I am currently working on creating the foundation for creating supersoldiers for the ethnostate. I made a 3200 word document entailing the approximate genetic and metabolic changes required in order to create der ubermensch. Consider this the epilogue to the book i plan on writing which will effectively be " how to create a Supersoldier101 ". It will include; a list every gene required, all genetic circuits written in cello, a compiled genome of the organism, all equipment to manufacture said organelle, and the complete method to do so. THIS IS NOT A LARP. i expect alot of shills and glowniggers will swarm this thread . BEWARE.

unless you have a criticism of a specific fact outlaid in the paper, do not vaguely accuse me of larping, this outs you as a clear shill

here is the paste bin :

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 66K)

Other urls found in this thread:

here is the document as a jpeg for those who dont wish to visit pastebin and still wish to read/ share it.

Attached: DERUBERMENSCH.jpg (1901x2264, 1.61M)

go write a fucking scifi instead of LARPing plausible tech, you dimwitted turbonegro

This is the most speculative thing ever written. Just saying things like
>give him spider genes so he can heal wounds and also he doesnt need to breath oxygen because magic
Is beyond cringe. You may be retarded but sadly are probably only a turbo autist.

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>I am currently working on creating the foundation for creating supersoldiers for the ethnostate.
>I made a 3200 word document
>3200 word
Man, neonazitoids are fucking funny to watch

LMAO what retard shit is this?

Glad you're back.

Good read OP, please continue.

Ethno-Intellectualism, no doubt

>give him spider genes so he can heal wounds and also he doesnt need to breath oxygen because magic
i didn't say this at all. what i said was substitute the gene for human keratin with spider keratin ( spider silk) and that the electron given off strontium 90 decay would supply more than enough energy to power electron chain transport to produce atp, with atp production produced in this manner oxygen is no longer required for the body to function. non of this is magic

Hmmm, does begging for attention with a fake Larp fall under a certain report category or not ?

free electrons are able to power atp in two organisms known, both of which have been sequence and every protein responsible for this is known

Kek, /thread

this is not larp, vaguely accusing me of larping without details outs you as a shill

>this is not larp
No it's far worse, you weirdo nazitoid


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When a even a portion of a gene is changed it will disrupt others genes and you have to find a way to change them to be normal enough or your creation will die before or just after birth as a humonculi creature.

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Go where, weirdo?

>replace the electron sink Oxygen with an even rarer element, not readily available without artificial means

You're a special kind of stupid, aren't you?

How strong do you expect us to be?

wrong, keratin has no effect on other genes


strontium isn't acting as an electron dump, its acting as a electron source. strontium is readily created and cheap 2 kg could feed a person for 29 years and they would need to not eat any for 60 years to be in strife.

20-100 times more forceful muscle contractions not to mention the extra size of muscles. hard to say. VERY.


what this movie gonna be about? is this gonna be a terminator knockoff?

posting in an epic thread

there is more than enough thorium and uranium to produce strontium for tens of millions of years for all of us. but if the amount of soldiers were limited we are talking hundreds of millions of years, longer than the habitable lifespan of our sun. shut the fuck up. scarcity is not an issue .

Posting for inspiration

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>3200 word document

I work in govt and 3200 words would barely cover a requisition form for a box of pencils.

3200 words

That's not a lot

What other physical changes do you expect to happen? You mentioned in the previous thread an increase in the speed of thought?

hey there glow nigger, as i said this is just the epilogue

increase of height, musculature, bone density, skin texture and colour, eye colour, hair colour, stronger faster, faster nerve propagation velocity, bullet proof, you wont need to breathe, or eat, you will age very slowly if at all. numerous other new adaptions.

>a list every gene required, all genetic circuits written in cello, a compiled genome of the organism, all equipment to manufacture said organelle
This reeks of kike mentality. You think of people as machines and you would unironically manufacture "aryans" in a fucking factory. Your creations will never be more than a faceless mob with no identity, no love for our culture and heritage and no allegiance to anything but themselves. It sounds like all (((their))) come true, and exactly what they've been trying to create in brazil and america.
You can't create more aryans only more (((white people))). Aryans are not manufactured but conceived, given birth to, raised with love and responsibility and taught about where they come from, who their ancestors were, and and their cultural inheritance is. A drone produced on a factory line will have none of that.

>all (((their))) come true
I mean all (((their))) dreams come true

what the fuck are you talking about you projecting schitzo, taking a white who already loves our culture and enhancing them to fight for it isnt manufacturing Aryans????

Sounds good. Hmm. When do you believe this will be available for? Lord knows we need some in SA...

Do you even have any basis to show that your genetic modification would work? Crispr has shown nothing on your scale to date. Not to mention your radical transformation of the human body would be rejected by the native cells which would attempt to kill the new cells, and would probably cause the host to die.

Keep this shit on 8ch where everyone was bashing you harder.

Oh wait I didn't think you were retarded enough to think injecting random genes into an adult male would change them into "supersoldiers". I thought we were still at gene modified clone tier scifi autism.
In that case carry on, your whole idea is impossible and therefore thinking about it is a waste of time

they arent a random bunch of genes, name one of the genes i mentioned which wont work in the human body

hur dur u didnt understand a word i wrote, there are no new cells, and no genes are edited. what im suggesting is a symbiotic relationship with a intracellular parasite

no one bashed anything, no one stated a specific gene or enzyme that is toxic to the human body or is incapable of being expressed

your idea is shit you dumb autismo

How long will the growth take to manifest?

Jow Forums and /x/ write fanfiction

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This is useless in this age of massive disinfo, Cold and proxy wars, drones, exoskeletons, robots, mind control, ADS,...

prove it nigger.
i mean theoretically the growth takes place over whatever time you encode for, ill have to do research on the fastest a human can theoretically grow during growth spurts. id say 5 years is a decent time period. this would essentially be a second puberty. going from 4 foot to 6 foot is certainly possible during 5 years, going 6 foot to 7-8 feet over 5 years certainly is

I'm not going to give you shit op but what's the point of posting this at all?

I too watched Universal Soldier recently

This is a larp. Anyone intelligent enough to do any of whats listed here could much more easily modify a virus or parasite to target non whites with sterility. This is a retarded method.

you are retarded

whats your real job? I bet it is not scientist
bet its janitor or garbage man.

Hmm. That's certainly incredible. I do quite like this. How muscular do you believe we will be? Would you ever consider giving this to women as well? I'm not female btw.

not true, that kind of shit is too dangerous, any mutation in targeting segments could make it sterilise everyone

this kind of musculature and height would be optimum

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Oh yeah, that I'd like. Sign this manlet up.

I watched Slip Second the night before Rutger Hauer died. Subtext is basically the same. Water, temperature, conflict, evil plans, etc.

i mean it would be a waste but i guess

Do you work for Umbrella Corp?

This is definitely a LARP, but good job on the effort, looks like you did more research on shit than I'd be willing to.
At most, you're a random biology student, letting your boredom, imagination, and ideology get the better of you and combine into this nonsense.

How would you even modify women in your cringy larp?

This, if nothing else the pursuit of this will teach you a lot. I don't know enough biology to know if it is even remotely realistic but at least you're aren't just sitting in front of the TV all day. >20-100 times more forceful muscle contractions not to mention the extra size of muscles. hard to say. VERY.
I hope you increase tendon and bone strength as well or your creation will literally rip itself apart.

i wouldnt?

He did. If you bothered to read it.

yes i would, spider silk proteins would reinforce skin and connective tissues and bones, as well as goethite nano rods

Do you have any idea how any of this would feel?

How do you plan production and funding?


What would you say would be the fizikal and mental reqirements to pass for a person to go true all of that shit to become the supersoldier?


no different, spider silk is as flexible if not more flexible than human keratin, they are both keratins, spider keratin is just stronger

funding myself.
no idea, thats for a miliatry expert to figure out, i am making the augmentations not training or picking the soldiers

So women would be genetically the same as they are now? How would your super soldiers even breed? Are you mentally between the ages of 12-14 and do you have noodle arms?

But without providing the muscle and ligaments with equal strength to withstand the new "reinforced" skin you'd basically just implode.

Sounds like some people will go missing.

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im not suggesting every single person in the ethnostate becomes a super soldier now am i? are you retarded nigger. the same way anyone else breeds they still have the same reproductive systems? i LITTERALLY stated i wuld reinforce skin muscles bones ligaments EVERYTHING, also how the fuck would tougher skin make u implode where the fuck does that logic come from???? stronger muscles sure that makes sense, but tougher skin doesnt exert mechanical pressure on the body u fucking mong

Why do your soldiers need to have blood red eyes anyway? You never explain that. Is it for extra edginess?

Why do you type like shit on here yet "your" pastebin shit was grammatically well written (content is another story)? Did you even create that shit or is it some troll shill larp and you've been assigned to push it?

astaxanthin is the most potent antioxidant there is and blocks ionising radiation, hence it will be present in skin irises and hair colour, everywhere pigment is normally found in the body however the iron sulphide scales will hide the red skin. this will prevent eyes from uv damage

the spell check on my phone is retarded sorry

>im not suggesting every single person in the ethnostate becomes a super soldier now am i?
In your pastebin you state
>In order to survive, whites need to become something else.
Doesn't that imply that in your larp ethnostate that only modified people are allowed? Do these modified people even reproduce or are they sterile? The genetic gaps between them and normal humans would be too great to reproduce fertile offspring.

Since you would be the expert on subject matter your opinion would be quite valid.

The irises also have pigment, thus also by your logic they should not be red unless they suffer from ocular albinism.


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nah that was for drama, warrior caste will have the mods not regular citizens. and no they wont be sterile, there will be no genetic gaps, none of the genes are located in the nucleus, they are found within the symbiotic organelle replacing the mitochondria, mitochondria do not cross over genes in cell reproduction. basically, if a super soldier breeds with a super soldier it'll make a super soldier child, if a male supersoldier reproduces with a female civilian itll make a normal child and if a supersoldier woman reproduces with a normal man itll make a super soldier child

i mean we are talking abouts whites here of which alot have blue or grey or green eyes which is a low amount of pigment, the red will overpower whatever colour unless its brown in which case itll be a darker brown or if a light brown itll be a dark dark red.

The strontium based ATP production is an interesting idea, but at the end of the day that's all it is. I didn't read the entire document so I don't know if it's covered, but how do you plan on actually creating this artificial organelle in the first place? Also, do you have an actual background in science? I'm a biotech student and I'm been planning on running similar experiments in a couple of years once I'm further along in my education.

im completeing my honours in biotech majoring in nanotech and innovation management. modification of the midichloria intracellular intramitochondrial parasite

bump i like this

I don't care about the delivery system and just saying you'll modify something isn't enough for me. Do you have any idea of how you would actually go about that and what specific changes would need to be made to make strontium based ATP?

Ok, so, how are you planning on accomplishing this exactly?

>tear duck

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long story short modification of the calcium importer gene in mitochondria to bind to strontium with higher affinity ( strontium is similar to calcium already and enters the body through calcium pumps) this will create a very high gradient of strontium within the organelles. genes and enzymes for free electron atp production taken from electrolithotrophs will be added to midichloria. i skipped big chunks but thats the crux of it. and basically whilst the organelle is there it may as well express genes for enzymes rna and proteins ect which are beneficial to the host cell.

see this

thats not how any of that works
just no

I don't get why people would be this triggered over a larp??? Unless????

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How do we know you're not a shill posting retarded bullshit here so the kikes and commies can screenshot it and mock us on media frequented by normies?

because they are terrified kikes who know they have pushed whites just a little too far

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