It enrages me whenever I see a map of Europe or a region selecter that Turkey is included in Europe. I thought it was some shitskin goatfucker country in the middle east?
Turkey being listed as a European country
meh, half european, half shitskin
The argument they use is super flawed too. Because 5% of the state is in Europe, the other 95% is depicted as being in Europe. Weirdly they never show French Polynesia in a map of Europe though.
if greece had anatolia would it be seen as a part of europe?
So? The biggest european city is located in Turkey. Europe is not even a separate continent, but part of the eurasian landmass. I suggest you find yourself a better hobby that complaining about irrelevant stuff online
It enrages me when I see Australia is included in Eurovision
Maybe. Europe is strangely defined but the original definition was East-West of the Bosphorus and South-North of the Med. Under that definition no but culture certainly plays a part.
Georgia and to a lesser extent Armenia truly feel European whilst in no way being geographically European.
You might want to look at a map before spouting bullshit.
Only constantinopel is european
> I thought it was some shitskin goatfucker country in the middle east?
It is, they'll never be European, but they'll always be garbage.
Azerbaijan,Georgia,Armenia and even Kazakhstan are labeled European.
Agree about Georgia and Armenia
That even pisses me off
>this post
>that flag
Greece is a shitskin country in Europe
Wait what?
Then Turkey, which is still relatively European in character and also clearly has land in Europe, should also be included.
Those countries aren't even in Europe!
Cope wh*Toid
> I thought it was some shitskin goatfucker country in the middle east?
It is
user I...
Not yet but soon,since secularism and Christianity is growing in Turkey
Georgia and Armenia is 100% Christian Kazakhstan 20% or so.
Azerbaijan and Turkey are not there yet
> that flag
We know that burgers have a hard time even finding Europe on a map.
Buttmad Turk who doesn't even I've in Turkey detected
These maymays are cringe as fuck. It's never going to catch on
95% of Turkey is on asia. Also, turks are not an european population
If Turkey is European then Egypt is Asian.
Armenia feels largely Persian idiot
Oy, do ya ave ai loicense for dis much batthurt?
So basically, Southern and Eastern Europe .
show flag faggot.
also, and? persians are aryan, armenians too. they are more indo-european than you alabama 56% face
They're considered European geographically, are Middle Eastern culturally, and LARP as Mongolians. In-reality, they're all mystery meat with a superiority complex.
Europeans are white.
Hungarians are not indo-european so that means they are not a european population
The original mutts
They’re not western, that’s all that matters.
The modern country of Turkey is sat upon Anatolia which was once Greek.
>if greece had anatolia would it be seen as a part of europe?
it would be new england :')
watch yo damn mouth, wh*Teboi
israel is europe too
Watch your mouth,Sandnigger.
Well I never saw Isreal included in maps of Europe or region selectors
They are europeans
Fuck Turkey.
This is it. Black thinks their ghetto shenanigans makes them good at war but the evidence suggests only blacks trained by whites (the ex-marine who killed cops in dallas) know how to fight effectively.
whites win a gun fight simply because they are intelligent enough to use cover and work systematically. Blacks dont have the IQ or discipline they can only fight emotionally.
Lol, Turks aren't goatfuckers, you are looking for the word Kurds.
Turkey can sink your shithole in a war
turkish population is very diverse, some people have alot of slavic blood, greek, kurd, armenian etc. Some more brown some less
Tomato tomarto
Turkey isn't even joined to the European continent. They only occupy a single European city.
>greco-arab-mongol mutts
Where are all the Turk Posters? Oh thats right there are none now.
Western Turkey (Istanbul, Izmir, Bursa) are indistinguishable from any med nation.
t. urk
have you ever even been to a med nation faggot
Mehmet is right, Roaches don't fuck goats. No, they fuck donkeys. These are not your standard Arabs
>Roach shilling
It's all so tiresome, Achmed
cause they stole it
your ARE a turk tho, aren't you?
And you're wrong, prolly because you've never visited any other med place except roach coast
>Where are all the Turk posters?
right here wh*Teboi
Based turk bro
>Several toothpaste flags
>All sandniggers
Sandniggers know no shame and have no honor
Allochtonen moeten terug gaan.
>Larping brown incel
Germany is Europe you faggot
Turks are Eurasians if you like or not
For a mystery meat country they sure owned your ass and many other nations under their empire for a long time. Was probably easy for them to roll over a country full of deformed cousin fucking shit skins.
fuck the roaches
>You might want to look at a map before spouting bullshit.
Lol Europe is Azerbaijan
They are culturaly and ethnically europeans as stated.
And just like stated, would it make sense to name France a south american country?
>persians are aryan
Don't let those ck2 portraits fool you.
I kind of liked Turkey when i was there in 2010 (Side) and 2011 (Alanya). Hot like hell in the end of july and beginning of august but the Turks were really nice at least back then.
Alanya was funny they had some speaker towers chanting something early in the morning and most tourist were really annoyed by getting so early.
Then a british woman complained to the Turk authorities and towers went silent :D
>towers went silent
Those pushovers do anything for their tourismBUX.
Maybe they cared more for their tourists than their religion but i still feel it was nice by the Turks, i mean a religion is 24/7 wether there are speaker towers or not.
They showed great consideration to spoiled western tourists.
And that is what i like about religions, they can adapt, it's not like the core of religion lies on some speaker towers.
>They showed great consideration to spoiled western tourists.
Mhhm. Because they want their money.
I believe that most white Turks are secular already.
That's about right. There are lots of white, secular Turks there.
Stay enraged kangaroo-fucker
When you are a failed country which serves as a safe haven for immigrants, LGBT, and genuine socialist kurdish terrorists. Even have a woman as a president. But you think you btfo Turks by showing some drawing of a gay orgy. See pic related if you want to see some gay shit nigger
okay so this is the thread?
well gay, turkey don't got balls.. in fact one of our kings, he went down there and he had to go undercover fighting... because
ladida that was not fit for a prince... the turks called him out after a bit, his name is harald hardråde... he was womanizer so when he told this turks.. guys I need to go home the throne is there... the emperor said okay, user, we tank you for your service...
but the queen(I obviously fikied) no she got mad
cuck emperor says.. I guess you are not leaving then, arrest him
but then they ofc broke him out.. and he went straight to the king
>waiy wat you again?
and he poked his eyes out as lit is tradition in turkey... then he came back, first getting a russian princess, ellisiv, she was really god at horseback... and he got one here(he was christian is brother of olav the holy, but didn't yet get the concept)... then in 1065 he went to normandie... they planned, when had brought down this english revolt and taken it back.. he woulf marry villhjalms daughter..
all winter he was there, always talking with his wyfu.. so he got upset.. are you doing to me like you did to the turks?!?! that is my wyfe!!!!
nonono... you got it all wrong is your daughter... he wan'ts to marry your daughter ooh... my god, but YES!
and when he fell in 1066 at stamford, and he got nobody is going to marry his daugther.. he got so angry, sagas go it was an accident, but as he jumped on horseback and went TOO THE BEACH
he """accidentally""" kicked his spurs in his womyns chest... she died before he got to the beach of normandie
fuck you "people" I had to listen to this
We all know what kind of a german you are, Pasha
I loved Lankaran and Astara, user, so wonderful for hiking and tea! Sheki was super cool too
>I thought it was some shitskin goatfucker country in the middle east?
I'm a Turk, and yes it is. Stay out of there.
you are swedish hakan, now bring it everything is dead so now I rightfully call you håkan, filthy disgusting swede
just to get it starting you know
2 beers than six more
I guess if you work in lögreglan, he will stay at home then we can control him.. we're already speaking to our norwegian counter parts
why are there no greenland threads here? you guys suck! Big eyed mother fucker, stupid danes
don't even know how to eat seal....
Yes, they occupy actual Europa. See pic related.
fucking rivotril selling gypsy
you do know right in the end.. you are going to call me the bad guy... as we start
how much for 100k, you don't go down in price.. I buy 10k of you.. you retards haven't learened how to sell drugs
fucking idiots, we are exploiting you, once more, because you allow it
prostitutin on in oslo... at least we don't got this shit back home iceland