Germany: fucking things up since 118BC

Everything this country has done in its history is ruin and destroy

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fuck off, Paki

Seems humane.

China is the birthplace of advanced civilization

The 11 words

Ethnostates are fake and gay
Hapa futurism is the only way!

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Diversity is our strength blahblahblah I'm guessing to have some German heritage, probably never even fucking visited the place have you fat fuck

Not any more. The men in that country gave their lives for the Vaterland. Only pussies and imported niggers are left.

Stop D&C


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Actual Viking and Anglo helmets never had horns.

You are buying into renaissance era propaganda.

>ruin and destroy
Jewish slave-taking scams. Proud of it too, Heil Hitler

Germany is just in the middle.
All of Germany are already rape babies from countless wars overrun from all directions.
True Germans are neither R1a nor R1b. The last Germans have been decimated a long time ago.
Anglo Saxons are closer to the true Germans than inhabitants of Germany today.

>what is every country ever
nigga there are blackass mothafukkas in islands that kill your ass for showing up today, go fuck yourself

Said the inbred bongmongrel sub-human. Eat shit and die, Nigel. The only people that ruin Europe are anglos.

>Anglo Saxons are closer to the true Germans than inhabitants of Germany today.
Must be one of us on holiday. No kraut would ever say that.

The real 11 words:
Ching chong chang, do you wanna bang?
Sucky sucky five dorra

wouldnt the purest germans be in nordic countries

We conquerored tge world, started the industrial revolution, gave birth to the West and gave the world the greatest language that you are unironically speaking.

Go invent some more fucking bacon

>118 BC

>hating on whites
go away Ari.

Not all of them (e.g. Finns)
True Germans are I1.
Pic related was the genetic makeup before the countless wars.

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Are you saying Germans as a tribe didn't exist back in the day? According to Caesar you use to btfo Gauls a lot.

at least we did not lose against the romans unlike british cuckboiis

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You're part of the Germanics, big guy. Thanks for killing Rome.

Too embarrassed to show ur Canadian/Australian flag, eh, Chang?

fat fug can't even find our cunt on a map but please tell me more

more like a slavshit or roach

Not during Caesar though. You got BTFOEd.
History of the West is so romantic lowkey.
From barbarian tribes to well educated enlightenment thinkers to into autistic nationalist and now cuck faggots.

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All Bongs living near the scottish border are as German as you can get.

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(((intelligent nationalist)))
>It's the germans goyim we jews were just chillin while this evil goyim attacked us for no reason

>t. Deutscher Hahnrei

Sie sollten sich entschuldigen, sonst werde ich Erdogan sagen, Ihre Familie zu vergewaltigen

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Kek, most of it is actually good.

Except for the anglosphere.

"Germany" didnt exist until the mid 19th century when Kaiser Wilhem the Great unified them

imagine not being germanic

also sage

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germany exist since the frankish empire.. just because names, ideology or whatever changed does not mean it was not germany

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is this accurate?

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genociding others in self defense
why the fuck should i be sorry ?

Truly the niggers of western Europe.

>well, akshually

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During Caesar ?
fucking moron,caesar conquered GAUL, which is FRANCE NOT GERMANY
Germans even made up a good Portion of his cavalry

I swear US education gets worse everytime i visit here

I had a German shepherd and she bit me in childhood. Solidarity.

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your kikery must stop Nigel

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>Siezen im Internet
typical boomer Ausländer

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Arnt Anglos and Saxons Germanic people?

Also on a slightly unrelated topic,

People in the UK with surnames that have a Norman origin have a higher average income than people with Anglo Saxon or Bretonic. surnames.

What are people called that originated on the British isles? By blood. Not modern Brits.

Rome was a kingdom of degenerate niggers.


Rome was where the US is now. A mighty empire that in-fights more than it meaningfully grows.

Sorry bongbro. Blame churchill

imagine unironiacally believing the roman army has been defeated by a bunch of snowniggers.

No Jimmy Saville. Disappointing.

And created Israel.

they were once upon a time

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sure nignog projecting

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America is a kingdom of degenerate niggers. Send Goths.

This is what Hitler also wanted to do. The Jew refused to leave so he fired up the ovens

The greatest irony is that there were more Jews buried in German war graves in the Great War than there were in the whole of Britain over the course of a thousand years, that Germans and Jews are so intertwined that the rest of us have to guess whether or not it’s a Jewish or German surname and we can only be sure by going back several generations in a person’s last name (see Nuremburg race laws...), and yet Jow Forumsacks here would have me believe Britons are the goodest goys of the Jews because of one banking family out of thousands (who was also, conveniently, another Jew from Frankfurt). I’m starting to believe OP is right.

Europe is about to put on a show for the rest of the world, sit back and enjoy while we show you proper nationalism. I find Trump highly entertaining, thank you for that show. It has been absolutely hilarious watching him BTFO libtards. But if an orange cheeto billionaire with questionable ethics and the spelling errors of a 15 year old instagram slut is your serious attempt at nationalism, you are going to find what is going to happen here quite exciting. When you see the combined power and efficiency of Le Pen, Orban, Baudet, Johnson, Salvini, and others, you are going to hate your 2 party system to the core and be inspired to make real change in your country too. If you think Europeans will let their continent become the USA, or worse, Brazil, you are in for the show of your life.

That chink looks like an actual subhuman, holy fuck. So grateful to be white right now.

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Caesar had wars with Germanic tribes to
Read the Gallic Wars you imbecile

Actually tech has been fucking things up


What about inventing rockets and being the reason people went into space?

We were Jew free until your trash washed on our shores in the 1920s. “None is too many” was our stance while you elevated and glorified heebs like pic related.

I’ve pretty much washed my hands of Germans now. There’s no helping them.

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>Everything this country has done in its history is ruin and destroy

Are...are we the bad guys?

Dutch is a superior language both structurally and in terms of endless vocabulary because of the option to stick words together to create terms that more accurately describe things. German is the same.



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Only a man who doesnt experienced the joys of crush, kill, burn and destroy can make a thread like this.

It's one thing to create and build things, but the real satisfaction lies in the destruction of these things my friend. So the celtic, germanic, hunnic and mongol people knew this.

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