Based Animes

Is Fullmetal Alchemist the most redpilled anime of all time? If you know the plot, right from episode one it is an analogy to a ZOG that is eventually toppled by the main characters.

Also it is full of alpha aryan chads and almost solely white people. The philosophical/ethical views also seem to support a right-wing ideology.

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Please do not be projecting foreigner politics onto animated cartoon!

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At the end of the series it's reveled that they are getting the energy for their alchemy from hitler holocausting the jews in our dimension and the whole idea of equivalent exchange is bullshit.

The big end for the whole series are the mane characters fighting and killing hitler.

But yeah sure, very anti jew and pro aryan show bro.

Japanese people are pretty traditional and anti-jew aren't they?


Father is not Hitler, Father first of all isn't even human closer to a fallen angel, and he is literally shown to be a parasite based on his origin story, your comment is absolute bullshit.

prefer this really with magic just being as background for their tech (and being x for the philosophical part), also much better depiction of germany's position during the war

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OP hasn't seen LOTGH

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that's a reach, but is based on the 2003 FMA anime. FMA Brotherhood released years later and followed the source material, which the original anime followed about halfway through until it went in a totally different direction with its own plot and lore because at the time, the manga hadn't finished so the author told the anime staff to just write their own take on the story. the two worlds sharing energy from FMA 2003 are not a thing in FMA Brotherhood.

is this really your first animu? do i have to see this thread every week?

there was an anime israel actually lobbied against being sold because of how it talked about (((them))). wasn't fma

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jews are going after japan to stop anime because it is the last media production center on earth not owned by jews

japan must be destroyed for complete jewish world hegemony

in 10 years there won't even be any based animes. mark my words.

Is this why sadpanda was nuked?

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Attack on Titan

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I was looking for suggestions...

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(((they))) need to be reminded of why they should fear Japan.

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Are the manga and anime different for AOT?

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The jews have been ineffective on defeating the Japanese with mass migration, however Jap males are losing the war themselves be not reproducing and loving 2d girls too much

You are a retard, lowest IQ possible.

I've actually been posting a bunch of stuff from a major plot twist that just now got shown in the anime so you're seeing shit you wouldn't even understand how it is connected watching it from the beginning, but generally the theme of the show is the will to survive. The main antagonist is basically an anti-natalist racecuck.

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sadpanda was nuked because of payment processor demands. You can't receive donation if the gateway thru which you receive closes because it doesn't like you.

Japan is not a threat. The Jews have been slowly bribing and corrupting using money. It has taken a while but they are making progress (bad for world)

Why do you say that? I had a childhood IQ of 149, I'm sure it has decreased due to bad decisions on my part.

the jews funded the japanese war against the Russians because the Russians were anti-jew. It worked.

The Japanese later told them to fuck off, and allied with Hitler- and well guess what happened.

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Russians being anti-jew is news to me, I thought they were zionist through and through

I think he means Imperial Russia and the Russo Japanese war.

Because you talk so much crap it's amazing you even have IQ.
- high birthrate countries are complete shit, mostly niggers
- high birthrate countries want to abandon their countries
- caring about birthrate but not being a nationalist, clearly you have no clue what nationalism means, IT MEANS PRO-COUNTRY
- Japan and Canada have similar birth rate
- Canada has lots of migrants who make babies
- Japan is very crowded, Tokyo is biggest city on planet, they don't need more babies, they need much less.
Prototip: you have lower birthrate than Japan, when we remove the subhumans.

Yes. Jacob Schiff. Anti-Russian because of Empire being anti Jew

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there is way too many baka in this thread

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While we are discussing this series, what do you think of the live action adaptation of Fullmetal Alchemist? Was it a decent attempt, or something worse or better?

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was written by a woman
not canon

That's from the original anime that fucked off from the plot half way through because the manga wasn't finished and went full retard.

The source material has the fuhrer king representing the us president under the control of the Jews (father), who kept the nation in a perpetual state of war with brown sand people with a different religion (Ishval) so that the Jew can harvest their blood for his own use. After losing the Jew cried out how he was just trying to survive, why must we persecute him so.

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I didn't mean high birthrate of any race is good, but I think white birthrates should be at least above replacement levels which many are not which let's the jews argue for migration to make up the difference. I know Canada is fucked.

So it was the Jews

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I love just how bullshit outrageous Baki is.

Birth rates are over 1 child, the fact you fallen for meme that we are dying is only because of propaganda that we need more economic growth to sell more chocolate bars to niggers. There's no benefit to country to increase birth rate, it's a burden, since you got more people who need land and services. The only people who benefit from more people and more niggers are debt creators like banks and some billionaires who destroy our land anyway and their money is totally not nationalistic and won't benefit any country, they don't even store it in our country, but abroad or in hidden accounts.

just have a lunch already.

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The original is better for the story, I feel like you're reaching for brotherhood being redpilled though, it's just another mediocre shounen.

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It being written by a woman is irrelevant in this case. It's a solid story. She has a good grasp on character development and writing a good plot. I like her other work like silver spoon, which is just her writing what she knows (growing up on a farm).

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"Water, 35 litres. Carbon, 20 kg. Ammonia, 4 litres. Lime, 1.5 kg. Phosphorus, 800 g. Salt, 250 g. Niter, 100 g. Sulphur, 80 g. Fluoride, 7.5 g. Iron, 5 g. Silicon, 3g. And fifteen other elements. Those are the elements to make an average adult human body. You can buy these elemental ingredients at the market with the pocket money of a child. Humans are made so cheaply."

I feel like you're shit posting, he means that father is a jew trying to destroy the country subvertly and the aryan heroes overthrow his jewery.

No it's Freemasons propaganda

No, it's like a three year old describing how things work.

>this guy got shot full of holes, but he ate a bunch of steak and drank a lot of wine so the wounds closed. Because protein.

Seriously, it's more ludicrous than Axe Cop or Kung Fury, but that is the charm of it.

nvm ignore me, thot you we're replying to OP I'm blind.

Why are you still watching cartoons lol, are you 12 years old

it's the power of kara blanka

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Attack on Titan is the most redpilled Anime in history and it is not even close

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First Baki was way superior to this crap.

He's a big guy

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Then it doesn't work because they don't take into consideration the value of a soul in their calculation and pay the consequence.

all anime is for teens under 19

It was far more coherent and a better overall story, not many would argue against that. New Baki is a whole lot more fun just because of how batshit insane it is.

If it wasn't for Netflix they wouldn't show these things and some dumb sex scenes. They also added Muhammad Ali into the show as some superman, because hint: "he's black".

fuck off weeb

New Baki had better animation, but everything else was worse. It is very rare for better animation to be overall worse than old animation for me, this was the first time.

Replacement birthrate is 2.2. Think about it there are 2 parents and some offspring die, 1 child leads to white genocide.

You are forgiven, I agree 100% with your first comment.

More like birthrate being 2 is white genocide, since you will turn into Africa.

Nah, that's in the manga.

The manga also has Baki's grandfather beating the US military. Like the navy, air force, and army all trying to kill him at once and he just flexes hard enough to kill them all and break aircraft carriers and shit. The reason Yojiro is as obsessed with being the strongest thing in the world is because his father always made him feel like a weakling and he still is nowhere near as strong as his dad was.

It had a lot of potential with the inmates (especially the poison palm guy) but the second season sucked bad. The only thing interesting was the Irish dude.

2004 > brotherhood

To me it's like comparing Shawshank Redemption to Ricki-o.

They are good prison movies, but for entirely different reasons.

Literally nobody but you believes this.

Don't tell long sex scenes of pointless romance are in manga or some nigger worshiping. That's Netflix. Yojiro is 10000 stronger than Muhammad Ali to begin with, he can't revert to being weaker than Ali after he defeated marine, navy and taken over USA white house.

nah, it was Hayana vs Speck

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Also those different style animations between the fights, they added 3D or something.

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>he think there is logic behind Baki's powerlevel

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Neither have I. Is it any good?

Yes, there was a lot of logic, that's the whole point of whole anime, that they slowly improved, but then after whole army of USA was wiped out by 1 guy that same guy suddenly needs advice from Muhammad Ali.

You have no idea just how crazy the manga is. This is from it.

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Crazy is ok, but there are things that need attention of 2 seconds and things that don't need to be in anime and things that shouldn't drag on for 10 minutes or even more, because it's da black guy.

the 15 years old boy beat up a world class catcher (265 kilo, 2m35) as if it was nothing.
And yet, it's not even the most bullshit part since he beaten 2 years ago a giant magical ape

all the best animes are about white people
Attack on Titan
Jojo part 2

Oh right, that guy needs advice from Muhammad Ali for whole 20 minutes and then another 10 minutes of sex scene to show those incels what romance is, the anime switches from action to some bullshit cringe romance. That's Netflix stamp of batshit.

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