Jewish Conspiracy

I've heard about this once in a while in forums but usually the moment someone brings up the Notion that High level Jews are controlling all or most governments in some way, are shot down and regarded as anti-semites. I wanna know more but most articles or blogs touching base are censored. Ive read about Jewish Bolshevism but I need some help finding more information anons.
(Pic unrelated)

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's not just high level Jews but theres a lot of them contributing to societies problems. But there's still plenty of old money Anglos in the US and black nobility in Europe that pull strings. It's the people whose names you don't hear and who avoid attention of any kind thst you have to worry about.

The Jews as a race serve as a giant meatshield for the vampire race. The Rothschilds are literal fucking vampires and use the Jews as their familiars, or go betweens with the mortal world. Jews are not the ultimate enemy.

Semitism: The belief that Jews should rule everyone else as the Chosen Master Race.
Anti-Semitism: Everything that might conceivably get in the way of this belief coming about.
It really isn't hard. Commencing dump.

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who's the milf?

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Roth schilds
Red Shield


Edomites Shield

The title was much needed in another thread and I don't care enough to change it

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here is a start

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Its all true
I recently found out most people in my government are jews

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jews literally think they will establish world government, each jew will have 800 goyim slaves. that is what judaism is about.

and what are the odds?

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>I recently found out most people in my government are jews
huh, checks out

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They're actually just named after a graffiti. When Jews took German family names it was common to just go by decorations on the ghetto homes they lived in, and in this case it was a red shield.

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poor take.

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They do indeed

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This is some nice perspective.
Nepotism is one hell of a drug.

I don't believe in coincidence, becuase I'm smart.

They look like edomites.
Rothschild can be reduced to edom's shield, so it's always meant to be.
I'm not fooled; you are.

If your IQ is sufficiently high you can connect tge dots very easily. Everything you wrote is enough one would need to draw a logical conclusion. Here I'll help you out. You can't burn 6 million bodies with 30 ovens in less than 4 years time if ever because those ovens would not last.

And here's where I cut this short

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Holy shit. I'm not on here often. I've been lurking for about a year on and off, and this was my first thread. I truly appreciate this shit. I'm gunna have hours of research on my hands because of it.

Good attitude in theory. Believe yours then, I know mine.

That's what we have the place for. Always a pleasure, and good luck.

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this one will be your most important read that's pretty cutting edge Jow Forums knowledge.

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America has been under jew control for quite some time.

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Will we dare to penetrate the darkness of the greatest mystery of all?
Who are the Jews, really? For Alfred Rosenberg they are the organic lie. And Nicolás Palacios, author of Raza Chilena, years before at the beginningof the 20th Century, also asserted that: "the Jew can never tell the truth,"recommending that before reading a book we should learn its author and, "ifit's a Jew, do not read it, because it is false."

Among the millions of beings populating the Earth, who is a Jew? Not an animal (although he could be a sheidim); he is not a human being either. He is most probably a "robot," in the service of Jehovah, an extraterrestrial being. And as such he has to obey his orders, if he is to continue in existence. Thus "God's people" come into being, those who are of Yahweh, Saturn, Sat-an (Satur-day, Sábado, Sa-bbath).

Jehovah lives and feeds on the flesh and blood of Earth's inhabitants. His "agents" describe him in their Biblical myths where Abraham is willing to sacrifice his son to feed Jehovah. The wars and great killings are banquets for Jehovah. And as Kaliyuga approaches its end, that obscure Demon, increases his appetite and is in urgent need of a final banquet, since for over fifty years, since 1945, he has only been fed with small wars. He is fasting! Jehovah needs a new World War, where the Aryan blood of goyim is massively spilled. Instead he is running the risk of disappearing as Satan, Saturn, the Archon imprisoned by the Demiurge.

It is therefore necessary to create an untenable world situation that leaves no other option but a great war. An economic crisis is inevitable without Middle Eastern oil; the destruction of the New York towers gives the USA (that is, the Jews) planetary control under the pretext of a "war against terrorism" ("those who are not with us are against us"). And finally the collapse of the spiritual world of the West leaves the Christian Church leaders and Freemasonry itself without an ideological support.


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A cross between animal and man, according to the Bible. With age the Jew starts developing animal-like features.

The rabbis, who also seem to have demolished their own beliefs, already have a new instrument with which to oppress and dominate the non-Jews; another spare "religion" with which to torture Aryans and their sense of guilt: the Holocaust Religion. If Christianity accuses the goyim of killing a God, then the "Holocaust" blames them for murdering "god's People." The first was utilized to accuse the Egyptians and Romans. These are now replaced by Germans, as subjected as the previous, accepting meekly and doing penance in the "Museum-Temples" of the Holocaust, the new religion, in spite of knowing that deceit was also present from the beginning. Because just as the ancient Jewish religions and beliefs were based on falsehood, so the new Jewish Holocaust religion with its six million sacrificed (the number six is archetypal in Judaism) is another lie, even if its "dogmas" are blindly accepted by non-Jews. The Demon Yahweh projects his hypnosis over the goyim, thus helping "his people" of robots, but only until they have successfully prepared his Banquet.

And what if they cannot induce a Third World War? What if they fail? Could the new religion serve them as consolation, keeping their own people together in spite of the growing discredit of them rapidly spreading throughout the world? That remains to be seen. At the end of all things, at the nadir of Kaliyuga, their famished god would also abandon them.

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>Basically redpill everybody on the longterm effects of inflation and that most of the national debt is completely based on JUST written agreements, with absolutely no real value or any form of return, that simply enables the inflation to occur, which leads to your money earned today being worth less next year, which makes saving enough money to live out your remainder years in wealth impossible.
>I.E cancel the "debt" assigned to us by the banks and simply pay off the factual debt in the next 50 years.
By also not playing the blaming game, but simply proving this with facts and sources and projections of this happening, people will probably vote for this to happen, who wouldn't want to work less when they're older?
Lmao, kikes are going to get fucked.

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>Let me tell you how you're absolutely correct about the jews being behind white genocide.
Wow, they really do lack abstract thinking like long-term consequences for their actions.