I think gang stalking is real

I think gang stalking is real.

Now before you say the FBI doesn't do stuff like overtly follow you, and if your being followed you will never know, I have two very well documented cases of them doing overt surveillance on there targets below. As you know the FBI is very secretive of there tactics and seal them in court so we don't really know much about how they operate.

I'm looking for other examples of them doing stuff like this you have heard of or experienced personally.

This is a quote from Maximum harm: The FBI, and the Road to the marathon bombing, stating how someone involved was put under "Bumper lock surveillance" .

"The FBI would not only interview him more than a dozen times, but they would overtly track him using what Special Agent Tim McElroy would describe as " bumper lock surveillance, " explaining that the surveillance was meant to be noticed and the FBI wanted Manatav to be "certainly aware of people following him, cars following him, things of that nature. It was not covert in any manner."
It goes on to say this happened till he was arrested for lying.

Here is some court documents further detailing everything:

Here is an article by Fox saying the anthrax killer was being "bumper locked".

Virtually everywhere Hatfill went, the FBI went too, often right behind him—a deliberately harassing tactic called “bumper locking.” Hatfill believes that local authorities joined in tormenting him at the behest of the Justice Department.


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Other urls found in this thread:


I think gang stalking is real also. Also I have a love egg up my arsehole, male here. Did zero prep so theres likely a lot of poo.


Watch this:

I wish a nigger would
Do you have any idea how much I would fuck with people if they tried this? I'd just start conversations with them like they were someone I knew and keep asking them increasingly personal questions. Like what kind of vaginal itch cream their mother uses.

This shit only works if you react the way they want.

I thought people who claim to be gang stalked claim ridiculous shit like little kids and old ladies mimic their mannerisms, or their sock drawer is always re arranged. What you describe is different in that there is logic behind both the action and the target of it.

You have to use tits to get replies, your thread is gay and stupid.

No one is that important, if the government wants you gone you are fucked, there will be no remains left.

Your life doesn't matter, all this gangstalking shit is nothing but retarded larpers trying to build a narrative for their entertainment.

Go back to your retarded backrooms and get bent by you skinwalker tranny tulpa.

>only one group ever does gangstalking
fuck off kike

holy shit long live the confederacy!
>picture related

Based schizoidposter

Yeah, that's all it is. Schizophrenia.

Well rearranging/hiding/stealing things in your home was common practice in the DDR, the STASI used such tactics, you can watch educational STASI Videos about it.

It's a tactic to slowly drive you mad, you start you lose trust in your senses, an easy way to break someone's mind.

I love how gangstalking is to schizos what blue light is to bugs. It's fascinating how they're all attracted to it, like a hive mind.

I thought bugs were attracted to the moon and blue light was just a tool used to imitate the moon. Don't you recall reading something similar, that moths navigate by orienting themselves at a slight angle to the moon?

I'm not angry at you, but it does seem scientific to look at a bug bouncing against a porch light and wonder "why does that happen."

So, if you hear about something like gang stalking, repeatedly, and you don't ask any questions, it means your brain is dead.


Hi FBI. Just here to shitpost
You're a bunch of retarded nigger subhuman scum and I'm taking over everything you think you control.
This is my lucid dream and you're just living in it.
Keep pissing me off and I'll turn my dream into a power fantasy where I humiliate you repeatedly in public. Who am I kidding though, that's probably already happening.

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Oh I asked questions. Found out it's literally a community of shizos convincing other shizos that the government stalks them in the streets. It's an echochamber of mental illness. I recall that a red car is a sign of a gangstalker to them. Something as innocuous as a car color is proof to them that they're getting gangstalked. kek.

It only works if you don't know how these retarded niggers operate. Kinda like voodoo. Hence why they're niggers, since they actually believe their own bullshit.

Got damn, that body

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One time I had the same car with the same driver pass me twice within an impossible interval.
Straight out of the matrix.
Middle of the day, sober, no drugs, walking to get lunch.
It was a dead end street that let out onto a busy thoroughfare. It was a busy day with a lot of traffic and a stop light. It happened within a ten second interval, the time it takes to cross a residential road at a fast pace.

Does it seem threatening to you that paranoid people would meet each other and become more paranoid?

after all, you are on a board where virgins who don't actively seek girlfriends are worried about the black man having sexual dominance. So, are you opposed to all kinds of behavior which emulate paranoia, or are you just against conspiracy theories?

To understand why you angrily attack anyone who believes in gangstalking means to discover whether or not gangstalking is real.

In fact, you are gangstalking right now. You are actively seeking out someone weak, or someone who has a weak mind, and attempting to make them weaker with your cowardice.

Isn't it possible that there is someone more ill than a schizophrenic?

How come you believe that schizophrenia is the bottom, absolute bottom of a human being's possible state?

You already believe that schizos are less than you. Isn't it possible there is someone less than them, organized for the sole purpose of making someone's life miserable?

You could ask them such things but they would simply react as if you were the lunatic and this will just reinforce your feeling of becoming insane.
They would never admit that they are part of any organisation, they will never admit to you that they are following you.
You simply are never sure if you get followed and if for example the group of people that is walking behind you are your "followers" or simply normal people.

And the result is that you get mad, more insecure about your senses and your environment, or even your closest friends family, you will sooner or later suffer from paranoid schizophrenia, making it even easier for them to call you a nut job and handle you.

Guys you need to learn more about the Stasi in the DDR it was completly fucked up, everyone could be spying on you, parents that betrayed their children, children that betrayed their parents.
At the height of it the Stasi had over 200'000 IM(Inoffizielle Mitarbeiter) inoffcial workers=informants/amateur spies.

Yes but if you are an unsuspecting victim without any knowledge of such tactics, it would drive you mad, there is nothing really that you could do about it.

Photographing everything before you leave the house and afterwards checking if everything is there is going to make you mad sooner or later.
This becomes a habit, which will result in OCD.

Your defeatist attitude makes you no better than the Stasi.

Us Chadrenbros prefer lolis

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Schizophrenia is actually pretty based, fren.
High speed connection to the subconscious. Just like the internet though, you go looking shitty things up and you're gonna get (((mind viruses))), mostly in the form of paranoia.

>nothing you can do about it
uhh, you can be aware of it.

Nigger I'm just posting my thoughts, I'm not attacking anything and I'm not threatened. I'm just saying I've went down the gangstalker rabbit hole and it's riddled with schizos. It's plain to see to anyone with a rational mind. I'm sorry you have schizophrenia, must suck. Nobody cares about some random enough to fuck with them until their mind breaks. You would have to be mentally ill or a very influential person to even consider that possibility.

Pic related
LPG is ACIO/Labyrinth Group
Maybe you need to take a closer look at who you're dealing with before you hit "post."

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You would have to be mentally ill to use expletives for no reason at all, but for some reason you are angry that anyone would even want to point that out to you.

It isn't threatening to hear the errors which might be in your mind. As long as we don't discuss gangstalking, I know you would benefit from a little bit of conversation.

The aggressive nature of Jow Forums is that anyone who wants to share a different opinion or any opinion is going to get knocked down. If you ignore what I am telling you about the errors in your thinking, then you will knock yourself down.

Haha, Eric. You should kill your family before I get my hands on them. You're all going to die, and you and Larry are probably going to suffer, and probably Debbie too.

>parents that betrayed their children, children that betrayed their parents
It's funny because that's what people claim the Nazis were doing.

I can't wait to make my art project out of your biome.

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Watch CSI Miami 100% real

>protip: it's not 1962, buy/build an IMSI catcher and set up hidden cameras so that you can prove you're being stalked

Thanks, the document is very useful for my case. I experienced some of those listed in the document.

This has nothing to do with defeatism, but if you would ever find yourself in such a situation you are relatively fucked.

That's why I wrote unsuspecting victim.
If you are aware of it you aren't unsuspecting...

Why not just cameras in your house?


It's a common practice in jewish/masonic/jesuit/templar circles, I don't want to give details because it started to get less discreet in early 2016 and it would be a huge list:




I won't reply anything to avoid the kikes and spooks trying to cover it up.

i think gangstalking is supernatural. 50% of humans are nonsentient empty vessels who at any time can be hijacked/possessed to do the demons/jews/whoever's work and have no memory of their actions afterward.

gangstalking is like how "agents" in "The Matrix" movie just jump into any humans body they want to carry out their task while the human they're in is none the wiser.

I'd gang stalk her womb with my semen.

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This only matters if you’re trying to avoid making them think you’re insane.

It's just MKSEARCH/MKULTRA and jewish occultism (also known as mind control).

Who cares if they follow you around?
Just fuck with them back
To beat the spook you must become the spook

Embrace being insane
Revel in it
Being “insane” is far more preferable to what the masses consider normal.
The masses are literal sheep m8
The universe is your oyster.
we all die evenetually have some fun while you’re living