Why are young people today more depressed and anxious?
Why are young people today more depressed and anxious?
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IDK retard why are Americans miscegenated unspeakable horrors?
Because they grow up in a rotten world consumed by drugs, decadence, inmorality and depravity, in wich every institution from schools to the entire civil service is corrupted and neglectful towards the awaken individuals within the system. It is in the failure to adapt to this putrid and degenerate world where we find the most valuable citizens for the national socialist cause
Because THIS is not what the world should be like, and they subconsciously know it. Yes, even the libtards. Especially the libtards.
>why are college students more depressed and and anxious?
The let more retards in and now it's 4 more years of high school with all the diversity while costing $10,000/year, but that's only if you're white because everything else gets government grant money
Must have sex
They have less siblings and grew up in smaller families.
>Why are young people today more depressed and anxious?
Most of these kids have been raised on a healthy diet of fear mongering, school shootings, global warming, terror. Conditioned fear=learned helplessness. All that shit is like a computer worm in your mind. They need to break the conditioning. Eat mushrooms
because of the jews
Everyone needs to jerk off more often with other guys and smoke a lot of drugs. I am semi homeless and I jerk it nonstop with my bros.
Nothing tastes better than cock.
they aren't, its just are openly mentionable now whereas it was previously social suicide to be depressed.
>because of the jews
Religion is what makes this possible. Judiam is nothing but a guilt fear trip implanted into the brain. The conditioned fear virus overrides logic and reason making a person into a bot. For Jews are so loaded with fear it makes them paranoid. The whole religion induces paranoid schizophrenia so that the jew strikes out in fear..
Cause they sit on computers and do nothing all day with minimal sunlight and thousands of years of evolution didn't build humans to do that
They are being exploited by boomers. Boomers tracked up a debt and now millennial are inheriting that debt. Regardless of they understand economics or not, on a subconscious level they know they are fucked if they accept this baton and run with it. They know on some level they are being taken advantage of due to inflation.
The answer is to abandon the boomer system
From my perspective.
>Grew up with no role models
>Had to teach myself many things
>khv at 26
>anxious and low mood
>take anti-depressants and smoke weed
At least I work out regularly, classic WoW will make everything better.
Ching chang chong hapaboi
Because they're pussy faggots who were never taught how to handle adversity and hardship. Since they were never taught coping and stress management skills, their instinctive response is to shut down.
>Consume hallucinogens. No think of bad thing
>Do not acknowledge bad thing :^|
Nursing homes in the future will make Auschwitz look like a holiday resort.
Leftist Marxism and shitty boomers ya no shit I'd be suicidal too
honestly, its the constant bombardment of information due to phones/computers imo, the primitive brain probably cant handle it, and thats why 90 percent of the youth now vapes nicotine
They have turned their backs on God.
Diminishing returns and unmet expectations.
Uncle Ted explained this
social media and most are children of divorce
Mass immigration has scattered our communities and left us feeling alienated.
>most are children of divorce
if parents were ever married
>whites are still majority of population
>forced to work their asses off in school to get comparable benefits to even the laziest nigger
>constantly told they and their ancestors are evil by every teacher despite having created western civilization
>bombarded 24/7 with propaganda telling them to do drugs and be degenerate shitheads
>inheriting 20 trillion dollars of debt to pay for nigger welfare, boomer pensions, and wars for Israel
>had college shoved down their throats by boomer parents but realized half way through it is no longer a place of actual learning and now they owe 100k
>inflation is so bad and wage growth is so stagnant that most of them will not be able to buy a house until their late 30s
>massive portion of women have totally abandoned traditional family values, so their chances of finding a good wife are shit, and if they do she will probably be forced to work a job as well
>alienation and atomized culture due to forced integration of niggers
Social media. The biggest fucking mistake was the smart phone. I would permentaly break all cell phones at once if possible. Let people be free again
If you've been on a college campus you'd know that they aren't depressed. 90% are just whiney pond sum with no original thoughts. Saw a kid with a "Make America Gay Again" shit yesterday. What the fuck is that supposed to mean. Fucking ridiculous man.
Same except for the drugs part.
>Parents fought a lot for at least 15 first years of my life.
>I had no idea if parents will be divorced tommorow or not, will be okay or not.
>Try harder to become good at school, failing miserable at it but still accomplish to be the third best student of the classroom
>Too insecure and mentally disturbed to have a proper conversation with the girl I had a crush
>Develop migraine and unable to retain information (as defense mechanism) at the age of 9 y.o., still suffering from it today
I think my parents were privileged to have a proper stable family, but they grow to become selfish assholes. Did you have similar problems?
Mostly this desu
Just look arround.
Why wouldn't we be depressed and anxious? You dumb fucking boomers and gen x have sold out every white country, there is no way to recover demographics, and those amongst us who want to emigrate to escape (though personally I am not one) can't do so, because we're too poor as we haven't had a lifetime of building up shekels.
No money
No jobs
No home
No future
Maybe because modern society is too fast, retarded, and stressful.
living a life of meme adversity makes them unable to handle reality
all we have left is avocados
and when boomers see us with our green friends who seek only to nourish us with macro-nutrients they blame all our problems on the one thing keeping us alive, our green wonderfruits
The values they hold on to are shallow (entertainment, identity politics, living for the day, etc.) and their depression is coming from the meaningless these things inevitably offer.
Because the world is going to suffer unimaginable tragedy in this century wrought by climate change and global nuclear war.
have sex, incel.
education is teacher leeching u
real life is u pay people to suck dick
don't be an smurt ass college student it's bullshit
just spawn some god damn child damn it
You perfectly spelled it out
Asians have high IQ but they suck at innovating. They're the perfect corporate cash cow because they're obedient, hard working, and smart enough to work with highly complex systems that someone else invented.
It's almost like paying six-figures worth of tuition to be told by a snarling Jew or anti-white orc how you're evil for the crime of existing and then once laden with debt and a useless toilet paper degree you're kicked out into the world and expected to generate millions in tax revenue to fund your ethnic replacement while 100% of the media and social policy continuously bashes you and discriminates against you for your skin color, might make you a tad bit upset.
Because their parents are responsible for destroying their nations, their futures, and the world at large. Being doomed to a life of poverty and suffering because of the insatiable greed of your parents is probably pretty depressing.
Exactly. Even the liberals subconsciously know their ways are wrong.
Just look at how female feminists never date male feminists. Or how white liberals protest against racism, but don't want to live in black neighborhoods. These kind of virtue signal mind games progressives play prove they don't actually believe this unnatural bullshit.
More surveillance and shame/cancel culture. People are expected to fall into line and their peers will deem them persona non grata if they don't do as they are expected to do. With social media they will be rolled in tar and feathers for everyone to see for all eternity, there is no escaping it.
Poor diets and processed food, drug use ect.
>women now outnumber men in colleges
>college students are depressed
Whiter than you leaf.
At 18, my friend committed suicide. Ever since then, I've had thoughts about dying and suicide. In college, I started smoking weed and eventually quit leaving my dorm, sitting inside browsing Jow Forums in my bed. I stopped eating healthy, stopped exercising, and stopped going to class. I dropped out, continuing all my bad habits. I expose myself to vitriolic negativity on Jow Forums for hours each day. I eventually enrolled in online college, and I'm about to finish, but I still feel horrible all the time. I started lifting a few months ago and I guess it's helped a little bit.
the world has gotten worse
yeah honestly, mark fisher talks about this. We used to just have a cyberspace in personal computers inside our homes that stayed in place but now everyone are constantly connected to it. It has replaced reality.
it's just an extension. Sorry, kid. The genie is already out of the bottle. Smartphones are absolutely required in 2019.
Cuz everyone in my Generation Gen Z thinks they are special and talented and shit but at 25 they allways realise they aren't shit but average normies, at that point they realize this and learn to live with it or they become ''rebellious'' and they start joining fringe groups like Antifa LGBTQ or even right wing activist groups.
Well said
>Why are young people today more depressed and anxious?
Quite simply it's because there's a pill for that.
>stuck living in an unnatural world
>modern day fucking sucks no matter your political views cuz both sides are fucked at this point
Hmm idk
there are studies on this, as it turns out nobody, not even Liberals, especially Liberals who in actuality tend to alienate those they try to hold up by being emotionally damaged sociopaths that even "minorities" don't find normal, and aside from the fact people are just not concerned with things outside their immediate
Fuck you, faggot. The phone doesn’t force you to socialize. Guns don’t kill people, niggers do.
Zoomer here, it's because this country is dead and will become Brazil 2.0 in my lifetime.
I have zero attachment to this brown person shopping mall we call a country.
Have you seen the brainwashing on YouTube ads??
>there’s your depression again
>not just one symptom either
I get two of these exact ad on every Christian song I play. Kikes
J00z have corrupted America
Perfect analysis zoomed friend. Perfect.
Forced to think illogically from birth.
> we are polluting the planet - need more immigrants.
> having immigration is good because it keeps wages down and house prices high.
> it's ok to walk down this street late at night past these black gentlemen.
because they are pussies.
You get anxious and depressed when you live in an atomized and isolated society. You have to take on every challenge life throws at you solely by yourself and nobody else. There's no friends,family or community to mentor anyone. No strong moral leadership anywhere. It's a mess.
If you want to see changes, start with groups and community. Shitposting won't fix anything.
Jow Forums is one of the only reasons I don’t lose my mind.
Anons vent their frustrations here and proceed to fall in line once they step into the real world. That's if they leave the house. We need to start making actual communities that depend on each other. The point is: shitposting here won't change a thing us it's carried out in reality.
That’s obvious but even more difficult to actually accomplish, when everyone glows and everything’s a honeypot. Everyone’s mossad and a kike and a shill. Everyone On the right is scattered.
Because by hitting the reality wall they realise that the "be what you want to be" doesn't allow you to live if you choose something non-marketable.
Because we live in the end times
It's amazing how many people don't realize this.
Because they never let go of their smartphones, they never go out in the nature to exercise or just appreciate it.
Yeah, I get it. It's a giant clusterfuck. Even non-political groups would be worth forming or joining. Most anons on Jow Forums seem to be introverts yearning for personal connections and a sense of belonging. This place is full of INTJ and INTP autists. (Myself included)
No sex and no sense of belonging if you’re white.
This is the biggest reason imo. But there are lots of other contributing factors too.
Bring the next Carrington Event!
This is why you are depressed, because you believe in this shit that the media feeds you with.
Doesn't change though when/if they get a job. They just get a few sheckles to drown their pain.
You got to get out and experience the world for yourself. It is not what this place makes it out to be. (except for specific places in some countries).
Change your environment, whether it is physically or mentally.
They are absolutely not required in any way.
Social media and lack of smoking.
Back in the day if you had a bit of social anxiety you started smoking at 14. Then you had a smaller group of smokers that accepted you as long as you had a “light” or an extra cig occasionally. You had six minutes of socialization. It got lots of kids through the rough 14-20 age group.
Now instead of having a real social group built around real life interactions, now kids spend their days looking a pictures and measuring themselves with the number of “likes.”
There is no generation to blame other than the degernative boomer cucks that came well before us. Say what you will about millennials, but we don't own islands fucling children now do we now? You inferior incestuous corpses.
we're smack dab in the middle of a massive psychological warfare campagin
I had this conversation yesterday. As a first generation American with friends from both inside and outside my ethnicity, it is a lack of common culture and nothing over which to bond. My American friends all have different recreational activities and side-hustles which creates a disconnect between them. I have a very small core group of friends who do the same sorts of activities. Everyone else i've met from the last two decades is kept at Facebook's length. To put it simply, it's very hard for large groups of young people to do one thing all together after high school. It's hard even in college, where there is literally a culture war happening. College is no longer a place where you can be educated and grow into your own; it's a place where you are pressured to conform to a pre-determined set of norms and behavior to be accepted. And that's a lot to deal with when you have values that are anathema to the ideas to which you are supposed to conform. You may participate in the "one-thing" but it's out of coercion and not genuine interest.
For my "ethnic" friends (i.e.-friends of the same ethnicity), we share much more in common and while we're not as tight as some groups of friends, we are all generally high-spirited. We know each other through church events, community events, dances, cultural events, etc. We know each other within a context of a unifying ethnicity, religion, and social tradition. Even in the old country, young people are united by these same things. You can get 500 strangers together at a village celebration and they'll dance together until the sun comes up. The US has none of this and is miserable.
over socialization and technology
I just do my best to speak truths
If I'm wrong, im wrong
But pol is always right...
CNN, MSNBC, ect; they keep telling them the country is worse that it's ever been and is only going to get worse. They create boogeymen and tell them they are going to get them and their imaginary friends. People caught onto local news keeping everyone in a state of constant fear for viewers and profit decades ago. Why do people not realize the same tactics are being used on them from just a different angle?
As a millennial, I've seen a lot of my peers fall into degeneracy and infantilism.
Millennials are worse than boomers, but they were only able to grow into such a shitty generation upon the fertile burnt down remains the boomers let western civilization get reduced to.
I honestly don't know, I just feel like shit
They're more anxious, because they are largely underprepared in material and maturity for college. They are depressed, because our propaganda makes them feel alone, isolated in their country, and inherently angry at others for percieved crimes, inherently guilty for crimes you didn't do, or bitter and resentful at the system, but lack the will to endure.it.
It's a very sad state of affairs and this is ignoring how the schools are trying to fiscally ruin the students.
This video explains it all.