TRS LISTENERS: Top 5 Svenpai songs

What are some of your favorites? Choose up to 5

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Other urls found in this thread: report off-topic jewish eceleb spam/ Enoch words/filter/text/

just report off-topic jewish eceleb spam

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Summer of '88 imo

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That's a very quick response, Moarpheus... you seriously need some mental help.

Imagine a non-white queer saying I need mental help. GTFO you don't belong here.

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Either ICEY ways or Right Wing Death Squads. Despite the hate he gets, Sven is extremely clever and great at making music.

But that gay picture clearly isn't sven. You either have autistic face-blindness or you're a crystal meth abuser suffering sleep deprivation. I've seen your posts for a couple years straight now and these are my two honest explanations.

>i-it's not him!
stfu you disgusting LQBTQX person of color

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ICEy ways, Seen Kyle, dirty black summer

OOSHTBHFAM best song
Eyes and Teeth
Richard Spencer song

It's literally not though, anybody can see that. I honestly think you might be a secret member of TRS that purposely shills against them with terrible arguments. You come across as very mentally ill, posting in basically every TRS thread.

Ain't no one taking the time to type in those links

That's how your fucking propaganda works and it's kinda smart ngl

TRS was exposed in 2016 and you dumb kikes still lack the self-awareness to simply give it up and try something new. How dumb can you guise get?

My propaganda is honest. Here you go lazy nigger

Lol? This is obviously not Sven. You sloppily edited Mike's voice in.

>haha his own voice is totally not him!
I refer you to stupid fucking jews i swear to fuck. are you purposely destroying your own group by acting this stupid? are you really a 130 IQ individual crashing your own plane with no survivors? it's hard for me to comprehend you're really this stupid.

What do you even mean? That wasn't me samefagging, if that's what you're suggesting. I was again replying to your inane accusations.

>mfw moarpheus is still around

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I didn't say you were samefagging and there's no reason why you would think I was suggesting that considering the posts I referenced were yours. It's good to know you really are this stupid though. For a while I was worried about the enemy being insurmountable but now it's clear why this has been a walk in the park.

Now you're samefagging.

How does this retard manage to show up in every TRS thread? Give it a rest dude, no one is buying your shit and you stick out like a sore thumb.

This entire thread is me you oblivious nigger. No one cares about TRS. If I didn't bump this shitty thread it would be full of (1)s desperately trying to gain traction. It's ogre.

Imagine being this arrogant and delusional.

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IP collecting thread

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now your thread can die TRSodomite

He admits in this video that his wife pegs him:

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So what's the angle? Sven is a giant homo and Mike is a secret jew, and so they run a white nationalist podcast to..... what, convince a bunch of angry white men to advocate for their own self interest? I don't get it.

TRS makes the kikes rage hard, and they always show up in these threads to screetch.

Sounds pretty fucked based actually.

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you missed out my favourite - physical ways.

The part after when Mike says "Come on dude...."

Dirty black summer. Oh gibsmedats summer.

>you don't belong here
If you projected harder you could get a job in an I-MAX theatre. GTFO Moarpenis, you suck whale balls, seriously. You've fucking ruined 80% of the decent threads on Jow Forums along with jannies

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> inb4 more sven posting

we like them all btw is your new samsung gas oven working or do you need a german expert to make it work ?

>undiagnosed schizophrenia

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Hey, sven be more funny with your interrupting.

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Summer of 88, hey wikileaks, found out about jews, Gas the kayaks

No pls

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That's why I added the "other" option - I didn't wanna type out every song. Good song though

Sven makes fantastic songs. His original works are terrific. They keep getting shoahed from jew tube, so I can't remember them by name. Eyes and Teeth is great. Was a bumper, but became a complete song.

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It's an automated spam bot, report it if it helps.
That or it is JIDF, which is way more kikely.

Seen Kyle

It really grows on you, plus it is way better then the original.

I dunno the others but the last song had some pretty good hooks. If sven had stayed in his band, they could've at least become a one hit wonder.

Drop them in the thread so we can judge, faggot

> they could've at least become a one hit wonder.
pretty sure he was in a metal band, so maybe not. The music scene moved past their niche.

I appreciate Sven's ability to make quality music, but I don't really like any of it. I've always hated Metallica and you can tell that's his heaviest influence. The John McCain one was great though.

Are there really bots than can find specific threads, evade captcha somehow, and post this ridiculous babbling? And respond to other posts in context? I sure fucking hope not. Kinda doubt it though. The down side of places like Jow Forums and voat is they are a magnet for actual schizos/lunatics. It's probably some butthurt ex employee or something. Since apparently the TRS guys are always feuding like a bunch of high school girls.

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Most of the rest are here.

Yeah, hilariously Russia Today's (?) Youtube Channel made this into a mash up. I think Jewish-Tube deleted it recently as I can't find it...

Can someone explain why anyone even bothers to post fash or alt right stuff on jewtube? Why waste the effort? Just put it on bitchute. I'm so sick of pulling up broken links.

It's one or the other, either bots or JIDF
I have seen a fair number of these threads before, the speed in which the same comment is posted again and again.
See as a recent example: report off-topic jewish eceleb spam/

> Since apparently the TRS guys are always feuding like a bunch of high school girls.
There are a couple of instances were there are real feuds. Most of them are manufactured and fake, the documentary The Lobby details how JIDF create division online.

There are AI's that exist, are low level ones on Jow Forums? It seems likely.

Convenience. Also because fuck the censors. Putting them on bitchute is a good idea.

nobody cares

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TRSodomites LMFAO
why is it always jewish faggots larping as white nationalists?
i guess we turn them on

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>clearly isn't sven
doesnt matter
sven is a fag
they're all gay jews
you do not become a white nat eceleb without being a gay jew, that's the jewish rule you're under

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What was that song he did last year for the contest where people wrote in lyrics for? I can't remember what it was but I remember it being really good

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Yes their are. This is all israel does. The stakes are too high for them not to. Moarpheus isn't a real person. It's just a JIDF Psyop. One person isn't monitoring Jow Forums threads 24 hours a day. Watch The Lobby USA on youtube if you already haven't.

Don’t Jew me Like That was the best.