That piece of shit Salvini just took everything that would have made italy decent out of Lega Nord and turned into a...

That piece of shit Salvini just took everything that would have made italy decent out of Lega Nord and turned into a protest vote.

Now basically we are the terroni of Europe, it's never our fault, now it's all Europe's fault.

Basically Salvini is turning honest, noble hard working northern italians into the most awful of terroni that blame everything on the guy north from you. Italy was shit even before the EU, and leaving won't change a thing.

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Other urls found in this thread:'Italia#/

You couldn't even conquer some nigger tribes in the desert.

Go fucking neck yourself you dumb nigger. Salvini is the best thing that happened to Italy in the past 80 years.

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Shut up pussy and delete this thread.
You are not german.

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>caring about Europe when they always considered us niggers
>worrying about northern italians instead of hoping for a change of the whole nation

Why don't you just go live elsewhere then

>You are not german
You are absolutely right. I am an Bavarian.

Crepa piddino

u mad bro? yeah u mad

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No,you are a negro.

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People here keep ignoring that the main problem here is the Italians themselves on top of everything.

Until we fix our own people there’s no chance to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Unironically our people is as corrupted as the average third wordler that comes here from South America who doesn’t bother to follow the basic rules and laws, but only one of these people is a subhuman isn’t it?

Leaving the house is a black pill because you’re surrounded by corruption and subhumans and the worst thing is that many of them are your own fellow people, from the younger generation to the old fucks everyone tries to fuck the other one and if you follow the law you’re a stupid fuck and gets punished for doing it while if you break the law you’re literally rewarded by the society and won’t get fined.

I blame the motherfucking terroni invasion of northern Italy, they are the ones who spread mafia and corruption here and are also actively working to change the language and traditions with their accents and “pizzeria napoletana” in a place where doesn’t belong.

Ma perché non cambi paese e vai a lavare i piatti in Germania o Londra?

Who gives a fuck?

I agree with you. But what are the alternatives? PD, 5 stelle, +Jews, GoGirlBoldrini..

He is the worst evil. It is still politics, you have to pick the least worst.

Dont know what terroni means

But I do know

The 11 words

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>The enemy of the people are southern italians
>The enemy of the people are not the sovra-national entity known as EU which unironically forces us (most of the time with LIES, looking at you french fucks) to take in violent, ignorant, rapey immigrants
Get fucked PDofilo ebreo.

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>the main problem is the people that built rome and fascist italy, and not the international clique of rootless cosmopolitans that push immigration and degeneracy


yes indeed we have been invaded by both the Nigger tribes of the desert and the ice, now we must be able to overcome it


>everything on the guy north from you.
Ey you pastanigger, we're not even IN the EU!!

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classic Society post

Senti che puzza scappano anche i cani

They didn’t build Rome, they’re the slaves romans imported from africa to till the fields.

Big difference.

>from the younger generation to the old fucks everyone tries to fuck the other one and if you follow the law you’re a stupid fuck and gets punished for doing it while if you break the law you’re literally rewarded by the society and won’t get fined.
So you're a fucking terrone? Clears it out.
Terronis that behave like that will be dealt with through oppressive totalitarianism and heavy propaganda.
One can only hope it happens sooner than later.

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No slaves left almost no trace but 90% were from europe.

Only one family has african slave dna and its urs

God that's a beautiful Italian girl

Ur mother is ugly

also you can literally blame the current southern mafia literally on western jews
Mussolini BTFO'd that institution eternally whilst the allied freed them from jails with lucky luciani
you are so kike'd in the brain that there is no reason to argue with you
you are worse than a nigger from somalia

This is a weak attempt at forcing a meme, lad.

>Terronis are slaves imported from africa in roman times
Sei completamente fuori strada ragazzino, i terroni sono reminescenze del periodo risalente alla Magna Grecia.'Italia#/
Questo è il risultato (riassunto, è wikipedia dopo tutto) di lavori condotti da 5 genetisti, tra i quali troviamo il rinomato Cavalli-Sforza. Indice di sicurezza ed accuratezza.
La sicilia ha un contributo di 8/9% di "sangue" berbero/arabo, infatti è il buco di culo peggiore del Sud.

Have sex incel and we love white women here.

Hapa futurism is not a meme and more importantly:
You are not white.

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You're still posting this shit shlomo?

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Non osare a dire che è sbagliato ribellarsi al fatto di non farsi influenzare da chi ti vuole influenzare contro la tua volontà...

>Ma perché non cambi paese e vai a lavare i piatti in Germania o Londra?

perchè non è casa nostra..!

europid + asian = light skin turk


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You wish, only 10% of Turks have shovel teeth.

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>t. lying sack of shit

Go Lombard style and kill them all

She looks nothing like that though

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Why did this thread get turned into a Hapa thread?

It's literally her.
Because you have the biggest incels in the world and they keep spamming this shit everywhere.

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furthermore, I doubt that if we fail to conquer them you Bavarian not German, you to conquer it


They literally are, scimmioide.

Oltre ad avere sangue greco c'é anche qualche goccia di sangue ebreo ashkenazi. Secondo te perché i meridionali hanno dei nasi enormi rispetto agli italiani al nord?

You started a fucking war with literally everyone, twice and are shocked you lost. Just stop.

Based 100% pure Bavarian Phenotype.

La cosa del sangue ebreo e dei nasi è una balla risaputa,gli ashkenaziti sono provenienti dalla Turchia,anche la tradizione giudeo-cristiana è una balla dato che Gesù proviene da quella che è ora la Palestina e disprezzava gli ebrei e la loro usura.

Cucks love white women. They love having sexless shack ups that lead to child support. Basically, only niggers and desperate gammas love white women.

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>i'm a whiny bitch
t. polentone



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Ok pizzapals, what the fuck is a terroni? Can someone provide context for an out of the loop American.

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Hahaha si, è senza ombra di dubbio plausibile, credo vengano chiamati nello specifico "ital-kim".
Ciò spiegherebbe anche la loro estesa disonestà.

D'accordo ma come si spiegano i nasi allora? Non mi risulta che assomiglino alle sculture degli antichi greci. Io stesso sono nato in Puglia ma non credo proprio di essere un purosangue greco.

Post an Italian girl you fucking bologna.

it's what pinkdick basedbean munching polentoni italian snowniggers call the noble descendants of true romans in southern italy

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Doesn't Italy have one of the highest IQs in the world? I am sure you guys will figure it out. You clearly have an issue with immigration, better snuff it out now.

>When you'd rather stuck your dick in your pistol than in that awful faced insectoid entity besides the pistol...

the interracial shills are strong today lads

instead the people on earth to have the genetic connection most with the Romans are the Tuscans, not the southern Italians

>Imagine only have women speak to you like the Aryan whore meme


>Amerimutts are disgusting.

Terronis are southern Italians, they are the descendants of what used to be Magna Grecia, bearing clear and considerable Greek DNA heritage.
They have low IQ, swarthy complexion (just like ancient/modern Greeks) and heavy corruption and general crime. Welfare queens.
They are called Terroni (i.e. land-people, from terra = land) because they are less industrialized, agriculture there is in fact still important.
I have nothing against being a farmer, it's pretty based actually.

Attached: Magna_grecia.png (538x527, 67K)

Ma chi ti dice che dobbiamo assomigliare tutti alle sculture greche,se viaggi in Europa vedrai che il nasone è una caratteristica casuale non solo nostra.

>imagine white knighting for a non-virgin, in the hopes of sex from her

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>assomigliare tutti alle sculture greche

It's literally easier to find girls that look like the one in the bottom even in wheat fields, which do not exist any more, even in Southern European countries, which have few blondes... than it is to find a girl like the one on top among a fucking billion Chinese and 200 million Japs and Koreans.

The make up required to achieve that somewhat attractive status, is not available to most people in beauty saloons, much less the "fields of Asia".

But yeah, stay away from white women, by all means.

Imagine being so overtaking by virginity to the point of becoming a hateful cuck and disregard every girl because she's not a virgin...

The best is the enemy of the good.

comunque il naso grande è anche dei dinaridi che sono nei balcani, quindi magari gli italiani del sud sono mediterranei dinaridi, e per quanto riguarda il pigmento della pelle se è arabico è dovuto al fatto delle invasioni, perchè seppure non sono state così immense il tratto oscuro è dominante, ma in ogni caso non credo c'è ne siano molti tanto da rappresentare di Italini del sud che sembrano Libanesi

I don't know what they had done to you but if you want,you can send all your white women here.

Beh, da quanto ho visto dai test sui DNA di alcuni italiani provenienti dal sud, trascurando i siciliani alcuni avevano quasi 10% di sangue ebreo, altri sangue nord africano, certuni li avevano entrambi. Non mi sono mai preso la briga di fare un test genetico ma sarei curioso di vedere chi si è scopato i miei antenati.

Io mi comprerei una console, non sono mica cose così importanti, secondo il mio punto di vista... :-P

Why don't you study a bit of Italian history?

Il tratto scuro è dovuto alla melanina della nostra pelle, infatti le regioni del sud sono quelle più soleggiate.
Quella dei test è una cazzata,stai semplicemente regalando soldi a dei truffatori, è quasi impossibile capire il genoma umano,ci vogliono anni e anni di studi e macchinari costosissimi, figuriamoci se qualcuno ci riesce con un po'di saliva e per 20 euro...

There are two kinds of peoples: those who can manage to build a prosperous society on their own and tho who fare better under foreign rule. Unfortunately, we Italians belong to the latter. Ever since we backstabbed our Germanic neighbours and left the Holy Roman Empire we were doomed to fail. Now we can wait and hope for Russia to drive some tanks all the way here, but it will take a while I'm afraid

>italians were never able to create a prosperous society on their own and need to be dominated
Good afternoon Rabbi Moshi Lerner, how's it going today?

Gli italiani del sud non sono scuri esclusivamente per la quantità di raggi solari (o meglio, per la maggiore perpendicolarità di quest'ultimi) ma ANCHE per la loro peculiare eredità genetica, vedi:
Greci. L'immagine allegata è un affresco di pompei in tempi romani antichi.

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Noti la differenza di pelle con quest'altra immagine puramente romana?
Gli italiani del sud sono stati ampiamente romanizzati, certo, ma non del 100%.

Attached: Affreschi_Mariani_PatriziRomani.jpg (466x312, 37K)

It's all the eu's fault, yes.
You need to go back, dear US diplomat in Italy

What about Umbrians ?


>I have nothing against being a farmer, it's pretty based actually.

This. Farmers made this continent the beauty it is.

I don't think they are much more distant from the Tuscans ... but in any case I have no idea, I read some Tuscans compared to the others

go back to germany you fag antifa weakling commie

All women are garbage because society is garbage, and women are the purest reflection of the community in which they live. The reason people here idolize asian women is because from what little they actually see of them they're still remotely lady-like in their minds instead of being so "stonk independant womyn" that they practically act like slutty degenerate men.
If you want a good white christian wife you need to find a good christian family in a good white town with subtle racist undertones.

Wholeheartedly agreed.

>Pay respects to Bread
>Glory of the fields
>Feast of life
>Sweetness of the earth
t. Mussolini

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Once they had the opportunity to command the Piedmontese and they did a mediocre job, now they have had the chance to command the southerners and they are doing a job done a little badly, in the future I would say that they must have the opportunity to command the Venetians, Friulians and Sardinians and then we'll see ... Russia better to no

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