>build wall
>most imigrants come by plane
Zachary Murphy
Other urls found in this thread:
Levi Cox
Build a wall around the airport
Daniel Brown
>kike acting like posting on Jow Forums is normal
>just an every day occurance
>you're not a parasite
Kill yourself.
Hudson Powell
I agree, walls are useless, you guys should APOLOGIZE and tear your multiple walls down RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Liam Perez
>don't build wall
>send american taxdollars to Israel instead
Bentley Perry
>Criticizing walls
Tyler Campbell
>faggot kike forgot his proxy
Open borders for every country except Israel right Schlomo?
Nathaniel Howard
>coming by plane
Adam Ortiz
>lame bait
shut up kike
Ayden Howard
How come building a wall cut nigger immigration by 99 percent? You fucking kike