What the FUCK is Trump's problem?


>Orthodox Jewish woman whose parents were among the hostages rescued by Israeli commandos from Entebbe Airport has been tapped to head the United States National Security Agency’s new Cybersecurity Directorate.

>Anne Neuberger of Baltimore has worked at the NSA for the past decade. She helped establish the US Cyber Command and worked as chief risk officer, where she led the agency’s election security efforts for the 2018 midterms.

>Neuberger said her family’s harrowing escapes, first from the Holocaust and then from the hostage situation in Uganda after the Air France flight her parents were on was hijacked by Palestinian terrorists in 1976, had helped shape her worldview.

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's the difference, all intel passes through Israel anyway.
Things wont change till the collapse, then jews will come right back to fuck it up again.
If only there was a solution.

>If only there was a solution.

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and pedes say this (pic related) is shill talk

Attached: Joo Joo Cum.gif (568x320, 2.94M)

Prepare to have any comments on internet that’s anti-semitic removed. That means banning Jow Forums

LMAO read this thread
Absolute delusion

she a cute 3.14

oh no little goy. they will be left standing. the ones posting will be silently hunted down and killed


A small part of me wants you to be right to see if this force user to go out and play.

Attached: If 4channel disappeared tomorrow, whre would you go.png (1844x1006, 701K)

she is a very good looking woman...



Shills are being paid to avoid Trump getting re-elected, this doesn't imply Trump isn't a piece of shit kikesucker.

dat fat fat nose though

>Shills are being paid to avoid Trump getting re-elected
Got to give it to the shills they are doing a fucking great job at it.

Attached: Deportations under each president.jpg (750x418, 58K)

>Implying Jews aren't playing all sides against one another as always.

So you're saying they're basically right calling him a zionist boomer. Who are the "shills" by the way ? Discord trannies ?


Attached: discord tranny.jpg (855x115, 17K)

These people won't be in charge after 2020 when Chump loses.

>anyone gets appointed to any job in the entirety of the Executive branch
>Trump must have personally appointed her and vetted her for Jewishness

Fucking shills.

Attached: executive branch.jpg (1016x224, 74K)

>4 million people
Man thats a lot. One question, who appointed this particular jew?

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Maybe a paid team to push a democrat candidate here. Trump uses Fox, fake alt-media, alt-kike... as allies and MSM as controlled opposition (see they never criticize him hitting where it really hurts).
Maybe there is a group of people tired of his jewshit too. This is my case, but I'm a NEET.

>implying he doesn't have the job because he's fucking Ivanka

No I'm sure Trump must have specifically hired him due to being a Jew. That has to be the reason.

recipe for habbening

step 1)

that payscale faggot is posting that shit all over, I think he's from GLP, which is basically just jew boomers.

>quit noticing the jew problem, goyims

stay safe frens

>He didnt got the job for being a heeb
>He got it for being the heeb fucking his daughter
That makes it so much better.

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