited". Guaranteed victory.

>the Jew candidate is for non-Jews
>the non-Jew candidate is for Jews

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>He Is unironically less Jewish
He doesn't pay his workers 15$ and he fires them for unionizing.

I've never seen a President do so little for the people that overwhelmingly supported him:
>bans bumpstocks
>tax cuts for 1% and corporations
>does nothing to stop jobs from going overseas
>billions for Israel and the USAs complete dick sucking of them on every single issue
>prison reform
Seriously, has he done ONE thing for the white middle class that elected him?
Even Obama knew to throw his hardcore leftists supporters a few bones.

his campaign is a non-profit, dum dum
I know, right? A European-Jew can be more white than a white Jew-loving Anglo. There is no doubt in my mind that not only has Trump converted to Judaism, but he actually believes the mystic tribal religion bullshit. Sanders rejects that bullshit. He just happened to be part Jewish. He is part white as well. Trump is a religious lunatic who is compromised by Jews.

cope, ya copeling

Lol who should I vote for instead? Nigger both are puppets. There is no political solution when zog controls both sides.

tax cuts for 1% and corporations
>Bernie Sanders
tax cuts for the middle class and regulating the Banks

>his campaign is a non-profit, dum dum
You are a retard.

Yeah Bernie is totally the non-cuck candidate. That loser got cucked out of his own nomination by Hillary and the most memorable line he could utter at the debates was about how we should all forget about Hillary's emails.

I'm sure he'll totally stand up for America's interest and not cuck out to Israel.

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>Jow Forums buzzwords
If I were to say "Trump has done nothing with promise of tariffs", you would post facts, numbers, and articles to prove your point.
But when I point out what I pointed out, all you can say is "cope".

>tfw I clearly got a big tax cut and I'm far from the %1


Genuinely lol'd hard.

>You don’t like Trump? Well you must like this left wing candidate then!
Americans aren’t forced to vote, boomer

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I can't wait till he loses the next election and I never have to see another ptg thread again

>That loser got cucked out of his own nomination by Hillary
You're not the one being cucked when the DNC and media are completely against you because you're in the way of their already anointed Queen.

You're pointing out stupid shit like how we're supposed to be angry that Trump got niggers to work.

Yeah no shit. Obviously the shills are hoping to get Trump-supporters to stay home on election day. This is what the shills want and would only help the Democrat candidate. Getting Trump voters to not vote trump is still a win for anti-Trump shills.

>38billion to israel in one fiscal year
Yeah sure hes playing 7d chess amorite?

How is the new Trump Heights? must be lovely for you.
Bernie is the response the Republicans and Trump deserve for selling out their base and being retarded Israel first christcucks(Jew for Trumps example) Bernie is not the establishment. He is the Candidate America needs to wake the fuck up and fix this shitty soul-less distopian reality.

You're cucking out when you go out of your way trying to make the candidate you're running against (Hillary) look good.

>You're cucking out when you go out of your way trying to make the candidate you're running against (Hillary) look good.
He only played the good soldier and backed her when it was apparent that he wouldn't have enough delegates by the convention.

>shills pretending that Trump writes the budget
Bring it up with congress. Trump isn't a fucking dictator in charge of everything.

>"in one fiscal year"
Blatantly wrong.

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